Attention l.e.d growers or anyone intereted!


Active Member
I did after, instead of waiting for him to answer you why don't you just say your piece, it seems obvious you want to contradict him on something. So just divulge what you may or may not know!
Those questions I asked were genuine. I just wanted him to clarify his stance and maybe show me some of the research or knowledge he found


Well-Known Member
Those questions I asked were genuine. I just wanted him to clarify his stance and maybe show me some of the research or knowledge he found
I don't for a second doubt that your questions are genuine and i am sure that you would be able to find this sort of info online, personally i think that a plant may need the peaks for the bulk of its needs but other spectrums in smaller doses are still needed just like NPK vs. other base elements.


Active Member
I don't for a second doubt that your questions are genuine and i am sure that you would be able to find this sort of info online, personally i think that a plant may need the peaks for the bulk of its needs but other spectrums in smaller doses are still needed just like NPK vs. other base elements.
See this is what I don't understand. Why would different wavelengths of light besides those of the peak absorption spectra of chl. a and b do for the plant? As far as I understand the photons, regardless of their wavelength is only there to move electrons along and produce atp


Well-Known Member
See this is what I don't understand. Why would different wavelengths of light besides those of the peak absorption spectra of chl. a and b do for the plant? As far as I understand the photons, regardless of their wavelength is only there to move electrons along
I don't have an answer for that mate but I am sure we both know you could read that somewhere easy enough, perhaps a member here could divulge that info. All I know is it is needed, plants evolved around the sun not the other way round.


New Member
Not gonna work. sorry buddy. they just dont put out ;)
give it 15 years they will be the new thing. Unless you have a manufacturing facilty and are gifted in the field in lumens.....gotta wait like the rest of us.
Best of luck to ya tho brotha. Keep me posted on how it all turns out
I'm doing an LED grow using 850w over 24 master kush that you should look at, so far I am very impressed with what is happening!


Well-Known Member
I have seen side by side youtube grows between penetrators and prolycons and the prolycons were blown out of the water, you just like the look of it. Also look at the colour spectrum of the led's they use. they have not updated them in 2 years, why? They have been built already. Pro grow is by far the best value based on price, parts and warranty. And... you can see grow journals on their website.
Never heard of "prolycon".

Pro grow are overpriced and outmatched by a number of others. Suit yourself.

benjamin alexander

Active Member
ok, ill explain a little bit to all you doubters, i told you i am NO expert, i most certainly dont have a background in science, i made my living off mma until i got injured, but i HAVE got people who are that looked into it for me, did their own scientific research and i trust them completely, they told me to go for it beccause in their theory, it should all work out, true i may have got a little bit excited over the news but hey to me it was big news :)

oh and i am not ignoring anyones questions, im putting together a post that will have all the links and info you need to double check my posts if you feel the need, i also find it hard to keep up with you guys as you seem to be on and most active when im asleep in bed lol so waiting for a reply when im comatose and bitching about how im 'deliberately ignoring you' isnt really fair is it? not with the time differences between countries and all?


Well-Known Member
ok, ill explain a little bit to all you doubters, i told you i am NO expert, i most certainly dont have a background in science, i made my living off mma until i got injured, but i HAVE got people who are that looked into it for me, did their own scientific research and i trust them completely, they told me to go for it beccause in their theory, it should all work out, true i may have got a little bit excited over the news but hey to me it was big news :)

oh and i am not ignoring anyones questions, im putting together a post that will have all the links and info you need to double check my posts if you feel the need, i also find it hard to keep up with you guys as you seem to be on and most active when im asleep in bed lol so waiting for a reply when im comatose and bitching about how im 'deliberately ignoring you' isnt really fair is it? not with the time differences between countries and all?
Lots of info here on leds and studies by NASA, and universities.



Well-Known Member
How about you research this instead of asking someone else to do it......yeah???!!!
Wooaaa eassy there.

This guys seems very dedicated to creating lighting alternatives, i simply gave him another route. I have done some research and i listed pretty much the end result. The Luxim engine works, grows well, and is low watt(3-400), low heat, but lacks some of the red to flower as well as some of the hps bulbs.

Being a full time student with a full time job with a new house(that was foreclosed on and requires tons of renovating) as well as dealing with a fiancee that requires a large amount of time and attention(not in a bad way at all)... Yeah that leaves me with little drive to email and research new lighting alternatives. In the end i will help steer people towards an interesting idea, but i will just buy the proven method until alternatives are refined.

ultimately he seems to have the ability to follow through with a project more than i.


Active Member
WOW I can't believe I just ran into this. Im also doing a LED build using only CREE leds. I should have my my setup finished next week Im waiting on my driver. Im just doing 6 3w cree LEDS 3 cool white color temp around 6500k then 2 reds and 1 green. I also have a bunch of royal blues on hand I will swap out for the cool whites to see how I get better growth. I'm using 60 degree optics. If leds can replace metal halides for salt water fish tanks and preform just as well with coral growth and plant growth then why can't it be done with plants not in water??


Well-Known Member
WOW I can't believe I just ran into this. Im also doing a LED build using only CREE leds. I should have my my setup finished next week Im waiting on my driver. Im just doing 6 3w cree LEDS 3 cool white color temp around 6500k then 2 reds and 1 green. I also have a bunch of royal blues on hand I will swap out for the cool whites to see how I get better growth. I'm using 60 degree optics. If leds can replace metal halides for salt water fish tanks and preform just as well with coral growth and plant growth then why can't it be done with plants not in water??
The green is wasted space. Blue, or warm white, would make more sense. Green is the part of the spectrum the plant reflects, hence, doesn't use.


