At what stage of flower do the buds fatten up?????


Hi guys i was just wondering how long into flowering is it before the buds really start to fatten up usually?

I know different strains will react differently. But i was just wondering

Im growing a single female cheese under 1 x 400w hps with 4 x 20w cfl`s around the base of the girl for an extra boost for the lower canopy.

Just started the 5th week of 12/12 and although shes looking real nice with real frosty bud sites i dont seem to see much swelling in the bud itself.

Heres a cpl of pics taken a few days ago. 1 (1).jpg1.jpg1 (3).jpg

Any advice would be great.


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
this stage your entering is my favorite , after seeing them break ground, sit back and enjoy every day of flowering , they change so much in these last few weeks


Well-Known Member
look ok to me ..

but how close do you keep that 400W HPS ?

View attachment 2346041

I usealy see most fatten up in the last half of flowering (after week 4)

fist 4 weeks of 12/12 is mostly about the stretch and setting flowers/buds/white hairs ..

then they will fatten up from week 4-7 or so .. well usually they will grow there buds from week 4 to 6 and fatten them up in the very end .. last week (week 8 I usually don't see much fatten up .. more like a maturing of the buds/hairs/thricomes ..

I usually use some guano powder (15% P) as top dressing around week 4 to help em grow some nice buds ..
also use black strap molasses every seccon watering in between the nuts ..

Ooh yea and also had good experiance with Plagron Green Sensasion (a sugar/bud product can get many different once .. do some research)

acctualy I got some pics of what I use for Veg/flowering



Active Member
look ok to me ..

but how close do you keep that 400W HPS ?

View attachment 2346041

I usealy see most fatten up in the last half of flowering (after week 4)

fist 4 weeks of 12/12 is mostly about the stretch and setting flowers/buds/white hairs ..

then they will fatten up from week 4-7 or so .. well usually they will grow there buds from week 4 to 6 and fatten them up in the very end .. last week (week 8 I usually don't see much fatten up .. more like a maturing of the buds/hairs/thricomes ..

I usually use some guano powder (15% P) as top dressing around week 4 to help em grow some nice buds ..
also use black strap molasses every seccon watering in between the nuts ..

Ooh yea and also had good experiance with Plagron Green Sensasion (a sugar/bud product can get many different once .. do some research)

acctualy I got some pics of what I use for Veg/flowering

View attachment 2346042View attachment 2346043

WTF? you put molasses between your nuts? is that some weird scandanavian gardening ritual?


Well-Known Member
lol no .. actually had a hard time getting it here .. more of a US thing I guess ..

black strap molasses is used for the soil micro life .. but will also provide diffrent trace elements the plant will need .. like MG and iron aso.

try to google it ..


Hey Slipon thanks for that chart im within 6-7 inches away so im looking good as far as getting the most out of my light.

By the way im growing hydro using cocos and clay pebbles as medium and feeding with Ionic nutes. A completely passive system i just water as when she needs it, she gets good dry time aswell then to get more oxygen to the roots.


Well-Known Member
ahh ok some kind of hydro then .. but I would still look in to some kind of bud candy/sugar for the late flowering .. do some research .. 20-50$ for a small bottle might do the different and my 30$ bottle is on its seccon grow now ..


Active Member
lol no .. actually had a hard time getting it here .. more of a US thing I guess ..

black strap molasses is used for the soil micro life .. but will also provide diffrent trace elements the plant will need .. like MG and iron aso.

try to google it ..

I would imagine it would be hard to get it there, must be a few mirrors involved? Ah yes they are into some freaky behavior in the US.
Yes I am aware of the benefits of molasses in soil, I just never realised you put it on your nuts. Would be a mission to remove.