• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Attention Atheist


Well-Known Member
Great, i just wanted someone else to admit to the FACT that older civilizations did not have means of understanding when it came to nature, even those who were advanced technologically in ways we cant explain.
Don't believe everything you see on Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. We certainly have good hypotheses for every piece of ancient technology. Scientists and engineers have come up with very plausible explanations using only things available to these people. We can't say for sure it's exactly how they did things but if we can replicate it, there's no reason to believe anything mysterious.

I'm not going to go piece by piece through you long litany of examples from your particular holy text. Suffice it to say that Christians do the same thing and I give them the same answer. Just because some ancient writings are consistent with what we now know, doesn't mean that it is evidence for these things. Take your atom example. Until modern physics, atom was merely the term used to describe the smallest indivisible unit of matter. When the nucleus-electron combination was inferred by physicists to be a piece of the whole molecule, they thought maybe this was the smallest unit so honoring the Greeks, we called that the atom. That was our choice, a decision not made until the 19th century, made by a man, John Dalton, to call that level of division an atom. He had no idea that it would be found to be divisible even further. It is a quirk of language that this term was coined for that unit. It could have turned out that he called it something else and maybe quarks would have indeed been called atoms.
Other passages can be explained other ways including how one interprets what is being said.
Again, being consistent with science is not the same as evidence of prior knowledge.


Well-Known Member
I said: I think they did have a much closer relationship to nature than we do, but they didn't have a great understanding of how it worked beyond what they personally experienced.

All of these quotes are very vague, and IMO back up my claim.

“And We send down water From the sky according to (Due) measure, and We cause it To soak in the soil; And We certainly are able To drain it off (with ease).” {23:18}
“Seest thou not that Allah Sends down rain from The sky, and leads it Through springs in the earth? Then He causes to grow, Therewith, produce of various Colours.”{39:21}
The emphasis on due measure is that it is claimed that rain evaporates and drops in constant measured quantity's, which is only confirmed nowadays through technological researches.
They saw water come down and soak into the soil. So? That's a big accomplishment? You're sure reading a lot into 'due measure'.

“And We send the fecundating winds, Then cause the rain to descend From the sky, therewith providing You with water (in abundance).” {15:22}

Hydrology of today completely agrees with the Quran on such verses. more can be found:

{7:57},{3:9}, {25:48- 49}, {13:17}, {36:34}, {50:9-11} ill stop here im sure you get the point.
No, I don't get the point.. unless it is that people observed clouds blown by the wind or high winds that come before a storm. Big deal.

Folding is a recently discovered fact in geology, it is responsible for the formation of mountains.
Earth has a radius around 3100 and the crust we are living on is pretty thin being anywhere between 1-30 miles, and because of that earth is highly susceptible to earthquakes. And the mountains are the ones that keep us stable because they are like pegs that holds the earths crust firm for stability otherwise we would be all over the place.

“Have We not made The earth as a wide Expanse, And the mountains as pegs?”{78: 6-7}

“And We have set on the earth Mountains standing firm, Lest it should shake with them.” {21:31

“And the mountains Hath He firmly fixed.” {79-32}
You seriously see this as a great understanding of geology? Mountains are firmly fixed? That's it? So they observed that mountains are big and solid. So? I think there's a bit more to goeology than that. Did you find any quotes with any details that really show thorough understanding. These are vague, and open to many interpretations... even yours, if stretched enough.

It was long thought that plants didn’t have sexes until recently.

“And has sent Down water from the sky. With it have We produced Diverse pairs of plants Each separate from the others.” {20:53}

“And fruit Of every kind He made In pairs, two and two.” {13-3}

{a little info} http://www.physorg.com/news143899812.html
“And of everything We have created pairs.” {51:49}
Only some plants have a sex/gender. Most have both of the needed reproductive parts. So, the claim that every kind he made in pairs is wrong.

Next on Zoology.

“There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you.” {6:38}
We know because of research that animals and birds organize, live and work together.
Wow. They observed animals living in communities. Amazing. :roll:

“And thy Lord taught the Bee To build its cells in hills, On trees, and in (mens) habitations; Then to eat of all The produce (of the earth), And find with skill the spacious Paths of its Lord.” {16: 68-69}
Bees find a path. Again, very vague. If they understood the complexities of bee communication, why didn't they come out and say it?

I'm bored with this. You're just doing what tons of people before you have done. You're taking something that's totally vague and bending over backwards in your interpretation to justify or prove something.


Well-Known Member
I said: I think they did have a much closer relationship to nature than we do, but they didn't have a great understanding of how it worked beyond what they personally experienced.

They saw water come down and soak into the soil. So? That's a big accomplishment? You're sure reading a lot into 'due measure'.

No, I don't get the point.. unless it is that people observed clouds blown by the wind or high winds that come before a storm. Big deal.

You seriously see this as a great understanding of geology? Mountains are firmly fixed? That's it? So they observed that mountains are big and solid. So? I think there's a bit more to goeology than that. Did you find any quotes with any details that really show thorough understanding. These are vague, and open to many interpretations... even yours, if stretched enough.

Only some plants have a sex/gender. Most have both of the needed reproductive parts. So, the claim that every kind he made in pairs is wrong.

Wow. They observed animals living in communities. Amazing. :roll:

Bees find a path. Again, very vague. If they understood the complexities of bee communication, why didn't they come out and say it?

