At which point does a seed become a male or female?


Active Member
At which point does a seed become a male or female? Is it genetically determined within each seed? Or do environmental conditions determine sex during the vegetative stage?


Well-Known Member
the day it is made. but we can't tell untill you grow it. after it flowers about 2 to 3 weeks you can tell male and female apart.


Active Member
I have read on various forums that if a plant is exposed to rough environmental conditions (too low ph etc.) it is more likely to become a male. Is that misinformation?


Well-Known Member
There are quite a few myths out there concerning male and female seeds. It all comes down to genitics and I believe its either a male or female seed.


New Member
Yeh I read it was environmental conditions.It was on hightimes.You have a better chance of getting females if:14-16 hours off light,small dose of nitrogen when there less than 1 month old,(liquidfert.)Day temps were 70,Cooler nights...


Active Member
I'm interested in what they have to say about the biology of that then? There must be some scientific data on this.


Well-Known Member
But if it's environment then how can you explain feminized seeds then? They are made by a female plant that is pollinated by another female plant(female stressed into a hermi). Making female seeds. The reason they know the seeds will become female is because there is no male gene present at the time of making the seeds. Now feminized seeds can be female or hermi. Never male. So this whole environment BS is crap I think. Sex would have to be determined at the time of making the seeds.
I'm sure I have never read (besides a newb post) that enviornmental conditions affect it becoming a male or not. These conditions could stress the plant and cause it to herm but it sounds ridiculous to say "sex is pre-determined but stress can cause herm or males..." That's like saying if a mother puts stress on her child in the womb the daughter can turn into a male or herm.... This is really bothering me and I will try and find soem real answers. Because if sex is determined by conditions and not when the seed is formed then fem. seeds are 110% pure bull doodie everyone is eating up. I think that really no one knows for sure


Active Member
Yea thats interesting that you say that stress can make a female into a herm but it can't be stressed into a male because thats genetically determined. Do they really stress female plants to make them herms or do they just use the herms that come out by chance?


Well-Known Member
keep a higher humidity, around 70% -80% and you will get more females..
keep the temps about 70-75. the cooler temps give more females than males.. males like heat.
less stress, less stress = more females..
18-6 lighting schedule rather than 24-0 give more females..
females like a good nitrogen diet..
males like more k or p, cant remember which atm..
control those things and your chances of getting a female will be greatly increased!


Well-Known Member
I just don't buy it. I think sex is determined in the seeds at developement. I do think males or females prefer certain conditions and enviroment.