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Yes, atheism is indoctrinated.... :roll:

Better not tell parents who raised me Catholic for 18 years.... really teaching me atheism?
......sing it
and BINGO was his namoooooooooooo more time CJ.:bigjoint:
I should probably add that I was raised by "this" kind......nuns for teachers.....oh, the stories I could tell. :lol:

I spent time in a catholic convent school AND in a Baptist missionary school. Not in this country. The nuns were a little cruel, especially since I was left-handed but it was American baptists who taught me that religion is pathology.

'Oh, the stories I could tell you'.
Catholic church + little boy =
I bet you could :lol:

LOL. I hardly remember seeing a priest. I remember wanting to be a nun though:hump:. I thought their whole outfit was so impressive. And they were always so clean, like they never even sweated (this was in a very hot place).
Catholic church + little boy =
I bet you could :lol:
..amazing how many stories that have arisen over the years.
I spent 6 out of 7 days surrounded by this "supposed" sex abuse. It's nowhere near as prevalent as some would have you believe.
..but now the nuns-----they ARE questionable!!! teacher had to escort our class from PE to a new destination. The nun was screaming FUCK YOU as she threw erasers at the priest. :shock:
Many parents took their children out of school that year.
I just looked at it as nuns are people too (well, kind of)

Yeah Sknkr.....I don't know why that generation was so opposed to left-handed writing. It's as if they thought it would place an omen on you. But really, that wasn't a catholic thing.

I will say damn education you can give your child. MOST of the students were NOT even Catholic.
I spent time in a catholic convent school AND in a Baptist missionary school. Not in this country. The nuns were a little cruel, especially since I was left-handed but it was American baptists who taught me that religion is pathology.

'Oh, the stories I could tell you'.

To this day I turn writing paper 90 degrees because of the nuns and my being left handed (side of the devil!! :lol: :roll:) My Kindergarten teacher would turn my paper so it would be harder to that I would switch to writing with my right hand. I adapted instead and write sideways now.

Hand of the devil..... uhhh okay .... myth...but with real consequences because the church is NUTTY!
Holy baJesus... the catholic church thinks left handed people are the work of the devil ?!


(the only "like seriously" pic i could find :lol:)
To this day I turn writing paper 90 degrees because of the nuns and my being left handed (side of the devil!! :lol: :roll:) My Kindergarten teacher would turn my paper so it would be harder to that I would switch to writing with my right hand. I adapted instead and write sideways now.

Hand of the devil..... uhhh okay .... myth...but with real consequences because the church is NUTTY!

To this day, I turn my paper so the top is pointing at 9 o'clock and curl my hand around like a nautilus. I try not to write at all now.

a baptist missionary beat my sister with a paddle until she was blue down to the knees. They taught violence very well. Shaming was a major pedagogical tool.

"Memories; we will enjoy them."

Religion is the root of most of what is bad about society i.e wars, bombings, terrorism, extremism etc..

Holy baJesus... the catholic church thinks left handed people are the work of the devil ?!

My partners Dad was forced to write with his left hand tied behind his back when he was younger at a Catholic school.. so I know all about that one.. He's ambidextrous now so it does have some benefits!
Yepper, my situation exactly.... 9 o'clock. I do write quite a bit however...:lol:

Now on a chalkboard, I can write both left and right equally well. Huh...

Eat left
sports right
writing left
wanking left :lol:
strong arm right

They messed me up!! :lol:

Heck, I've got tons of stories from my Catholic days. I went and did hard time with old school Polish nuns. Tough ol birds and when the Polish flew out of their mouths, you knew the hands weren't far behind!

And those mofo black ballet type slippers they wore..... sneak up on you like the Viet Cong!

Bitches!! :lol:
Look up the meaning of the Latin word "sinister"
Pronunciation: si-ni-stêr • Hear it! Part of Speech: Adjective
Meaning: 1. Evil or presaging evil, suggesting wickedness, depravity. 2. Presaging something very bad or disastrous. 3. (Heraldry) Sinistral, to the left of the wearer (the right of the onlooker) on a coat of arms or shield.
Today's word is a left-handed recognition of left-handers. It originally meant simply "left, left-handed", as does its cousin sinistral today. However, left-handedness, like blackness, has been associated with evil for centuries in Europe and its former colonies have inherited that association. Nonetheless, this Good Word comes with an adverb, sinisterly, and two nouns, the lovely sinisterity and the rather ordinary sinisterness.
In Play: This word is usually saved for things portending evil: "Moshe, do you sense something sinister about the man in the mask holding a gun over there?" It need not be, however; it can also refer to anything threatening: "There is something sinister about the clouds hanging over the horizon; I think I'll carry my umbrella and an anchor."
Word History: One of the few overlooked persecuted minorities left in the world is left-handers. Only recently have US schools begun to provide desks for left-handers in the classroom but the speech police have not yet begun to investigate the sinistrally prejudicial words in English. Sinister began as the Latin word for "left" or "left-handed", then expanded to mean "presaging evil". A "left-handed compliment" is one with a hidden insult. Finally, there is the French word for "left-handed", gauche, which means "awkward, inept, clumsy". Should we quarantine these words as we do slurs against other minorities? (No one knows where Latin got this word but our gratitude to Perry Dror for getting it to us is as 'right-handed' as it is sincere.)
well, i'm speechless.