• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the laugh 420 - good stuff! You can't even handle the English language very well, and you expect us to believe that you're some master linguist.
Even if I believed your claim of mastering Hebrew in your spare time, I'm not getting the point of your claim. You're still reading a translation of the bible - not the original (at least as far as the new testament goes). Is reading a Hebrew translation going to be better/more accurate than one in English, German, Chinese, etc.?


excellent first posts profit. +rep

it dosnt matter if your new or a stranger, your points are valid and you present them intellectually

ive been arguing with this pigheaded lint licker (no pesonal attacks right? haha) through 76 pages, and your completely on topic about where this conversation has been going
thank i am sure that guy even caught wind of the point i was making an attempt to express.so sad.

that not an attack kaleo i can use more colorful terms to explain that scum bag.any thing with that type of person involved is not for me of any level headed human.

as to the subject at hand.
the bible was written by many over a long period so many different books and types of writing made it in to be know as the text.(well some books were not so fortunate do to conflicting thoughts and believes to the time it was being canonized ).the forgotten language the name escapes me now:joint: .could not be translated exactly to Hebrew.so what ever translation you read is just that the word of man and no other sorry. so many other point i can make and ask.i know they will fall on deaf ears since you are not as bright of some of those around you.speaks for the whole bunch of you people and you just stay dumb with your eyes close to science happening now.only to hold on to ideas thousands of years old.

it makes me laugh it really does.then it reminds me how many others like you there are but then i roll one up and just thank the earth for my mind.since the earth is where we came to and to the earth we will return.

i can be to long winded at time so let me close with asking 420 to educate his mind with religion and the lack of it before you pretend to know what you are talking about. only speak when you know what you are saying is true my friend.less people will think of you as an idiot.
so go be alone with your man made beliefs and closed mind.i may be new you are correct.even i know that is not welcome here.
i am sure there is a site of this nature with a christian theme.
go find find it and be happy.



Active Member
Actually were all from california, and as a matter of fact one of our strains took second place in the annual LV cannabis cup.

I assure you cannot come close to the perfection of growing a strain for 8+ years.
This is a pot forum. Its not a theological panel. I was a bit high and making light of the situation. Life is way too short to go everyday without a chuckle. You could also make light of us atheist as well. Our words taste sweeter with honey than they do with salt. But, I must admit, you stick around and you give your side of the argument like a trooper. I can say that. But, again its a pot forum and it really shouldn't be taken deathly serious.



Well-Known Member
thank i am sure that guy even caught wind of the point i was making an attempt to express.so sad.

that not an attack kaleo i can use more colorful terms to explain that scum bag.any thing with that type of person involved is not for me of any level headed human.

as to the subject at hand.
the bible was written by many over a long period so many different books and types of writing made it in to be know as the text.(well some books were not so fortunate do to conflicting thoughts and believes to the time it was being canonized ).the forgotten language the name escapes me now:joint: .could not be translated exactly to Hebrew.so what ever translation you read is just that the word of man and no other sorry. so many other point i can make and ask.i know they will fall on deaf ears since you are not as bright of some of those around you.speaks for the whole bunch of you people and you just stay dumb with your eyes close to science happening now.only to hold on to ideas thousands of years old.

it makes me laugh it really does.then it reminds me how many others like you there are but then i roll one up and just thank the earth for my mind.since the earth is where we came to and to the earth we will return.

i can be to long winded at time so let me close with asking 420 to educate his mind with religion and the lack of it before you pretend to know what you are talking about. only speak when you know what you are saying is true my friend.less people will think of you as an idiot.
so go be alone with your man made beliefs and closed mind.i may be new you are correct.even i know that is not welcome here.
i am sure there is a site of this nature with a christian theme.
go find find it and be happy.

that reminds me of the phrase "its better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"...or something along those lines :)


Well-Known Member
eww you sick fuck. whats wrong with you?
People like you that made me hate myself for 20 years of my fucking life just because I didn't fit your fucking boring mold, that's what's wrong with me.

If you nutjobs had your way this world would be boring as fuck. Everyone would look act walk and talk exactly the same. 1950's leave it to beaver forever right?

I think you are just incapable of modern life and happiness, that's the problem. It has to be or you wouldn't be here trolling. You think in black and white, doesn't get any simpler than that. I'm guessing you aren't very atractive and can't get a girl, that's why you are so angry and just have this as your only outlet.

I'm sure you have no friends and no life, it's got to be just you all alone with a bible and an empty head. No wonder you need god in your life but even with that you are still just miserable aren't you, or you wouldn't be here trolling right?


Well-Known Member
oregon, dont let this religious punk get under your skin. your living the good life by doing what you want with it. if anyone thinks your going to suffer eternal damnation just because you like a little sausage, well they are dillusioned or brainwashed.


Well-Known Member
that reminds me of the phrase "its better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to speak and remove all doubt"...or something along those lines :)
i wish to "dog" that i could hold my own with you guys without setting aside a few hours to write, reread, proofread and correct a paragraph. I just suck at typing and coveying thought via computer. haha. I am laughing a ths 420 dude. But seriously, i am still laughing, lol.