I'm bored with this. You're just doing what tons of people before you have done. You're taking something that's totally vague and bending over backwards in your interpretation to justify or prove something.
were you reading at a 1000mph that you didnt notice any bold statements?
lol taking something totally vague and bending it backwards? im not sure you know what your talking about at all, this isnt a case of bending at all, if you had a little more knowledge then you might understand a thing or two, i wont even reply to your arguments that you selected as you pleased and translated as you pleased while not even looking at things with open eyes and putting others behind. i havent even started with complex arguments and you have fallen apart. the worse part is that you think that you exposed the verses to be nothing but bending when you have no background or knowledge of eastern metaphors and similes.
and your English language is so poor that you would be stuck banging your own head trying to understand what it means.

since your such a smart guy and all the above is simply a case of bending, why dont you come up with one chapter and present it?
[FONT=Verdana, Arial]If the whole of mankind and Jinn were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support. And We have explained to man, in this Qur'an, every kind of similitude: Yet the gre[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]ater part of men refuse ( to receive it ) except with ingratitude.[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial](Isra 88-89)[/FONT]

surely it would be easy.
look ill speak a language that you might understand since your far superior to the above.

[FONT=Verdana,aer]Quranic Method for The Determination Of The Greatest Speed C.

The greatest speed C, denoting the velocity of light in vacuum, is hinted at in two glorious Quranic verses relating this fundamental universal contant C with the motion of the Earth-Moon system. A new relativistic interpretation of this Quranic relation gives C=299792.5 km/s in an extremely marvellous agreement with the accepted international value. This astonishing result emphasises the unity of the physical world, the validity of the special theory of relativity and the authenticity of the Glorious Quran for unbelievers.
The velocity of light C in vacuum belongs to a small group of the fundamental constants; however, it occupies an outstanding position even within this group. First of all, it is encountered in very different branches of physics. It will come as no exaggeration if one says the story of the determination of the velocity of light is a concise history of physics. And this story has not come to an end yet.
From the ancient Greeks down to the Middle ages, the speed of light was believed to be infinite. Aristotle believed that light propagates instantly!. In the eleventh century, an Arabic scientist Alhassan suggests that light travels at a finite speed. Galileo (1600) tried this speed but he Eailed saying that light is extraordinarily rapid(l). Roemer (1676) was the first measuring C using the eclipses of the Jovian satellite Io. He obtained an inaccurate value of C (215000 km/s) because the diameter of the earth's orbit was not known exactly.
[FONT=verdana,aer] Starting from 17th century, experiments show the progress of methods and techniques in the determination of the speed C as indicated in the following table (1). table 1[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Froome's value was considered to be the most accurate for a long period until 1983 when the modulated laser radiation interferometers were applied for the determination of C with great precision.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] According to the US National Bureau of Standards(3): C = 299792.4574 + 0.0011 km/[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] and according to the British National Physical Laboratory C = 299792.4590 + 0.0008 km/s[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] A basically new definition of the metre wasaccepted in October 1983 at the 17th General Conference on Measures and Weights(3):[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] "The metre is the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299792458 of a second".
[FONT=verdana,aer] The Fixation of the value of C after the formation of the new definition of the meter does not mean yet the end of the story of this fundamental constant C. There are numerous other questions dealing with the realtion between this multifarious, enigmatic constant C and the theory of Relativity.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Recalling the second postulate of the special theory of relativity declared by Albert Einstein (1905):[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] "The velocity C of light in vacuum is the same in all inertial frames of reference in all directions and depend neither on the velocity of the source nor on the velocity of the observer".[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Pauli(4) (1958) said that the data on binarystars allowed us to consider this postulate of the constancy of the velocity of light to be almost certainly correct.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] According to Einstein's general theory of relativity (1917), the law of the constancy of the velocity C of light in vacuum can not claim any unlimited validity because the curvature of rays of light can only take place when the velocity of propagation of light varies with position!. Einstein(4) himself solved this contradiction between special and general relativity declaring in his paper written (1917):[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] "The results of the special relativity hold only so long as we are able to disregard the influence of gravitational fields on the phenomena".[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] This validity condition of the second postulate of special relativity is considered in the present work because the constancy of the velocity C needs absolute space (vacuum). To attain vacuum in the Einstein's sense of this word. it is not: sufficient just to eleminate from a volume of space every atom, molecule and particle, it is necessary also to get rid of the gravitational field. Therefore we have screened out the effect of the solar gravitational field on the geocentric orbital motion of the moon, which is considered here, according to the applied Quranic equation; as a standard measure reference for evaluating the greatest cosmic speed described in the Holy Quranic verses.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer]Lunar Orbital Motion described in Quran:
Fourteen centuries ago, the QURAN(5), i.e. .the Holy Book of Islamic Religion, was directed from GOD to all humanity through Prophet Mohammad, who lived in the Arabian Peninsula.
[FONT=verdana,aer] The ARAB people use the lunar system in their calculation of time. The Quran addressed them in the only language they could understand without upsetting their habits. GOD (in Arabic ALLAH: the ONE and Only GOD, the CREATOR) says in the Quran:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] "GOD is the ONE who made the sun a shining glory and the moon a light and for her ordained mansions, so that you might know the number of years and the reckoning" (10:5)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] The lunar year is twelve months, the month is defined recently as the time of one revolution of the moon in its orbit around the earth. God hints at such orbit in the Quran:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] "GOD is the ONE who created the night, the day, the sun, and the moon. Each one is travelling in an orbit with its own motion" (21:33).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Here an essential scientific fact is clearly stated, namely, the existence of the earth's, sun'so and moon's orbits; besides, a reference is made to the travelling of these celestial bodies in space with their own motion! A new concept had therefore been established in the Quran, hundreds of years before it was discovered by modern science(6-7)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Today the concept of the lunar year is widely spread and, as we know, the moon is our nearest neighbour in space, and a companion to our planet. It is often said that the earth and moon form a twin-planet. As the moon orbits around the earth, the change in the relative positions of the moon, earth and sun cause the moon to show its phases(8-9). The time between consecutive new moons is 29.53 days and is called the synodic month. During this time, however, the earth, and consequently the moon's orbit, have travelled some way around the sun, so the position of the moon against the background of stars is different. 'l;he time for the moon to return to the same position in the sky as viewed from earth is called the sidereal month (27.32 days) which represents the actual real net time of one revolution in the moon's orbit. This orbit is almost circular having an average radius r=384264 km.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Fig. 1 describes the moon's motion during a lunar month. Position A1 shows a new moon. Position B (about 2 weeks later than A1) illustrates the following full moon. Position A2 the moon has orbited the earth once (with respect to an apparently fixed star). Thus one sidereal period (27.32 days) has elapsed since position A1. The next new moon does not occur until position A3 where the moon has once again lined up with the sun. Thus one lunar synodic period (29.53 days) has elapsed since position A1.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Referring to the Quranic verse (10:5), we notice that it discriminates between the apparent synodic period for knowing the number of years and the real sidereal period for reckoning in scientific calculations. These two systems of measuring time are now given in the text books of Astronomy as indicated(l،) in table 2:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Table (2) Lunar month and terrestrial:day[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer]Period[/FONT][FONT=verdana,aer]Siderial[/FONT][FONT=verdana,aer]Synodic[/FONT][FONT=verdana,aer]Lunar Month T[/FONT][FONT=verdana,aer]27.321661 days = 655.71986 hours[/FONT] [FONT=verdana,aer]29.53059 days[/FONT][FONT=verdana,aer]Terrestrial day t[/FONT][FONT=verdana,aer]23 h, 56 min 4.0906 sec = 86164.0906 sec[/FONT] [FONT=verdana,aer] 24 hours = 86400 sec[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] The aim of this work is to determine the value of the greatest speed mentioned in the following relativistic Quranic verses. In these verses the sideral system should be used for both the lunar month and the terrestrial day as accurate measured periods (with respect to a distant apparently fixed star).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer]A New Relation in the Earth-Moon System:
