

Well-Known Member
Please Flesh Out The Following.

Particle Man - ?
Triangle Man - ?
Universe Man - ?
Person Man - ?

If You want to understand what I'm about, then please take your shoes off, don't scream, and let's just calmly talk about Particle Man.


If We're Not Careful, This Thread Will Disappear.

Whern Is The Age Of Aquarius?


What Have You Figured Out, Mr. Cracker?

Let's Discuss.

Consider Me Ignorant.

Particle Man Is You, Mr. Cracker.
Who is particle man?


Well-Known Member
Cracker is particle man? Shit! I wish I had my hippie decoder ring, because I bet that's either really funny or a major burn if you understand it.


Well-Known Member
:lol: It's another hurdle they must jump ... trying not to spook the superstitious.

Certainly they didn't name it that ... :wink:
Surely not. I think it was the cover of Time magazine or something. The big fear is that they will create a minature black hole which will grow and swallow the earth.


New Member
Surely not. I think it was the cover of Time magazine or something. The big fear is that they will create a minature black hole which will grow and swallow the earth.

Yah, leave it to Time mag ... who ever even reads that rag anymore?? :lol:

Trying to sell ... like everyone.

Sunshine ... grow up.


Well-Known Member
Forgive them Father they know not what they say
Athiests don't want forgiveness from your imaginary extremely judgemental friend though. If it were as you say all our faults are his fault because he made us imperfect when he didn't have to. He supposedly made us like this, controlled so much by chemistry in our brains and emotion rather than logic driven, thus we have every right to tell him (if there were such a thing) to suck all our balls.


Well-Known Member
Forgive them Father they know not what they say
How could you possibly know what others do or don't know? You're not psychic; psychotic perhaps, but not psychic. Shoo. :roll:

Athiests don't want forgiveness from your imaginary extremely judgemental friend though. If it were as you say all our faults are his fault because he made us imperfect when he didn't have to. He supposedly made us like this, controlled so much by chemistry in our brains and emotion rather than logic driven, thus we have every right to tell him (if there were such a thing) to suck all our balls.
Like I said earlier... the image of perfect is perfect, and since we're not perfect, then we can't have been "created in the image of" such a perfect being. ;)


Well-Known Member

Like I said earlier... the image of perfect is perfect, and since we're not perfect, then we can't have been "created in the image of" such a perfect being. ;)
Yea but they'll say he works in mysterious ways or something don't you know, like maybe "what could we have learned from being perfect"? As if he had to make us imperfect to teach a lesson.

We wouldn't have needed to learn any lessons had we been made perfect, cause we'd already be perfect.

What's funny about perfection though, is the idea a perfect being who made us imperfect sits up there judging us for his own doing and furthermore punishing those who fail on a very small temporary scale of a human life to infinite torture on a permanent scale.

That kind of thinking is what defines insanity...

And where is the perfection in infinite torture anyway? It's infinately sick, but not perfect no matter which way you look at it.