The first person to come up with the idea that stars and the Sun are the same thing, just at different distances, was Anaxagoras, in about 450 B.C. Later, Aristarchus, around 220 B.C., thought similarly. In 1600 A.D., Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for heresy, for asserting that the Sun is a star, among other things. It wasn't until the mid-1800s, after the work of Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, Newton, and finally, Friedrich Bessel, that it could be proven. The distance to other stars was calculated, and it was found that stars were about as bright as the Sun, when you account for the difference in distance. Also, chemical composition and surface temperature could be determined, and this added further evidence.
I sunk your battle ship!
Any one who spoke out about science was burned or murdered. Scientists discovered A LONG TIME AGO that the world was round, but to speak such things was death! So we're not truly sure when man came to curtain understandings, due to RELIGIOUS influence...
lol you hardly sunk any ones battle ship, in fact you just bumped your lil rubber dinghy into my battle ship, i thought you ought to be smart enough to know that if YOU could sink my battle ship then all the governments around us would not have to invent lies, make 100s of fake Islamic websites, write 100s of thousands of books, and get fake bearded men on youtube telling people to kill each other{and then they get exposed for being mostly Jewish Zionists and one of them is even a powerful US government officials grandson}. And effectively throw the cloak of terrorism over.
They would have simply exposed{and they are FULLY capable} the Quran as the bible was exposed and that would pretty much end things for the most part, but they have no choice, because they are smarter than that, not to mention you would be pretty hazed out to think that all over history hundreds and hundreds have not tried on that before you but failed miserably.
We don't dispute that people before the time of the Quran mentioned things about the water cycle etc... etc... and thats nothing new at all, in fact when Islam ruled the world{mostly}, thinkers, philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists were all invited from all over the world to Spain/Iraq{mainly} and especially anyone that had views, information or older manuscripts that have some type of common ground with the Quran on any subject. And all those people from different backgrounds and different religions were STUNNED at the level Muslims were at those days and how they progressed from nothing to everything in a matter of nothing, and all those peoples worked together to expound on every area from science to construction, the Quran orders Muslims to especially study nature and science so we can see His signs given in the Quran in order to have a deeper belief.
What happened after that golden age? haha
“due to RELIGIOUS influence”
If you had an ATOMS worth of knowledge then you would know the contribution
THIS RELIGION made to the world and if your completely ignorant of history then that’s your fault.
"During the
Middle Ages, Greek ideas were largely forgotten in
Western Europe. With the fall of Rome, very few people in the West were left who knew how to read Greek. The
Islamic Abbasid caliphs gathered the manuscripts and hired translators to increase their prestige.
Islamic philosophers such as
Al-Kindi (Alkindus),
Al-Farabi (Alpharabius),
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) and
Averroes (Ibn Rushd) reinterpreted Greek philosophies in the context of their religion. Their interpretations were later transmitted to the Europeans in the
High Middle Ages, when Greek philosophies re-entered the West through
translations from Arabic to Latin. The re-introduction of these philosophies, combined with the new Arabic commentaries, had a great influence on
Medieval philosophers such as
Thomas Aquinas."=
So please don’t try and imply that RELIGION{or this one at least} is what holds science and technology back and does atrocities like that.
You fail to realize the POINT. most{if not all} the people you mentioned and if ur mentioning names then you should know that they held alot of different views and theory's as well which
were not true and even the things which later became true were not described accurately or as detailed in a lot of the cases.
X said: trees grow from seeds. {correct}
X also said: clouds are made of cotton. {false}
Y said: Dogs are Mammals. {correct}
Y also said: Snakes are birds. {false}
Z said: Ostriches have wings but cant fly.{true}
Z also said: Pigs can fly.{False}
A said: Stars are made of hydrogen.{true}
A also said: Fish are made of chicken bones.{false}
So i think what you are trying to imply is that Mohammad{pbuh} the man who could not write his own name, collected alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the CORRECT information about every aspect from science to etc... from all these different sources all over the world{which would have been impossible if you had knowledge of history is past level 0 on this subject. Then he discarded
every single false claim that was mentioned by all those before him, and after doing so he expounded on them even further. AND
And then he added new subjects in great detail which
NO ONE had ever mentioned before? im not even going to mention other things, i think if you cant even grasp a thread of truth from what iv mentioned then nothing i present will be sufficient.
lol and even further, if your into such extents of knowledge and know about Anaxagoras and Philo etc.. and have studied their history then would it not be the least wise to
study{notice i didnt even say believe in} a book that combined all those names from all those backgrounds and all those theorys and made a compilation of ONLY TRUE statements + much more?
“There is not an animal (That lives) on the earth, Nor a being that flies On its wings, but (forms Part of) communities like you.” {6:38}
“Examples of solitary animals (animals that live alone) are:
Orangutans (except for mother and child, who live together for three to seven years); males and females come together for only a few days for mating.
Leopards, aside from mating (and sometimes mother-cub relationships).
Almost all spiders
Polar bears, except for courtship
Most species of rhinoceros
Tigers, usually
Maned sloth
Or, ç this is a great site, you can find a lot of things and guess what? You can even use it as a dictionary… once your done. You will find that your post is pretty self retarded scientifically and unscientifically.
You actually ANSWERD yourself if you read what you wrote.
You must have some new information, because I generally thought that Jaguars, Eagles, Tigers and Sloths usually came by means of mating/reproduction and have some sort of mother-cub relationships just like Leopards for example???.
And I was silly to think that Eagles build their nests on high places for example and bring food and take care of their young before maturity, or do they come about fully grown and taught just like the mutations you guys talk about??? You Could say snakes, or turtles, BUT THEY STILL OCCUPY THE SAME AREA.
Im sorry you have to excuse me im a little behind on general information and would be delighted for you to tell me HOW do they come about without that?
Thank you.
And consider this too before you think of going further. If you were born, became a teen and left the house to live in an apartment alone. What are you then?lol.
“Examples of solitary animals (animals that live alone) are:”
{this is according to you not me}=Human being: except when he mates, raises his kids{for 15 to 20 years}, and is even online while he is reading now.
Now pay attention a bit.
You both forgot to pay attention to all the other things that were even a bit intriguing, you left them out and put them behind, and went straight for the easy bait, the thing that looks easiest to attack, and it was beautifully presented.
You didn't even comment on the others and did not pay attention to the 2 scientists or anything else, you went for the ones you saw vulnerable, and that means your not looking for information your looking for that hole in the wall. Which ideally means thats how your brain was working whether you admit it or not, but this is why you can probably never understand religion just as i cant understand atheism, unless if i was one once.
it will be considered with an
Your not ready
So this is really not going anywhere lol, so ill end it here and see you in politics section or another thread