The length of the moons' orbit L and the time t of one terrestrial day are correlated in a marvellous Quranic verse which describes a universal constant velocity of a certain cosmic affair as follows:
[FONT=verdana,aer] "GOD rules the cosmic affair from the heavens to the earth. Then this affair travels, to Him (i.e. through the whole universe) in one day, where the measure is one thousand years of your reckoning"(32:5) [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] the Quranic expression "of your reckoning" leaves no doubt as to our understanding of the year as the lunar year.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] The verse begins with a reference to a certain "cosmic affair" which GOD creates and commands. This affair travels, permanently through the whole universe between the heavens and the Earth, so speedily that it crosses in ONE DAY a maximum distance in space equivalent to that which the moon passes during ONE THOUSAND LUNAR YEAR (i.e. during 12000 Sidereal months). The question which pause.; itself now is: what could this cosmic affair be? and what is its greatest velocity as expressed in this Quranic equation?.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] To answer this question. The above Quranic verse has been understood** in terms of the following equation:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Distance crossed in vacuum by the universal cosmic affair in Osle sidereal day = length of 12000 revolutions of the moon around the earth.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. Ct = 12000 L .[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] where:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] C is the velocity of the cosmic affair,[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] t is the time interval of one terrestrial sidereal day kefined as the time of one rotation of the earth. about its axis (relative to the stars). i.e. 23 hr, 56 min, 4.0906 sec = 86164.0906sec. )[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] L is the inertial distance which the moon covers in c-o revolution around the earth during one sidereal month i.e. L is the net length of the moon's orbit due to its own geocentric motion, without the interference of its spiral motion causec by the earth's revolution around the sun, i.e. _ is the lunar orbit length excluding the effec- of the solar gravitational field on the measured value.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Let V is the measured average orbital velocity of the moon deduced from the average radius R of the lunar geocentric orbit tas measured from an orbiting earth during its heliocentric motion)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. V=2 Pi *R/T....................................................(2)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] substituting R = 384264 km and T = the siderial lunar month = 655.71986 hr[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. V= (2X3.l4l6x384264 )/ 655.71986= 3682.07 km/hr[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] This value is given in all text books of astronomy and is accepted by NASA.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Let @ (Fig. 1) is the angle travelled by the earth moon system around the sun during one sidereal month of period 27.321661 days. We can calculate @ if we take into consideration the period (365.25636 days)of one heliocentric revolution (1 year) of the earth-moon system (Fig.l).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] @ = 27.321661*360/365.25636= 26,92848[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Thus @ is a characteristic constant of this system depending on uniformperiods of the month and the year.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Since the presence of the sun changes the geometrical properties of space and time , we must screen out its gravitational effect on the earth moon system according to the validity condition of the second postulate of special relativity, i.e. we must only consider the lunar geocentric motion without the heliocentric motion of the earth-moon system. Thus a velocity component VO=V cosO representing the net orbital velocity of the moon as shown in fig. (1) is introduced for calculating the net length L of the lunar orbit assuming a stationary earth.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. L = V cos @ T ......................... (3)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] From equation (1) and (3) we get a new Quranic relation for the earth moon system:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Ct= 12000 V cos @T.......................................(4)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. C =12000 V cos @ T/t..................................(5)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] substituting the sidereal values of the periods t and T from table (2), the NASA value of the measured orbital lunar velocity V = 3682.07 km/hr., and the calculated yalue of cos@ = cos 26.92848 = 0.89157, we get the velocity of the cosmic affair from eq. 5 as expressed in the Holy Quran.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] C=12000 x 3682.07 x 0.89157 x 655.71986/86164.0906[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. C = 299792.5 km/s[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Referring to table (1) and the international value of C = 299792.458 km/s we find an extremely marvellous agreement. Thus we conclude that the cosmic affair, mentioned in the previous Quranic verse, is identical to LIGHT and all similar cosmic affairs travelling in vacuum with this maximum speed such as: all types of electro magnetic waves propagating between the heavens and the earth, the expected Gravitational waves spreading all over the universe, and all particles travelling in this cosmic greatest spead such as neutrinos.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] It is very interesting to mention here the second Quranic verse that hints at the same relativistic Quranic equation in the earth-moon system: God Most High said:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] "A day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning" (22:47)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] Thus both relativistic Quranic equations emphasise the obtained value of the greatest speed C and show that C is a permanent absolute constant. Actually there have been no scientific evidence that the value of C can change in time as yet. The constancy principle of special relativity is confirmed in the present work, which correlates also the speed of light C in vacuum with the celestial mechanics of the earth-moon system. Referring to equation (4) and substituting the velocity V from eq. (2), we find that the average radius of the moon.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] R = [C/12000x2 Pi Cos@]*t......................................(6)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] .:. "The average radius R of the lunar orbit is directly proportional to the period of one terrestrial sidereal day t.".[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] This new law deduced in the present work is important so far as it confirms the law of conservation of momentum in the Earth-Moon system. Moreover it implies the influence of the tidal effect and the gravitational change factor on the this system.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] According to Dirac's cosmology, the universal gravitational constant G must be variable in time! i.e., it decreases with the age Tv of the universe according to Diracs equation:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] where e the electronic charge, m and p are the masses of the the electron and proton respectively. Also according to Newtons law, the gravitational changes affect the radius R of the lunar orbit as indicated in the following equation(ll)[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] where h is the angular momentum of the moon about the earth, m and M are the masses of the moon and earth respectively. Since h,m and M remain unchanged with time, the radius R is inversely proportional to G. Correlating the last three equations, further studies in Cosmology may be prompted and facilitated.[/FONT]
It is both important and interesting to find a new astronomical relationZ between the radius of the lunar orbit R and the time t of one terrestrial day deduced according to a new relativistic interpretation of a cosmic Quranic verse alluding to the greatest universal speed identical to the velocity C of light in vacuum.
[FONT=verdana,aer] It is so awesome to find unity in the complex of phenomena, that at first sight appear to have nothing in common. This work proves the universality and constancy of the fundamental constant C as the Greatest Cosmic Speed and reveals the Glorious Quran as a Holy Book worth studying with meticulous analysis since its author is the CREATOR of the Universe.[/FONT]
1) "The speed of light", J.H. Rush Scientific American p. 67, August, 1955.
[FONT=verdana,aer] 2) Physics, Halliday and Resnick, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 1966.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 3) The Greatest Speed, S.R. Filonovich, Mir Publishers Moscow 1986.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 4) Theory of Relativity, Pauli, W. Pergmann Press, Oxford, 1958.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 5) The meaning of the Glorious Quran, A. Yusuf, Ali. Dar Al-Kitab Al-Masry.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 6) The Glorious Quran and Modern Science, Mansour, Hassab, El-Naby, General Egyptian Book Organization BoulacCairo (1990).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 7) The Bible, The Quran and Science, Maurice Bucaill, North American Trust Publication (1979).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 8) Astronomy, J. Mitton, Faber and Faber London, P. 20 (1978).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 9) Discovering the universe Charles, E. Long, Harper & Row Publishers, P. 63 (1980).[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 10) Macmillan Dictionary of Astronomy, Valerie Illingworth, The Macmillan Press Ltd., London, 1985.[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] 11) The Structure of the Universe, J. Narlikar, Oxford Univ. Press, P. 139, 172, 175 (1977).[/FONT]

