Atheism Thread Revived!: Jesus style


Well-Known Member
hey man its bedtime dont make your mummy mad.
Typical response from someone who has a low IQ and cannot come up with an intelligent reply

Whenever you wanna attempt to prove to me that is god is real be my guest, until then you are just talking to yourself because no is listening to your ridiculous preaching


Active Member
Typical response from someone who has a low IQ and cannot come up with an intelligent reply

Whenever you wanna attempt to prove to me that is god is real be my guest, until then you are just talking to yourself because no is listening to your ridiculous preaching
k hows this. OPEN YOUR EYES.


Active Member
if god was the creator of everything... then who created god? where did he come from??? all of a sudden he just appeard???? never could understand that one...


Well-Known Member
i loved those videos, and how that first one compared god to Santa

seriously haze, what if your wrong? what if say, the Catholics are right and anyone who disagrees with them gos to hell to be poked in the ass by Satan for eternity.

what if you could get complete satisfaction out of a life devoid of religion where you wake up, do the right thing all day go to bed and do the same thing the next day? what if you didnt have to be religious to be a good person?


Well-Known Member
i am agnostic. i cannot prove one way or another, but i will tell you this, it will take nothing short of a miracle for me to say i KNOW god exists.

for now, i am perfectly content with saying i don't know, and i always will be. in my honest opinion, our universe is too magical (scientifically) too expansive, too unfathomable for us to believe there isn't a higher power of some sort, i just wont pretend to have any idea to know what it is, and i wont live my life blindly to follow the possibility that the guesses we have made are correct.

no the bible is not factual, and don't try to say it is. Joe Rogan got it right, even a retarded child would have issues with stories like Adam and Eve, or Noahs Ark. does that mean that its ALL bullshit? no. for the most part the bible leads a lot of people (generally the ones without much power and influence) to live good lives, treat each other well, and not be a menace to society. there's nothing bullshit about that. can it be used for war? shit yes, it always has and always will, but that doesn't mean its not capable of good.

a knife is a tool in one mans hand, and a deadly weapon in anothers. religion is no different. i personally dont need a book (or religion for that matter) to show me the difference. some might.

religious nuts (and non-nuts) aside, the scientists among us need to calm down as well. the big bang, possibilities of life in other systems/galaxies, none of these things disprove god. in my opinion they only further prove it, something had to get the ball rolling imo. as far as evolution goes, its neither here nor there. you think that something capable of creating what we know as the universe and existence is capable of planning out a 'development' path for its creation? it may have all been planned out.... again though, i don't know, and i wont pretend to. to each his own.


Well-Known Member
on one last note (i didnt want to edit again), the bible should not be confused as proof of god. it was written by man, for man, and in my opinion the stories are often them giving a religious explanation to the world and things that were occuring in it at the time, because they did not have the science (lord knows they tried though) to understand it better. at the time, floods, tornadoes, those were nothing short of gods wrath and could not have occurred naturally, at least in their eyes.


Active Member
i loved those videos, and how that first one compared god to Santa

seriously haze, what if your wrong? what if say, the Catholics are right and anyone who disagrees with them gos to hell to be poked in the ass by Satan for eternity.

what if you could get complete satisfaction out of a life devoid of religion where you wake up, do the right thing all day go to bed and do the same thing the next day? what if you didnt have to be religious to be a good person?

Ok i never said anything like that.
Your problem is that you listen to the dumbshit christians who go to church every sunday. True believers wouldent be caught dead in church on sunday.

And i am not religuous nor am I preaching, I came here for an answer bout a year ago and yet to see one fact disproving christ.

Prove me wrong please.


Well-Known Member
Ok i never said anything like that.
Your problem is that you listen to the dumbshit christians who go to church every sunday. True believers wouldent be caught dead in church on sunday.

And i am not religuous nor am I preaching, I came here for an answer bout a year ago and yet to see one fact disproving christ.

Prove me wrong please.
Every post here just shows how fucking stupid you are. Of course you're religious. To say you're not you would have to distort the meaning of religious/religion. Funny that people have already pointed this out to you but you continue to ignore such posts, showing your profound inability to learn anything new.

Religious (adjective)
1. having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity; "a religious man"; "religious attitude"
2. relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
3. of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances

Not being a part of a religious institution/church/organization does not make you non-religious.


Active Member
Every post here just shows how fucking stupid you are. Of course you're religious. To say you're not you would have to distort the meaning of religious/religion. Funny that people have already pointed this out to you but you continue to ignore such posts, showing your profound inability to learn anything new.

Religious (adjective)
1. having or showing belief in and reverence for a deity; "a religious man"; "religious attitude"
2. relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
3. of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances

Not being a part of a religious institution/church/organization does not make you non-religious.
Tell me about it, you have yet to reply to the facts, only the side comments.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it, you have yet to reply to the facts, only the side comments.
you mean the facts like you don't know what it means to be religious? How about the fact that the redshifted galaxies along with the cosmic microwave background radiation and particle accelerator experiments all support a big bang beginning to our universe?
How about the fact that you don't understand the meaning and usage of the term "scientific theory?"

How about the FACT that you thread-crapped in this thread in an attempt to side track the conversation to make it identical to your thread that you started? BTW, is that what trolls do?

I looked through this thread, I have not seen you present a single fact to support your BELIEF.

Tell us, what facts you have told us that supports an invisible super-being running the cosmos???