Attack of the Clones, first journal!


Active Member
We have alot of space up there and it actually ventaliates pretty good. We have two windows on both ends of the room that vent it and also a hole punched into the chimney to also help vent. We keep both ends at different tempuatures also. The veg is usually between 51-61 degrees and the flowering stays between 68-72 degrees range!


Well-Known Member
Looks Good K...

There will be some BW clones up there
very soon...Got four transplanting soon
that should veg. into some great mothers..

Great pics...


Active Member

Well Its been a while since we've updated I know but here we go. The girls are on day 9 of flowering. I haven't taken pictures of them today but I won't see them tonight unfortunately but I do have shots of them on day 7 of flowering. We we're having some problems with heating when the temps got high for a day or to and they sat in 89 degrees :(. They seem to be doing great though. We now have 9 plants. One of the girls that was suppose to be taken wasn't looking too good and so we moved her to flowering where she is now our healthiest white widow! We currently have 7 Blueberry clones and 2 White Widows.

We just bought some supplies to start experimenting with cloning so that should be fun! Anyways I'll post more updates tomorrow