[FONT=verdana,aer]If you dont understand this then you dont have the capacity to understand anything i present. so just ignore my posts ;).


Well-Known Member
Don't believe everything you see on Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. We certainly have good hypotheses for every piece of ancient technology. Scientists and engineers have come up with very plausible explanations using only things available to these people. We can't say for sure it's exactly how they did things but if we can replicate it, there's no reason to believe anything mysterious.

lol im not saying they had flying saucers and shizel my point was that you cannot deny that they were advanced in alot of ways, but still they would have not been able to describe complex things in nature.

I'm not going to go piece by piece through you long litany of examples from your particular holy text. Suffice it to say that Christians do the same thing and I give them the same answer. Just because some ancient writings are consistent with what we now know, doesn't mean that it is evidence for these things. Take your atom example. Until modern physics, atom was merely the term used to describe the smallest indivisible unit of matter. When the nucleus-electron combination was inferred by physicists to be a piece of the whole molecule, they thought maybe this was the smallest unit so honoring the Greeks, we called that the atom. That was our choice, a decision not made until the 19th century, made by a man, John Dalton, to call that level of division an atom. He had no idea that it would be found to be divisible even further. It is a quirk of language that this term was coined for that unit. It could have turned out that he called it something else and maybe quarks would have indeed been called atoms.
Other passages can be explained other ways including how one interprets what is being said.
Again, being consistent with science is not the same as evidence of prior knowledge.
thats why i said let me know what you want to weed out, and we will continue with what is left that has no explanation. i dont expect you to swallow everything as the truth. :P.

funny when you ask people where do you go to find informationthey say the experts, but when the experts agree with something then they become idiots and benders by none other than the none experts.

If it was a few subjects that were easily thought of then i would understand that ok, maybe someone came up with a few theory's and they just happen to work, but when statement after statement in almost every single subject is shown then your playing on that lucky string again, when you say oh that was luck and that was luck and that was luck then your on that same luck boat that created the earth. at this point you are really lucky and you should visit the casino and share the love afterwords.:D

Im not asking what Christians are doing or anyone else, this is a new subject so you need new conclusions. but if you have already arrived to your conclusions then fair enough.

