...the videos are posted because we are exhausted with arguement , facts are facts, and who wants to keep explaining ANYTHING when people won't listen to facts???...
... if your any claim to any creator cannot be sciencetifically examined, how do you feel so absolutely certain your creator exist???...we on the otherhand, refuse to listen to hearsay.... in science, religions were ruled out long ago...the reasons why science says, "no god"....should make you open your eyes a little more.
...I'm curious what is it that you do believe in? Or, a better question , whats the most convincing literature/teachings you've crossed yourself? ...or have you not done enough research to come to a conclusion on what you believe???
...question, what do you think the results would be if an ape and a pig fucked/crossbread?
...look in the mirror. ...we are animals, with a conscience....and a great fucking imagination I might add.
...here's another video for you too.
