Attic Grow Room


I am thinking about setting up my grow tent in the attic. My concern is that the insulation which is loose may cause problems with dust and any other environmental or bacterial problems. Does anyone have any experience with this and if so is growing in the attic with insulation pose any specific problems

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
It won't pose any problems as long as it's (insulation) not bothered....As long as it lays dormant and is not moved there won't be a problem...Good luck....

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
you definitely don't want loose insulation circling around in the air especially when your plants are in flower because those particles will stick to the buds and then you'll be smoking them, just cover the area in some thick black poly sheeting i used 1000 gauge damp proof plastic sheeting and just stapled to the joists and then covered it with thermal blanket but you could use all sorts of reflective sheeting mate


Well-Known Member
what tits mcgee above me said, just make a sealed room inside of the attic, thats what I would do. Filter the intake and the exhaust.


Active Member
My room is in the attic as well. I just built a box and lined it with tin foil. No issues. You will want to run your lights at night though, in order to control temps.