Oh and you seem to forget that this was given to a people of a desert with camels 1400years ago, which means you have to realize their simplicity, so remember that if they were pressured at that time with direct complex details they would not have had the capacity to understand any of it and would have rejected the ideas and faith all together, just like if you had never been to school and lived on a farm all your life and i came along and told you to understand quantum physics or told you that everything came from a big bang the reply would be lol what a delusional person F OFF.
and its the same in history, every time someone comes up with something unusual you see flocks laughing, making fun and calling him an idiot, few years later if that thing is proved those same people flock again to congratulate or try and downplay lol. how pathetic some people really are.
In this contexts the Quran only advances when we advance and for 1400 years not one mistake in every area, and the more science move forward the more things are unlocked.



Well-Known Member
The first person to come up with the idea that stars and the Sun are the same thing, just at different distances, was Anaxagoras, in about 450 B.C. Later, Aristarchus, around 220 B.C., thought similarly. In 1600 A.D., Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for heresy, for asserting that the Sun is a star, among other things. It wasn't until the mid-1800s, after the work of Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, Newton, and finally, Friedrich Bessel, that it could be proven. The distance to other stars was calculated, and it was found that stars were about as bright as the Sun, when you account for the difference in distance. Also, chemical composition and surface temperature could be determined, and this added further evidence.

I sunk your battle ship!

Any one who spoke out about science was burned or murdered. Scientists discovered A LONG TIME AGO that the world was round, but to speak such things was death! So we're not truly sure when man came to curtain understandings, due to RELIGIOUS influence...


Well-Known Member
were you reading at a 1000mph that you didnt notice any bold statements?
I noticed the bold statements and commented on a few of them. Did you not even read my reply? I could comment on all of them, but like I said, it was getting boring. They were all very vague.
Take their knowledge of geology as one example. They said that mountains are firmly fixed. Anyone can observe that. Did you find any details that point toward a serious understanding of plate tectonics (as you implied from that vague statement)? Because IMO, saying 'mountains are firmly fixed' doesn't cut it.

i havent even started with complex arguments and you have fallen apart. the worse part is that you think that you exposed the verses to be nothing but bending when you have no background or knowledge of eastern metaphors and similes.
and your English language is so poor that you would be stuck banging your own head trying to understand what it means.
WTF are you talking about? Did I make some grammar mistakes or something. Do you find it ironic that your own sentence criticizing my use of the language was written wrong? Or, were you bitching about the English language in general, compared to other languages? If so, then you almost got the sentence right. Also, check out the spellcheck feature in your browser if you get a chance. Very handy.

since your such a smart guy and all the above is simply a case of bending, why dont you come up with one chapter and present it?
Again, WTF are you talking about? Present a chapter of what? I responded to the BS that you posted previously. That's it. I'm not coming up with chapters.
Why don't you point out where I was wrong in my response, rather than just throwing out a bunch of random insults, then moving on to something new. (See pissing match challenge quote below). Can you stay focused on what I already responded to?

[FONT=verdana,aer] According to the US National Bureau of Standards(3): C = 299792.4574 + 0.0011 km/[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] and according to the British National Physical Laboratory C = 299792.4590 + 0.0008 km/s[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana,aer] A basically new definition of the metre wasaccepted in October 1983 at the 17th General Conference on Measures and Weights(3):[/FONT] .....
If you dont understand this then you dont have the capacity to understand anything i present. so just ignore my posts ;).
OK, if your only interested in name calling and pissing matches, then I will ignore you. If you can directly respond to what I said in my previous post, then let's see it. How about starting with a serious example of their thorough understanding of geology. I saw the part where they say that mountains are firm. What else? Let's see if you can respond to that one thing without moving on to totally separate things, insults, or pissing match challenges.


Well-Known Member
“There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you.” {6:38}

Examples of solitary animals (animals that live alone) are:

Orangutans (except for mother and child, who live together for three to seven years); males and females come together for only a few days for mating.
Leopards, aside from mating (and sometimes mother-cub relationships).
Almost all spiders
Polar bears, except for courtship
Most species of rhinoceros
Tigers, usually
Maned sloth



Well-Known Member
One day another civilization will laugh at the understandings we hold dear today, both Theists AND Atheists. They will chuckle at our meager understandings of the universe, much the same way we chuckle at farmers who threw seaweed on crops without knowing "HOW" or "WHY" it worked...



Active Member
Ignoring for a minute some of the very imperfect things we see in nature, all you do here is make an argument from personal incredulity. Just because you fine awe and don't understand intricacies in nature, you attribute everything to a supernatural power. This is what ancient man did before they had the tools to understand nature.

So, have any other proof besides your personal feelings?

Quit acting like an ignorant child, we both know that proof on paper will never exist so stop acting like a childish smartass. So, you have any other proof besides your scientific THEORY that will never be proven as fact? Didnt think so.


Well-Known Member
Quit acting like an ignorant child, we both know that proof on paper will never exist so stop acting like a childish smartass. So, you have any other proof besides your scientific THEORY that will never be proven as fact? Didnt think so.
I have never claimed there was no god. I do have strong evidence that it is possible to get the diversity of life we see on Earth without the need for a designer. Showing something is possible certainly is not proof but it does beg the question why complicate things by introducing an unnecessary entity?
My science gives me far more weight to my argument than your feeling of incredulity does.


