Attempted Scam By "Dealer"


Active Member
Did he even get the weed ? It looks like right before he got out he sat it on his lap .
It would really suck if he went through all that for nothing lol
lol all hat trouble and no weed just a crashed car and some new friends. hahaha

damn white boys


Well-Known Member
Did he even get the weed ? It looks like right before he got out he sat it on his lap .
It would really suck if he went through all that for nothing lol
You can see the bag in the drivers hand after he gets out of the car, but I don't think he went home with it.
You can also hear the dealer saying "you're stuck, you're stuck". LOL!!

Also, the guy running down the street, was the passenger, not the driver.
I don't think the driver got away........LOL!!:clap: