

Well-Known Member
Well Dinosaurs existed before humans were created. Im not a preacher so Im not trying to convince you. I just wish every 1 would cover their bases just in case Hell is a real place which unfortanately if God exist some kinda hell has to be real.
Faith that serves solely as fire insurance appears a tad shallow to me. No thanks.
Like I said you can believe what you want but just dont start putting down religion(which Im against) like sum atheiest and leave the word God in the constitution and other things which are part of our history.
Religion has been the source of conflict, wars, inequality, torture, slavery, and avarice since time immemorial. If anything is worthy of scorn it is religion.

Please tell me where the word 'god' appears in the U.S. Constitution. This I gotta see.
Believe it or not most Christians just want to help you they arent trying to turn you into a religious robot.
That statement is highly debatable. I could counter by stating that Christians just want to help themselves and each other. Evangelicals, you know. How is me parting with 10% of my income helping me? Does it go into a tax-free fund I can draw off of when I retire?

You mention Christians but you neglect other world religions in this statement. Are only Christians going to heaven?
lol By the way how did ya like my plant ?? Pretty friggin awesome. God created that 2. heeeeeeeeeee
Savory plant, Dude. But god did not create it, nature did. Rather, nature did - but you get the assist.

There is actual evidence that nature exists.


Well-Known Member
"if God exist some kinda hell has to be real."


Yes that stands to reason, what supreme being wouldn't have a thing for everlasting turture. We only have things like boxing and UFC for brutal entertainment but he likes to watch crazier shit.


Active Member
"if God exist some kinda hell has to be real."

Yes that stands to reason, what supreme being wouldn't have a thing for everlasting torture.
The same kind of God who wouldn't have a problem giving all his creation more than we had back in the garden. And an enjoyable, strenghtening reason to avoid such a situation.

He hasn't left us. Always been there. If you want release from the burden of things that can drag you to that place, He is more than gracious to accept anyone. Not my words, His.


Well-Known Member
The same kind of god that would create the eye with a blind spot? That would create diseases which do irreparable harm, or DNA which is prone to transcription errors which result in genetic defects?

Doesn't sound like a perfect god. So why worship an imperfect one?


Well-Known Member
Just in case anyone suddenly feels overwhelmed with 'the spirit' and has to go through the agonizing process of selecting a new faith.



Well-Known Member
The same kind of god that would create the eye with a blind spot? That would create diseases which do irreparable harm, or DNA which is prone to transcription errors which result in genetic defects?

Doesn't sound like a perfect god. So why worship an imperfect one?
How would your world, your "creation" be better?


Well-Known Member
If your god was perfect he wouldn't have created it with flaws.

The world doesn't need to be perfect, but why would a perfect creator intentionally design flaws into his creations?

Is malevolence perfect?