Well-Known Member
The first person to come up with the idea that stars and the Sun are the same thing, just at different distances, was Anaxagoras, in about 450 B.C. Later, Aristarchus, around 220 B.C., thought similarly. In 1600 A.D., Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for heresy, for asserting that the Sun is a star, among other things. It wasn't until the mid-1800s, after the work of Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, Newton, and finally, Friedrich Bessel, that it could be proven. The distance to other stars was calculated, and it was found that stars were about as bright as the Sun, when you account for the difference in distance. Also, chemical composition and surface temperature could be determined, and this added further evidence.

I sunk your battle ship!

Any one who spoke out about science was burned or murdered. Scientists discovered A LONG TIME AGO that the world was round, but to speak such things was death! So we're not truly sure when man came to curtain understandings, due to RELIGIOUS influence...
lol you hardly sunk any ones battle ship, in fact you just bumped your lil rubber dinghy into my battle ship, i thought you ought to be smart enough to know that if YOU could sink my battle ship then all the governments around us would not have to invent lies, make 100s of fake Islamic websites, write 100s of thousands of books, and get fake bearded men on youtube telling people to kill each other{and then they get exposed for being mostly Jewish Zionists and one of them is even a powerful US government officials grandson}. And effectively throw the cloak of terrorism over.

They would have simply exposed{and they are FULLY capable} the Quran as the bible was exposed and that would pretty much end things for the most part, but they have no choice, because they are smarter than that, not to mention you would be pretty hazed out to think that all over history hundreds and hundreds have not tried on that before you but failed miserably.

We don't dispute that people before the time of the Quran mentioned things about the water cycle etc... etc... and thats nothing new at all, in fact when Islam ruled the world{mostly}, thinkers, philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists were all invited from all over the world to Spain/Iraq{mainly} and especially anyone that had views, information or older manuscripts that have some type of common ground with the Quran on any subject. And all those people from different backgrounds and different religions were STUNNED at the level Muslims were at those days and how they progressed from nothing to everything in a matter of nothing, and all those peoples worked together to expound on every area from science to construction, the Quran orders Muslims to especially study nature and science so we can see His signs given in the Quran in order to have a deeper belief.
What happened after that golden age? haha

“due to RELIGIOUS influence”
If you had an ATOMS worth of knowledge then you would know the contribution THIS RELIGION made to the world and if your completely ignorant of history then that’s your fault.
"During the Middle Ages, Greek ideas were largely forgotten in Western Europe. With the fall of Rome, very few people in the West were left who knew how to read Greek. The Islamic Abbasid caliphs gathered the manuscripts and hired translators to increase their prestige. Islamic philosophers such as Al-Kindi (Alkindus), Al-Farabi (Alpharabius), Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and Averroes (Ibn Rushd) reinterpreted Greek philosophies in the context of their religion. Their interpretations were later transmitted to the Europeans in the High Middle Ages, when Greek philosophies re-entered the West through translations from Arabic to Latin. The re-introduction of these philosophies, combined with the new Arabic commentaries, had a great influence on Medieval philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas."=link
So please don’t try and imply that RELIGION{or this one at least} is what holds science and technology back and does atrocities like that.

You fail to realize the POINT. most{if not all} the people you mentioned and if ur mentioning names then you should know that they held alot of different views and theory's as well which were not true and even the things which later became true were not described accurately or as detailed in a lot of the cases.

X said: trees grow from seeds. {correct}
X also said: clouds are made of cotton. {false}

Y said: Dogs are Mammals. {correct}
Y also said: Snakes are birds. {false}

Z said: Ostriches have wings but cant fly.{true}
Z also said: Pigs can fly.{False}

A said: Stars are made of hydrogen.{true}
A also said: Fish are made of chicken bones.{false}

So i think what you are trying to imply is that Mohammad{pbuh} the man who could not write his own name, collected alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the CORRECT information about every aspect from science to etc... from all these different sources all over the world{which would have been impossible if you had knowledge of history is past level 0 on this subject. Then he discarded every single false claim that was mentioned by all those before him, and after doing so he expounded on them even further. AND NOT ONE THING MENTIONED IS FALSE???

And then he added new subjects in great detail which NO ONE had ever mentioned before? im not even going to mention other things, i think if you cant even grasp a thread of truth from what iv mentioned then nothing i present will be sufficient.
lol and even further, if your into such extents of knowledge and know about Anaxagoras and Philo etc.. and have studied their history then would it not be the least wise to study{notice i didnt even say believe in} a book that combined all those names from all those backgrounds and all those theorys and made a compilation of ONLY TRUE statements + much more?

“There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you.” {6:38}

“Examples of solitary animals (animals that live alone) are:

Orangutans (except for mother and child, who live together for three to seven years); males and females come together for only a few days for mating.
Leopards, aside from mating (and sometimes mother-cub relationships).
Almost all spiders
Polar bears, except for courtship
Most species of rhinoceros
Tigers, usually
Maned sloth


www.wikipedia.com ç this is a great site, you can find a lot of things and guess what? You can even use it as a dictionary… once your done. You will find that your post is pretty self retarded scientifically and unscientifically.
You actually ANSWERD yourself if you read what you wrote.
You must have some new information, because I generally thought that Jaguars, Eagles, Tigers and Sloths usually came by means of mating/reproduction and have some sort of mother-cub relationships just like Leopards for example???.
And I was silly to think that Eagles build their nests on high places for example and bring food and take care of their young before maturity, or do they come about fully grown and taught just like the mutations you guys talk about??? You Could say snakes, or turtles, BUT THEY STILL OCCUPY THE SAME AREA.

Im sorry you have to excuse me im a little behind on general information and would be delighted for you to tell me HOW do they come about without that?
Thank you.
And consider this too before you think of going further. If you were born, became a teen and left the house to live in an apartment alone. What are you then?lol.
“Examples of solitary animals (animals that live alone) are:”
{this is according to you not me}=Human being: except when he mates, raises his kids{for 15 to 20 years}, and is even online while he is reading now.

