The economic destruction has been done mostly by the Government, not business. Who regulates whom?
Now we have an administration that is growing the Government at leaps and bounds and passing every entitlement they can to NON producers.
It's not sustainable, and we are going to crash. It's being set up right now. More is on the way.
Would you voluntarily buy into a health care program that billed you for 4 years before you could join, without a guarantee that the services will be what you expect?
Well my friend, that's exactly the health care ur going to receive. How atrocious is the red tape that it won't kick in for 4 years but everyone must pay ahead? This was the only way to get beyond the CBO audit parameter of 10 years. They are just letting the cement dry around ur feet before you realize ur about to be dumped in a sea of red.
Oh, and Congress exempted themselves, their staff and their families.....other FED jobs will enjoy private, real private health care as well.
Guess who has the mst choice of insurance companies to choose from? Why, the Govt. of course. But that's too good for us, we get socialized medicine while they keep their private.
Would I now vote for McCain?
YOU BET I WOULD!! If anything it would have given us parity in washington. as it is, we're now under 1 party rule....just like China. Except China can pay their bills and aren't doing a shopping spree on the taxpayers dime.
Remember when it was an economic crisis?
So, what's the solution from Obama? More Government and taxes...yah that'll work.
Get ready, misery is coming, and it's coming in spades.
Explain it to ur kids and grandkids when they ask you 20 years from now.