
Active Member
Hey all US outdoor growers.
If you are growing outdoors and want to share some info on your grow feel free to post away.
Just include at least this list of things.
1. Strain
2. Age or plant before flowering and age now
3. Height of plant
4. Part of NC you live in
5. Indica/ Sativa ratio
6. How many plants

I'll answer these questions so you guys know a little about my outdoor grow(I grow indoors too!)
1. Bagseed
2. Almost 6 weeks old now. (Have yet to see any preflowers)
3. 9 inches
4. Near Raleigh, North Carolina
5. Indica Dominant
6. 1 Outdoors, 2 Indoors

Now it's your turn! Let me know how your grows are growing!!!!!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
People actually went to the effort to make whole threads with information about their plants, might be worth giving them a goosey ;)


Well-Known Member
I have a bunch outside most are seeds from attatude. along with 3 clones. most are around 5-6' with one over 7' the clones run about 4' but are mass bushes. I live in wa. it's dry and hot. the plants are indica/sativa mix a few indica. if you look at our thread you can figure out what strains are there. I forget without going out and looking. was going to do some pic's but you'll have to see the thread.


Active Member
post since I'm new here, first time grower

I have clones that were transplanted from indoor, there about 8 weeks- seeing preflowers on 5, I just transplanted 2 that were indoor a week ago, hoping thet bloom around the same time. All the plant are around 3 feet, I'm from SW michigan, not sure the exact strains. There's a total of 7

I'll try an get some pictures up

quick question- how can i keep animals from fucking with my spot?..last time I checked them, some of the soil was dug up. I don't wanna use fencing, I threw around a bunch of brush, and pricker bushes. can you use hot pepper spray on soil?


Active Member
I've heard that peeing around it and putting human hair and othre human things can keep plants away. That's just what I've heard. I have mine on my back porch and nothing seems to bother it. Maybe a fly or two that's it. Mine haven't even started flowering yet. Where can I find out about when the sun will be closer to 12/ 12? Like a which weather website tells when the sunrise and set?


Well-Known Member
The last few pages of the thread linked below has pix that will answer most of your questions.

Here's some samples:

View attachment 1084415View attachment 1084416View attachment 1084417View attachment 1084419View attachment 1084420
These are recent pictures. Nearly all plants were started January 1st, and have been budded once and have been revegged. 5 to nine feet tall, with very little budding, although several are just beginning to bloom. They are located at the extreme Western part of "NC", about 60 miles from the Pacific Ocean.Some are pure sativas. others are sativa/indica hybrids, one strain would be called 'pure indica" but came from some thirty year old Afghani seeds. Its appearance leads me to believe it is an example of what some experts call "Afghanica". It is very potent and has proven to be very effective as medicinal Cannabis.


Active Member
WeedxManxEli said:
I've heard that peeing around it and putting human hair and othre human things can keep plants away. That's just what I've heard. I have mine on my back porch and nothing seems to bother it. Maybe a fly or two that's it. Mine haven't even started flowering yet. Where can I find out about when the sun will be closer to 12/ 12? Like a which weather website tells when the sunrise and set?
yeah I've heard that before, maybe i'll try a few. I think any weather site should show time of sunrise/ set per day. I'm getting closer to 12 hours here too
Im in the D.C. area and the days are at 14hrs now they hit 12/12 around the mlddle of September. You can go to the farmers almanac put in your zip and it will tell the length of the days..