Active Member
i'm using off the shelf led units for my grow space, just harvested 8+ oz (wet) from just 2 (!!!!!) little plants... led plus one cfl (domestic 100 watt) for side lighting...
keep on doing it man, don't listen to the unbelievers out there...
if you want to grow using a cigarette lighter, do it... if it yields, it yields...
meanwhile i'm saving on heating/cooling, ventilation (only need the one to vent and scrub), replacement costs (they've been going 12:12 for a year plus with no end in sight, in fact they have 4 more years under the warranty or they will be replaced for FREE!), electricity...
in fact, the only valid point that i have noticed so far is that they don't seem to penetrate as deeply as i'd like, but you know what? big friggin deal, i don't have to keep my lights 2 feet minimum from the tops of my babies, i've got them at 2 *inches*... so my lumens are going on target as opposed to making my room hot and costing an arm and a leg...
ben, you get a system put together, and i'll buy it, how does that sound? you seem like a good dude, and certainly deserve a shot...
it's like everyone has stock in hortilux around here...
ben, pm me with the stats and a pic and suggested price, and we'll make it happen...
ps: do you make them custom for med grows? i've got some ideas i need to run by someone who makes them...


Active Member
wow, so much negativity...
here is my stance:
i've grown from coast to coast for years... hid is old tech and not the most effecient thing ever, yet everyone acts like it is the second coming or something...
today i pulled down 8+ oz from two little tiny plants grown under off the shelf leds (growtech panels, i believe) plus one 100 watt cfl (mostly for side lighting)...

some of you boys and girls acting like you own stock in the hortilux corp need to wise up and do some math:

i can keep my lights 2 inches from the top of my flowers not two feet (those of you using 1k hids, you know what i mean)... i've NEVER had to worry about the tips or buds getting scorched by growing too close to the heat, i mean light and the auxiliary worry about it getting so hot under the lamp that something catches fire, or my ballast is wired wrong, or whatever... also at two inches the vast majority of my usable lumens are going where i want them to go, how much coverage are you getting from yours from 2 FEET away??? right, you can do math just like me, not much...

i also do not have to invest tons of money for cooling units and fans and such to keep the room under 90 degrees (which means i don't have to pay tons for my electric, as my leds just sip at the electricity: i am using 1/10th of the amount of electric monthly as i was even with just one 1k mh light)...

i also don't have to worry about my bulb shattering or releasing crazy toxic vapors near my little organically raised veggies and herbs...

similarly i don't have to replace my bulbs every cycle; i've still got 4 more years to go on my "if the unit or individual lights go out, we will replace the unit at our cost" warranty (they've been going on 12:12 for more than a year now, how many bulbs have you replaced in the past 12 months???)

i also don't have to have multiple fans running for input air, exhaust air, lamp cooling and the like... i only need for exhaust and scrubbing (one unit will suffice)...

my noise profile is low, i can sleep at night not worrying about that throbbing low pitched hum that is so prevalent in most indoor grows...

now i firmly believe that there is room enough for all of us in this thing... if you wanna grow by a campfire, go do it, but don't tell this guy he is all full of s--- when maybe he is not... don't piss on his ideas because you can't see past your own, when you can't open your eyes and see that there are other sources of info than the folks who take out adverts in high times...
hid ain't bad, but there are other ways too! if you want to grow with plasma: do it, cfl? awesome!

my girls are organically grown and raised, dripping with trichs by two weeks into flower, shiny and "cover of a magazine" pretty by harvest, they yield big because i've got a dialed in system and nothing more... don't like it? then stop reading this thread! trolling has been on the rise on this site, and it is pretty amateur, kids...

to my man ben: tell you what, you put together and sell your system? if so, show it off, be proud... you start making them, let me know size shape design, and if it works i'll buy one... if you do custom, i've got some needs that i need filled and i love the idea of custom made gear, especially if it will help with the only true issue i know of from leds (which i admit is kind of a large one: PENETRATION)... pm me size shape and cost and we will get your idea off the ground, ok?

peace out!


Active Member
^^^Nice post..could you provide a link to the panels your using if you get a chance...

it looks kinda like cheesy website, but the results speak for themselves... i'm using 4 each of these and the only issue i've had is they don't daisychain (i need almost one whole powerstrip for my setup)... now of course they are... lol

also for the interested, this site also makes the only ufo model i actually think works... but i have to say i think it produces better when the usable area is halved (they say it covers like 12 sq feet, to me it is more like 8 sq ft... but still... and the pro is way way strong... it is fantastic, but pricey...


Active Member
i was doing some searching today and came across why plants get light bleached, and saw some plants under LED getting light bleached as well.

i didn't know chlorohpyll actually broke up as it converted light, and that it regenerates itself. if you give it too much light, chlorophyll breaks down faster than it can be built up

i raised my LED panel up a little after reading about it. too paranoid, too new to LED


Active Member
Ben- Did you see this?

DIY Cree Xlamp LED Grow Light kit

You don't need these circuit boards. All you need is a heat sink, leds, and a driver (aka ballast) to push them. Its so simple. I feel like LEDS are way behind in the grow forums and the people using them to grow in salt water are way ahead of where, we are with figuring this out.

Sorry to post a link to another forum but this site has alot of great info on using LEDS and is a must read

All you need is a kit like one of these. Just change out the color of LEDS with the ones you need. Also you need to find a heatsink to the glue the LEDS to since they generate alot of heat. Heat is everything with LEDS.

Pick out a heatsink here.

Examples of DIY LED builds here:

If you buy that barebone kit your going to have to change out the LEDS for the right color. There are many other sites that offer barebone LED kits, as you can see everyone USEs CREE LEDS. WHy? Because they are best and have been tested by these people over and over and get the best PAR ratings.

The onlything Im waiting on for my kit is my driver which should be in next week. Then I will be doing a a quick little DIY self on putting my kit together and starting a grow.