

Well-Known Member
That Morgan, would be because you stick with your atheist buddies like glue.
The ONLY people who have ever neg rep'd me are ATHEISTS....congrats......emphasis on the rats, LOL.
...and lmao on the entirely ridiculous notion that my "rep" is suddenly somehow destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Being vitriolic is not going to help.

:rolleyes:bingo, that was precisely my point.
You are so astute.


Well-Known Member
Babs, you really don't get the rep system at all did you, despite your raving you don't appear to have looked into it at all.

"Ganging together" does no good. You have to rep a ton of people before you have the ability to rep someone again. The majority of rep I'm getting is from people I've yet to even converse with on here, which is pretty cool since at first glance it seems like only the small group of us are reading. But there are others, and they definitely have opinions, if not voices.


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a surprise. Another thread turning into the personal arena for CJ and Babs to have a lovers tiff, you both need to get a room and get it over with,


Well-Known Member
I keep picturing her standing over your bed with a sledgehammer saying "Relax CJ, I'm your number one fan."

Someone get that cockadoodie image of Kathy Bates out of my head!


Well-Known Member
Wow, what a surprise. Another thread turning into the personal arena for CJ and Babs to have a lovers tiff, you both need to get a room and get it over with,
Nah Krustofskie, I just really don't want him to post to me....period.
I've said it enough times now. He is a waste of my time.
I take medicine for the pain I have and using my hands to waste that effort on him is worth in one-liner comebacks for the soul purpose of building his ego. :peace:


Well-Known Member
I keep picturing her standing over your bed with a sledgehammer saying "Relax CJ, I'm your number one fan."

Someone get that cockadoodie image of Kathy Bates out of my head!
...alright, I will slame it over your head instead. That should solve the problem. :wink:


Well-Known Member
I keep picturing her standing over your bed with a sledgehammer saying "Relax CJ, I'm your number one fan."

Someone get that cockadoodie image of Kathy Bates out of my head!
Funny man, very funny. Though I'm sure Babs is lovely, shes is actually very reasonable but will defend her faith to the death, got give the girl some credit.


Well-Known Member
Nah Krustofskie, I just really don't want him to post to me....period.
I've said it enough times now. He is a waste of my time.
I take medicine for the pain I have and using my hands to waste that effort on him is worth in one-liner comebacks for the soul purpose of building his ego. :peace:
Don't let it get to girl, your on the internet. If he pisses you off just ignore him. I can tell you for sure CJ don't give a shit, he will never change his mind but he wont let anyone wind him up either, you can both be pig headed especially CJ.
In the end its all gravy.


Well-Known Member
:peace:Hehe, Krustofskie, atheist or not, I love ya.
You were the only one on this thread deserving of an apology.:peace:


You're just confused, period.
And you now attempt to confuse any who may read this.
YES, c*j will neg rep any who choose not to follow his omnipotent knowledge.
LOL, now ask me if I give a shit.
CJ.......quit posting to me.
You've wasted enough of my time.:wink:
Clearly you do, otherwise you would stop bringing it up.

I think you are obsessed with the rep system, and further obsessed that CJ's had the audacity to actually give you a well deserved neg rep. If it were me, you'd have gotten a lot more, especially since you refuse to let it go.

Stop making pointless posts just to raise your post count. If you don't have any substance to actually add to the atheist thread, simply GTFO, don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out... Yeah, that sure seems like we're all here to "tear you apart" huh Babs... :roll:





Can I get an observer to tell me which side appears to be more logical?