Well-Known Member
oregon, dont let this religious punk get under your skin. your living the good life by doing what you want with it. if anyone thinks your going to suffer eternal damnation just because you like a little sausage, well they are dillusioned or brainwashed.

No I just had to put in my 2 cents, I could care less what anyone else thinks _any more_.

I get 10x the sex the rest of you do, and multiple lovers of both sexes together often. Life is good. That's probably why people like me are hated by people like them, they have dreams they can never fulfill.


Well-Known Member
id say, statistically youd get about 2x as much as a straight person

and if your in more than one relationship 10x could be very accurate

i get little tail these days, but thats my own choice(kinda) im just irritated with all the dumb bitches i meet. ive had my fill of dumb sloppy hoes. im holding out till i meet a WOMAN. the internet exists for many reasons haha


Well-Known Member
Polyamorous, yes multiple lovers not just multiple friends with benefits. I like to play with married couples too of course, on occasion, if they're irresistible and I like to play daddy for young couples half my age.

Fun fun fun.


New Member
Have you seen the new condoms?

Someone actually redesigned it.... these have strips built in and you just pull the strips and the condom rolls down quick and easily.

Why do I mention this now? Oregon Meds has brought up an interesting variable of multiple partners at the same time.... oh to be 25 again... :wink:

What these condom dudes say on their web site makes perfect sense, but is something I have never thought of. Now I am married and we don't fool around on each other so it's a bit of a moot point with us, but for Oregon.... listen to this.

This has happened to EVERYBODY..... you are getting all jazzed up together, hot and heavy.... lights are usually low or off. You grab for the condom.... and it's like a race to get it on and NOT break the mood. Too much fumbling and your lover is turning on the TV... :lol: Hurry up already!!

So you fumble in the dark and INEVITABLY put it on backwards. Then after doing a cartoon scene of trying to stretch it over ur pecker....you realize you have erred. So what do you do? You flip it over and run it down.

BAM..... right there you have dramatically increased the chance of passing something to your lover. Hygiene wise, you just defeated the condom.

These guys put strips on WITH bumps on one side so you can tell in complete darkness....so the condom goes on CORRECTLY and QUICKLY.

Just thought you would all like to know this.


There's the link folks....check them out.... they look like a real advancement in condoms.


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about this earlier

holy trinity = a wizard, a slut and a ghost

420, who is the fool? really now


Well-Known Member
If Jesus died for my sins, and I'm 2,000 years younger than he, doesn't that make me GOD for bending the time continuum?


Well-Known Member
Have you seen the new condoms?

Someone actually redesigned it.... these have strips built in and you just pull the strips and the condom rolls down quick and easily.

Why do I mention this now? Oregon Meds has brought up an interesting variable of multiple partners at the same time.... oh to be 25 again... :wink:

What these condom dudes say on their web site makes perfect sense, but is something I have never thought of. Now I am married and we don't fool around on each other so it's a bit of a moot point with us, but for Oregon.... listen to this.

This has happened to EVERYBODY..... you are getting all jazzed up together, hot and heavy.... lights are usually low or off. You grab for the condom.... and it's like a race to get it on and NOT break the mood. Too much fumbling and your lover is turning on the TV... :lol: Hurry up already!!

So you fumble in the dark and INEVITABLY put it on backwards. Then after doing a cartoon scene of trying to stretch it over ur pecker....you realize you have erred. So what do you do? You flip it over and run it down.

BAM..... right there you have dramatically increased the chance of passing something to your lover. Hygiene wise, you just defeated the condom.

These guys put strips on WITH bumps on one side so you can tell in complete darkness....so the condom goes on CORRECTLY and QUICKLY.

Just thought you would all like to know this.


There's the link folks....check them out.... they look like a real advancement in condoms.
Cool, I am still looking for a condom that doesn't interfere, I hate the damn things or I probably would play around more actually. I'm 42, but I missed out on some youth so I guess this is my midlife fuckfest to catch up.


Well-Known Member
I don't need a herpes yet, but it's thinning on top for sure.

That's why you have a circle of lovers, we don't need condoms together just for outside the circle.


New Member
Ahhh... that sounds smart. As long as everyone is honest.... but isn't that a truism in all things? I think so.

By the way .... I am the ArchAngel Crackerjax.....

04-18-2010, 02:52 PM


Active Member
People like you that made me hate myself for 20 years of my fucking life just because I didn't fit your fucking boring mold, that's what's wrong with me.

If you nutjobs had your way this world would be boring as fuck. Everyone would look act walk and talk exactly the same. 1950's leave it to beaver forever right?

I think you are just incapable of modern life and happiness, that's the problem. It has to be or you wouldn't be here trolling. You think in black and white, doesn't get any simpler than that. I'm guessing you aren't very atractive and can't get a girl, that's why you are so angry and just have this as your only outlet.

I'm sure you have no friends and no life, it's got to be just you all alone with a bible and an empty head. No wonder you need god in your life but even with that you are still just miserable aren't you, or you wouldn't be here trolling right?

Yeah life is too boring when not sucking sweaty dick.