Well it seems possible some places for children to divorce their parents, cant see why it couldn't be taken further to the rest of the family, I think them visiting would definitely reduce just for trying.
(Some info for divorcing your parents)
My grievance (way off subject but it pisses me off) Why the hell do Hot dogs come in packs of 8 but Hot dog buns come in packs of 6, stupid.
Regarding how best to handle winter visitors who do not take Ben Franklin's advice, I may have a solution for you CJ. Not a perfect solution, but it will provide you with much more privacy.Well my first grievance is the same subject but completely opposite. I loathe the holidays, because I can't beat my relatives off with a stick. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy "most" of them, but in measured amounts. During the holidays however, I get inundated constantly. Think Florida, big house, tons of property, friggin Orlando ( I do hate O town). They just keep coming. I just saw my cousin off 2 days ago after a 10 day visit. I have 5 more coming in tomorrow for a week, and I expect at least 12 ppl for Xmas...ridiculous!!! Last year, I had a relative hang around for three weeks AFTER Xmas.
The holidays pours down relatives on my arse.![]()
Hahahah!! Oh, I have had those conversations. I actually have two houses within miles of each other, ... uhh, they all fill up. Like friendly termites working through my booze, food, and hot water.....
I'm afraid to build any more.....Maybe tear one down?
Sigh, it's all part of living in Floriduh.
Consolation prize is outdoor winter grow.![]()
To be honest, when ever religious people give me shit about being an athiest...I say hey, im not here to give you shit...But one thing, if this god does exist and at the end of my life im sat down infront of him and we go through the good shit and the bad shit, whos to say my good shit isint as good as your good shit? Same with the bad...And if he asks me why i didint believe in him, simple. Not enough evidence, somehow i think if god is who they all say he is...He would admite, respect and understand the fact that athiest dont believe in him.
i use to get these fuckers showing up at my door trying to preach to me every weekend...so on one occasion as i was about to light a bowl watching a game on the tube these fucks come a knocking at my door.usually i would tell them (respectfully) i wasnt interested or just plain ignore the fuckers until they left.by this time around i was simply tired of all the b.s ,always trying to convert me or something. so i opened my door and explained to the two youngsters i was interested in what they had to say this time around. as they were about to start rambling i pulled out my piece and took a toke. i made it a point to exhale in their direction and even offered them a toke. needless to say those fuckers acted like they saw the devil himself and left.Thankfully they skip my pad now. if i am outside or in my garage when they come through my neighborhood i make it a point to call them over.they dont even want to look my way most of the time... I HOPE I MAKE THEM AS UNCOMFORTABLE AS THEY HAVE MADE ME FOR YEARS!
You know, I respect you, but I'd hate for you to form an opinion on something you seem misinformed on.
I'm not realy familiar with the english text of the bible, so I can't pen you a quote. But it says that our most virtuous deeds are like dirty rags in the eyes of the lord. Meaning that doing a few good things is apparently not the ticked to nirvanna.
That's hilarious! I prefer a No Solicitors sign prominently displayed.I just answered the door nude once, same effect.