Now pay attention a bit.

You both forgot to pay attention to all the other things that were even a bit intriguing, you left them out and put them behind, and went straight for the easy bait, the thing that looks easiest to attack, and it was beautifully presented.
You didn't even comment on the others and did not pay attention to the 2 scientists or anything else, you went for the ones you saw vulnerable, and that means your not looking for information your looking for that hole in the wall. Which ideally means thats how your brain was working whether you admit it or not, but this is why you can probably never understand religion just as i cant understand atheism, unless if i was one once.
it will be considered with an "OPEN MIND"
Your not ready

So this is really not going anywhere lol, so ill end it here and see you in politics section or another thread :mrgreen:.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the bold statements and commented on a few of them. Did you not even read my reply? I could comment on all of them, but like I said, it was getting boring. They were all very vague.
Take their knowledge of geology as one example. They said that mountains are firmly fixed. Anyone can observe that. Did you find any details that point toward a serious understanding of plate tectonics (as you implied from that vague statement)? Because IMO, saying 'mountains are firmly fixed' doesn't cut it.

WTF are you talking about? Did I make some grammar mistakes or something. Do you find it ironic that your own sentence criticizing my use of the language was written wrong? Or, were you bitching about the English language in general, compared to other languages? If so, then you almost got the sentence right. Also, check out the spellcheck feature in your browser if you get a chance. Very handy.

Again, WTF are you talking about? Present a chapter of what? I responded to the BS that you posted previously. That's it. I'm not coming up with chapters.
Why don't you point out where I was wrong in my response, rather than just throwing out a bunch of random insults, then moving on to something new. (See pissing match challenge quote below). Can you stay focused on what I already responded to?

OK, if your only interested in name calling and pissing matches, then I will ignore you. If you can directly respond to what I said in my previous post, then let's see it. How about starting with a serious example of their thorough understanding of geology. I saw the part where they say that mountains are firm. What else? Let's see if you can respond to that one thing without moving on to totally separate things, insults, or pissing match challenges.
lol you need to keep up, you had no idea what this conversation was about when you jumped in, listen bud im not trying to name call you or anything but if you read the previous posts between me n afrawfraw you would have noticed there was no insults at all but the opposite.

Oh and sorry i didnt mean your English , i meant it as the English lang in general



Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana,aer]Quranic Method for The Determination Of The Greatest Speed C.[/font]
I'm curious. Do you have any evidence that anyone was able to use the Quran to determine the speed of light PRIOR to scientists measuring it? IOW, do you have any evidence that these verses were unambiguous enough to allow a Muslim to be the first to declare the value for c? Otherwise, you are doing the same thing that followers of Nostradamus do and make things fit. As I said before, it isn't difficult to find passages that are consistent with modern knowledge but that is a far cry away from being evidence of future knowledge.


Well-Known Member
@Dickdasterdly- You are making some very banal points that can be, or have been, logically dissected and refuted. I am not going to make a list because your lengthy diatribes hold so little value and are so poorly shaped that it would take an equally lengthy, repeated and reworded, discourse that one may not be able to follow if you hold so little "willingness" to drink your tea before you get a refill, if you don't empty your head how can you hope to learn what other have to teach. You seemed to have turned this into a theological debate insofar as all rebuts must possess dogmatically consistent versus, so vague you could predict every natural disaster in recent times, and very deep knowledge of every holy book ever written.

With all your knowledge I am sure you would be able to see the implicit contradictions and similarities between all of the various books. Many of God's Sun's were born on Dec. 25, born of virgin mary, in the house of bread(or bethlehem), was seen by three kings who followed the north star to him. Has twelve disciples(12 zodiac figures), was crucified, died for three days and rose again and ascended into heaven. Even the similarities between the new and old testament are indicative of an astrological allegory, with tales of morality intertwined, that holds little more value than the farmers almanac.

This is what I was looking for, and the intense music should definitely get your heart going as you realize the book you hold as holy is less qualified to run your life than the keyboard you see before your eyes.




Well-Known Member
I'm curious. Do you have any evidence that anyone was able to use the Quran to determine the speed of light PRIOR to scientists measuring it? IOW, do you have any evidence that these verses were unambiguous enough to allow a Muslim to be the first to declare the value for c? Otherwise, you are doing the same thing that followers of Nostradamus do and make things fit. As I said before, it isn't difficult to find passages that are consistent with modern knowledge but that is a far cry away from being evidence of future knowledge.
No actually, we were destroyed after the golden age and only started picking back up not long ago.{or were trying at least}
We are told that as science progresses the more discoveries made the more the Quran is revealing what its saying. and it also tells us that the enemies will be given great wealth and they will keep spending it till its all broken down and gone.
also many prophecies were made and alot have been uncovered and alot are yet to come alight, one is that Rome and Spain will be Muslim again one day.
And then there is the Challenge posed. which has never been taken out because of how unbelievably delicate and balanced it is and everything is mathematically arranged and specific words and numbers are arranged in proportion which makes it impossible to duplicate, one word would upset the whole balance.
talks about Physics, Geography, botany, Geology, Oceanology, Biology, Astronomy, Zoology, Medicine, Physiology, Embryology{which is one of the most detailed} and General Science among the normal Texts and what they have revealed in the world till now.


