This video was not only laughable, but pathetically SAD. What was it other than a representation from a hardcore atheist selling a classroom of kindergartners on the "myth" of even the REMOTE possibility that something or ONE may exceed all that science could possibly teach them in their lifetime? Let's not mention hatred towards an incredibly huge group who either openly or quietly "believe." Cynical hatred, nothing more, nothing less.
Mormons are some of the nicest people I've ever met....delusional or not. I share no belief system with them, but at the same time, I have no discord with them as people. They certainly don't serve as those who threaten my value system. For that matter, many atheists do not either.
This video held no "fascinating journey" as was implied

... immature and fanatical dialect, positively.
Forget about "Joe's story." This little comical satire skipped through the historical facts like there's no tomorrow. The Jews long occupied Israel before the coming of islam.
Even in the "holy quran" muahmmad is admittingly possesed by the "shaitan" aka satan, or the devil. His "revelations" ONLY hold merrit within that of Biblical revelations, on the dark side. Biblical and quranic revelations COINCIDE.
Muhammad had NO revelations via God, NONE. READ THE states repeatedly through both the quran and hadiths he was a lunatic. Everything mo learned was through the JEWS. When the Jews would not become his followers, he recanted with EVIL encounters. One of the smallest to be noted was to marry a young girl whose father he had just killed by FORCE. Ask muslims, he was doing her a great service.
The ONLY reason there was an account by Mohammad flying off on a horse into heaven via Jerusalem is because muslims/islam HAD to stake their claim on Israel. What better way than to stage this supposed holy event? YET, making proclamations to Israel was not near enough, they must CONQUER the entire world as we know it. Do you really
need to be reminded that Israel is about the size of California? Are you going to continue going through life believing this tiny country is capable of holding such power over world events all on their own? Or even as predicted so clearly via Biblical literature, which like it or not, is history. Spare me with the comeback in fallacies. You will never even understand how ridiculous it is that you stake this as your "proof."
It is past time to awaken to the fact that conveniently blaming this on the Jews, and/or the Christians is PREPOSTEROUS.
What distresses me most at this very moment is that rather than expend the energy into reading this valuable history, many would prefer to make a mockery of what they know NOTHING about......all in the name of ignorance and self-gratification. If you wish to be your own God (in this life)----------so be it, that's your choice. God gave us free will. There is NO other reason for this self-havoc we inflict upon ourselves or this world (as we know it.) Disease and starvation stem from the very same motive------GREED and self-loathing, or moreover, placing ourselves on a pedestal. With every "advance"
science embarks upon, mankind just becomes more and more stable, yes? Or is it really just more and more complacent with the epitome of shallow existence?
WE created this SHIT in which "we" gripe about....and supposedly loathe. Within us ALL, WE have the power to change any single thing we consider detrimental to our pursuit of happiness. BUT, "we" don't know what the hell IS good for us. "We" are those sheep just clamoring along for the ride that carries us to the next day........and most obviously, WE are out of control.
Don't misconstrue what I attempt to convey in such a short post. I don't write any of this to accuse that you are deemed to damnation because you don't view life in it's entirety as I do.
Don't you think it's time for some introspection?
If you are going to avidly opt to argue science and it's worth, you'd better damn well be prepared to accept the REALITY.
What MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people are and have been experiencing is NOT "delusion." It's as real as the damn keyboard you type with. I'm sorry you don't "see" this.
I do not and will not apologize for my being able to connect with something LARGER THAN LIFE.
I will not proclaim myself a better person for it.........but don't you dare tell me I am "delusional." AND at the same time, predict how the world would be a much better place-----"if only those damn Christians were non-existent."
You tell "us" to get a grip on reality?
Here is the very simple reality.
It would not matter if Judiasm, Christianity, islam, or any other "religious idealogy" imposed your system pertaining to your logic. This is just life, and how it was intended to be--------SIMPLY because WE chose it to be this way.
I noticed the ending message with "for more, please visit WHY GOD WON'T HELP AMPUTEES.COM
This is obviously cited from very resentful people. On the surface, I can certainly empathize.
What I cannot do is justify humanly, as most do, that God is HATEFUL. God is NOT hateful.
When you KNOW Him and you call out for His help....He will exceedingly supply you with more than what is necessary, or even what you necessarily desire. When you are incapable of deciphering the voice of good and evil (wouldn't you know they conflict according to the perceiver...) one or the other WILL take you in.
If you don't believe in the after life, so be it, but what about NOW?
I have my own personal theories that I do not wish to expound upon as to why tsnamis exist and little children suffer starvation, but I wouldn't DARE.
Most atheists posting on this forum have proven to be exactly what they point out as being --either hypocritical, non-sensical or otherwise incapable of challenging their intellectual being......their accusations are endless.......
I say enough with the projecting. What purpose does it really serve? Are you aiding in this peace you so desire?
In your mind, "every valid scientific study" has shown that prayer has "absolutely no affect."
In advance, I'll apologize if this comes across as crass, but simple truth is just that. I will so rightly question "your science."
I see God. I feel God........and when I'm not so self-absorbed, I see Him even more, feel Him even more, and yes........hear Him. Oh well.....hate it I can't "prove" this to you. But that's just the way it was meant to be.
"Thinking" IS the solution.
With luck, the bubble of delusion that surrounds you will burst, and you will become a normal, healthy human being. "This" is the soaring message that all of mankind was to find FASCINATING from the atheist point of view?
Forgive me if at this point, I don't ask you to "enlighten" me. "Forgive me" for not being a follower of my "intellectual superiors."
... no ad-lib at this conjecture.