Well-Known Member
We should probably join the catholics then, they're like the mafia of religion! hahaYour right religions are gangs .... If you dont join them they will kill you
We should probably join the catholics then, they're like the mafia of religion! hahaYour right religions are gangs .... If you dont join them they will kill you
You, my friend, are a genius.its the only reason their religion still exists. only the good true slaves make it right? hah i think to belong to a religion is to bound your self to slavery in a sense. i agree with blazin to an extent that the core teachings are good, but i think they may have gone astray. the gnostics mention that the eternal spirit inside us is that connection we have with "god", or i like the "creation". actually basically every major religion and ancient cultures say the same thing, that there is an essence of god inside all conscious life. i think the prophecies and the teachings from the begining till now all seem to be just different interpretations of 1 thing, that humanity had at one time experienced. and now science, quantum physics, and all the teachings of biblical and religious teachings and prophecies, are helping to make clearer the nature of reality, and how we are "creators" with free will and what may happen, with the "end times" or "shift into this something new. conscious evolution and expaning in awareness. the universe is my new "religion". logic, truth, reason, love the frequency that creates
thats exactly what i think. great minds think alike.The only people not trying to force their religious beliefs onto other people are people without religious beliefs...
I can dig thatWho cares we all die in the end, everyone just chill out and have their OWN beliefs.
Some People enjoy debating
Pushing yours onto others is fucking ignorant, learn to accept the other people might disagree with everything you stand for and believe in.
Who cares about who believes in god or who doesn't?
It is not something that should stand between people, religion and spirituality are some of the most personal things you have, don't ruin that by advertising your faith like it's lacking in members or something....
Again I suggest you reasearch the term apologetic
I guess the people who find their own faith and apply it to their life properly really get the most out of religion.
Opinion noted
I'm 100% atheist but I accept people of all shapes and forms and BELIEFS.
So? Most everyone does, Do you drop your beliefs? Why should others do the same? Just because people have different takes and opinions on things and want to debate them does not mean non acceptace of the person, only the doctrine.
Your a perfect example , would you drop your doctrine for me?
Chill and smoke some blunts
"First of all, Hitler wasn't an atheist.
Second, while Stalin and Mao were athiests, they did not perpetrate their atrocities because of their atheism. There is nothing about atheism that necessarily leads to mass murder or genocide.
Atheism is simply the lack of belief in god.
Contrast this with the Inquisition. The atrocities perpetrated were because of a doctrine held by the church, and the thoughts/actions of those deemed to be heretical. Christianity can be blamed in this instance, while in the examples above atheism cannot."
"The actions of totalitarians have far more in common with religious, rather than secular values.
Do not question the leader, submit unthinkingly, ethics are what the authority says they are, or else. There is no external moral benchmark.
These are the catchphrases of totalitarians through the ages. In the religious context the leader is God, the authority is the Bible and the "or else" the Inquisition. In a secular context the leader may be Hitler, the authority "Main Kampf" and the "or else" the Gestapo.
The root problem, is that Dogma and Ideology which must be obeyed without question, lead inevitably to horrors. The precedents, both religious and secular are legion. Religion is merely a subset of the primary concept. The antidote, is genuine free thought, skepticism and critical thinking. "
I fail to see how this has anything to do with the way men treat each other, re read what i said......''mens actions'' in the way they treat each otherCavebaby, you trippin!
We've sent shit out of our solar system, 4 times. We've landed on the Moon 43 times, Venus 15 times, Mars 11 times, and 5 other planetary bodies including Jupiter and Saturn's largest moon Titan. All that doesn't include the flybys or space probes that haven't landed on anything, which would include the Hubble Space Telescope. Literally billions of bits of information we would not otherwise have were it not for these amazing pieces of technology and human ingenuity! Moving on, you did say the last THOUSAND years right?... I'll just list some random shit I know about from then till now...
How bout just call it a day?Cavebaby, I'm not really sure what you're getting at? Are you here to tell me I am wrong???
About what?
OBVIOUSLY people like to debate, i guess i shouldn't have used that term, I should have used "argue."
It's retarded to argue and try to convince one another who's religion or faith is NUMBER ONE or the ultimate truth....
To argue is to waste time
I don't think that people know, AT ALL, how to accept one another's beliefs.
I would differ, To accept does not mean to embrace or convert....Oh and another point if what you say is true then folks would not convert from one to another
Seeing people trying to tell someone that how they think about god is wrong looks like they can't accept the fact somebody thinks in a different way.
Im not sure the whole world sees it like you do, In Christianity we have a saying about Pearls....Many ''christians'' witness in the wrong place, or do it by their own accord with out the gudience of the Holy Spirit, so in a way i would agree with you.
But other times I have seen much learning take place on both sides of the isle, a good thing as i see it because I think its retarded
when people debate a subject and have no working understanding of the thing they debate against, again this takes place on both sides of the isle
I would not drop my 'doctrine' but that doesn't mean at all that I can't look at your faith with an open mind. Considering your idea as a possibility (because NOBODY actually knows anything for sure) doesn't mean I'm changing/dropping my faith, it means I am capable of seeing things from another view.
Word ....But would you agree that its not being intolerant to hold to the doctrines of ones own faith? While still ''seeing things'' from another view?
I KNEW people were going to try to pick this thread apart and say a bunch of shit about how I'm wrong..
Well why did you do it then? And Im not sure i said ''your wrong''
This thread wasn't meant to start more arguments, rather to try to STOP them and get people to just chill out..
It failed? Look , My perspective concerns only remarks directed At Christians and Christianty, to ask for souces for claims
and Primary data give me a chance to mull over your claims and see if there is anything debate worthy
If you just said all this was ''MY'' opinion then I would have no reason to respond
All I was trying to say was that everyone all has their own beliefs, if two people happen to share faiths, it should be embraced but opposing view points should not try to tell eachother who is "right", rather should just accept the other as a alternative view of the world.
Im down with that
How can anybody argue with me there? You're saying people should start religious 'wars' all the time because somebody doesn't agree with you??????
See there you go again....If you said ''ARE you'' saying......then the context of your remarks would be different.
No I never said or implied that...In fact Christ forbids such actions
Like ok how about I like dogs and you don't. Should I sit here all day trying to convince you that I am right and you are wrong on something that is totally opinion based?
I see no worth in wasting my time ....unless you kept rolling joints of JH or WW...then i would listen all day long
How about I just accpet the fact that you, and many others, might like cats and call it a fuckin day.
no one ever wins. the faithful have their ANSWER and their opponents often prove themselves to be just as fanatical and intolerant as torquemada himself......let me know who wins
lol once upon a time there was a magical thing called one ever wins. the faithful have their ANSWER and their opponents often prove themselves to be just as fanatical and intolerant as torquemada himself.