This happend to me once before a couple years back and I ended up in the ER. This time it happens shortly after dinner, came home from work noticed some bacon in the fridge so I ate it. About 20 min later I get chest pains and dizziness, all of a sudden I can't feel my body and start falling. I told my girl I don't feel good and I might pass out. She said I then laid on the bed and it looked like I was sneeezing. I don't remember the sneezing part but this shit is really scary. I hope I don't have a serious illness like heart disease. I felt super hot after being dizzy and I noticed laying Down calmed the affects. The time I went to the ER and they kept me over night they couldn't find anything wrong with me which is weird because I nearly flatlined shortly after entering the ER . Is there a doctor in the forums that might be able to tell me what's wrong? I have kids and am way too young to die .