Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
My mom grew up in that generation too...but she certainly was promiscuous, so apparently that part of morality didn't bother her. I think maybe she thinks she's a bad person, and if she kisses god's ass a little, he won't judge her so harshly. I try to have respect for other's, but it seems like a lot of Christians certainly don't consider that I'd rather not be bombarded with their little messages. In my daughter's school, they were showing a film about different cultures and religions, which is fine... but my daughter said the film spoke about Christ like he was an actual historical figure, as in "Around the time of Jesus". I went into her school one day, and one of the secretaries has a Bible verse on the counter in the office on display in view of anyone who is standing there. I fond that offensive, because I know if someone posted the Wiccan Rede there, someone would raise a shit fit.
My grandmother slapped my mom hard across the face for saying that once, and she was Jewish!But she was from a generation in which good little ladies were seen but not heard, and certainly never heard saying disrespectable things. I've never said it around my mom (actually, I rarely ever say it), solely out of respect for her personal beliefs.
I always though it rather funny, though. People can say, "Oh, GOD!" and that's OK. But to say "Jesus Christ!" is taboo. Go figure.
You know, when I was a kid, long before I'd heard of Graham and assertions of others about musings of an intimate relationship between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, I pictured her being his "girlfriend" from the Bible Story kids' series. He may have never been depicted as married, but he wasn't a eunuch either. Even to a little girl's mind, their devotion to each other just seemed rather romantic. A way my parents would have behaved toward each other.