At what stage in the plants life is it ready for fertilizer?


I've heard and read several different opinions on this topic but not from any veteran growers so for the highly experienced grow masters:

At what stage in a plants life are ferts most beneficial?


Well-Known Member
It depends entirely on the choice of medium.

Hydro for example is pretty much straight away.
Whenever I germinate in coco or rockwool I premix a nutrient mix to presoak the chosen medium with.

Soil however is different.
Most basic low fert'd soils will keep the plant sustained for 1-3weeks.

A good sign is when the cotelydons start to yellow then they are ready for ferts.



The medium is mg mc & perlite so I guess it already has some time release stuff in it, the plants are growing at a good pace very healthy and its only week 3 but I'm trying to plan ahead and have something ready to go when i need it. Thanks for info

Po boy

Well-Known Member
if u have a good soil then wait until they are at least about 18 days old. start with a light solution and work it up as the plant matures. GL