Well-Known Member
The founding fathers knew, self governance is required in a free society, or Corruption and lawlessness (anarchy). become the order of the day.
And they knew that theocracies are corrupt and dangerous, which is why they worded in the separation of church and state.
Of course you want prayer back in school, but you want it to be *your* prayer, for your specific sect.
Oh I could just see the fits had if Christian children went to school and spent their prayer time appeasing Jupiter on the Mount.
Canada is less religious and has significantly less crime.
European countries with higher percentages of atheism also have less crime and a higher standard of living.
The US has more people per capita in prison than any other country.
The US has 70 percent of people identifying as Christian, yet has more religious people per capita in prisons than atheists.
Why would that be? Is religion not living up to it's promise of increased morality?
I guess it helped slave owners in the south justify the keeping of other humans as property, since the bible allows for that.
Does terrorizing children with threats of eternal hellfire really make them a good person? If you're only a good person because of the dictates of your religion, then you're not a good person at all, you're a sycophant trying to weasel your way to eternal reward.
But I digress.
As the saying goes: Don't pray in our schools, and we won't think in your churches.