Well-Known Member
@Dickdasterdly- You are making some very banal points that can be, or have been, logically dissected and refuted. I am not going to make a list because your lengthy diatribes hold so little value and are so poorly shaped that it would take an equally lengthy, repeated and reworded, discourse that one may not be able to follow if you hold so little "willingness" to drink your tea before you get a refill, if you don't empty your head how can you hope to learn what other have to teach. You seemed to have turned this into a theological debate insofar as all rebuts must possess dogmatically consistent versus, so vague you could predict every natural disaster in recent times, and very deep knowledge of every holy book ever written.

With all your knowledge I am sure you would be able to see the implicit contradictions and similarities between all of the various books. Many of God's Sun's were born on Dec. 25, born of virgin mary, in the house of bread(or bethlehem), was seen by three kings who followed the north star to him. Has twelve disciples(12 zodiac figures), was crucified, died for three days and rose again and ascended into heaven. Even the similarities between the new and old testament are indicative of an astrological allegory, with tales of morality intertwined, that holds little more value than the farmers almanac.

This is what I was looking for, and the intense music should definitely get your heart going as you realize the book you hold as holy is less qualified to run your life than the keyboard you see before your eyes.


Bro Really Im not sure where you got your information from but Im pretty sure it was zeitgeist or something close, and in case you haven't heard that whole argument doesn't even hold an ounce of water, research a little further than youtube and always check for rebuttals lol you remind me of one of my best friends, he held on to Zeitgeist since it came out and he is still the same till today and wont accept any rebuttals, we are all different i guess. More importantly Where did you hear that jesus was born on the 25th? You didn't hear us saying anything about that view?

Ill give you a Hint too, I think your onto something with that whether you know it or not and its nothing to disprove me but to actually prove my case even more.


Well-Known Member
lol you need to keep up, you had no idea what this conversation was about when you jumped in
I need to keep up? This is a forum, not a real time conversation. I read what you wrote.
I responded to how you took a bunch of vague statements, and pretended that they meant something much more complex. As someone else said, it's just like what people do with Nostradamus predictions.
I pointed out how you were bending over backward to look for meaning in a bunch of vague statements, giving multiple examples until I got bored with it. Your response: move on to something else. I tried to get you focused with just one example:
Take their knowledge of geology as one example. They said that mountains are firmly fixed. Anyone can observe that. Did you find any details that point toward a serious understanding of plate tectonics (as you seem to think that vague statement means)? Because IMO, saying 'mountains are firmly fixed' doesn't cut it.
Your response this time: move on to something else. If you don't feel comfortable responding to that one, pick another of my comments.

And the “There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you.” bullshit... Solitary animals that come together and mate, then go their separate ways don't exactly live in communities like us IMO. And, what about insects and other animals that just lay a bunch of eggs and split, hoping that by having huge numbers of offspring that at least some will survive despite getting no nurturing. Is that a community like ours? You have to stretch pretty far to make that fit IMO. Just like the others.


Well-Known Member
Bro Really Im not sure where you got your information from but Im pretty sure it was zeitgeist or something close, and in case you haven't heard that whole argument doesn't even hold an ounce of water, research a little further than youtube and always check for rebuttals lol you remind me of one of my best friends, he held on to Zeitgeist since it came out and he is still the same till today and wont accept any rebuttals, we are all different i guess. More importantly Where did you hear that jesus was born on the 25th? You didn't hear us saying anything about that view?
Well that was a very well put together string of sentences, I am proud of you! I am not sure how you figure that those arguments hold no strength, it shows that theology was based on naturalistic cycles and observations, while using stories of morality, and ritualistic/coming-of-age behavior in order to keep everyone in line(waiting to join the club).

To answer your questions; since Jesus isn't real he technically wasn't born but I am sure that the Bible says something about the 25th.... Oh right the astrological descriptions. And no I did not sift through 300+ pages of pointless dialogue that isn't very coherent, and doesn't hold any logical consistency besides the talks of true reality.

Zeitgeist is a one of a kind cinematic work. Although there are many like it, none do the job as well as ZG. You mention something of rebuttals, but isn't it you who also refuse to accept any form of dissenting view as consistent with the nature of reality. You can call me looney, or an easily lead cattle, but at least what I hold as true has some grounds in the world we live in and is able to precipitate a sense of security and assurance and proves to resist the freak show from enamoring and fettering my sense of self.



Well-Known Member
Well that was a very well put together string of sentences, I am proud of you! I am not sure how you figure that those arguments hold no strength, it shows that theology was based on naturalistic cycles and observations, while using stories of morality, and ritualistic/coming-of-age behavior in order to keep everyone in line(waiting to join the club).

To answer your questions; since Jesus isn't real he technically wasn't born but I am sure that the Bible says something about the 25th.... Oh right the astrological descriptions. And no I did not sift through 300+ pages of pointless dialogue that isn't very coherent, and doesn't hold any logical consistency besides the talks of true reality.

Zeitgeist is a one of a kind cinematic work. Although there are many like it, none do the job as well as ZG. You mention something of rebuttals, but isn't it you who also refuse to accept any form of dissenting view as consistent with the nature of reality. You can call me looney, or an easily lead cattle, but at least what I hold as true has some grounds in the world we live in and is able to precipitate a sense of security and assurance and proves to resist the freak show from enamoring and fettering my sense of self.

Believe me iv been through all the possible roads you can think of before i arrived to my destination and now i have 0% doubts.
lol and even further, .

Look ill make it easy on you: here are your answers. and if you have watched it then refresh your memory again and see if the below helps.



"Zeitgeist is a one of a kind cinematic work"
"none do the job as well as ZG"
Great then maybe you can email them n tell them to include ISLAM.?
"You can call me looney, or an easily lead cattle, but at least what I hold as true has some grounds in the world we live in and is able to precipitate a sense of security and assurance and proves to resist the freak show from enamoring and fettering my sense of self."

Did you hear that frawfraw? Does it ring any bells?