Attic/roof venting exhaust!


Well-Known Member
So does anyone run there exhaust to there roof/attic?

Ive just installed mine into the roof as really was the only option, as we have close/nosey neighbours and the window wasnt a option.

Had any negatives?
When I was looking around for info on where to vent my tent, the info I found was mostly about the heat and moisture building up in your roof and creating a favorable environment to spark a fire. That, and the heat building up in your roof and casing your house to be the only one on the block with a glowing roof at 3am - when viewed through FLIR - if that matters to you. If you're going to vent into your roof at least install:
Never thought of that. Cant modify this house as im renting at the moment.

Any other solutions?
Never thought of that. Cant modify this house as im renting at the moment.

Any other solutions?

Well, bro, it's all about dispersing the heat as quickly as possible, by mixing with cool/fresh air, if you're trying to hide it. The actual vent heat signature doesn't have a big 'foot print,' It disperses very quickly. Venting it somewhere the heat can't build up is also about safety...

You mentioned your neighbors but are you using a carbon filter?
Correct I am using a filter.

However there is about 1m from the window to my neighbours (small block)

This house has become anything but a nightmare for my needs haha!
Carbon filters work really well, at least I think they do... my house probably smells of weed regardless... but On cold nights I actually vent it into the house as heating :)

Where does your bathroom/shower exhaust fan go?
Not sure, havent been into the roof yet to suss all the exhausting out.

But my neighbours are too close for my /paranoia to vent out there, never had this issue and its doing my head in 'crazy.
Angle your vent so it blows warm air around your home just make sure there's no harsh bends or kinks in the ducting I have the same problem as you nosey neighbours one side that would grass you up for coughing and a pot head the other side that lives with mummy n daddy
Well I'd say check out your roof space before venting up there... At least have a look. I'm sure 100's of people all over the world vent in to the roof space just fine, but those are the two main factors I found for people not to do it, and I think they're good ones :)

If your shower/bathroom vent goes out through the roof in its own pipe you might be able to attach your ducting to it
How sickening is it.

I fucking hate the bastards but they aren't going to stop me growing fuck them lol also a good odor neutraliser to recommend is ONA they really do work!! I got one the other week now my house smells like a hospital also you'll not notice the smell of the plants till your into flower and then obviously at chop time
Jest vent into attic, most attics have vents. If not all. Maybe run the flex close to the outside vent in the attic not attaching it just close????
Jest vent into attic, most attics have vents. If not all. Maybe run the flex close to the outside vent in the attic not attaching it just close????
No.Humidity will cause mold very quickly. Plus the place will smell like high grade for 2 months after he moves out. Not a good idea ever.
Isn't humidity already high during the summer months in the attic? There isn't much mold in the attic. I mean an attic isn't very sealed from my personal experience.

Idk i would think the air would be forced out of the vents with it just venting anywhere in the attic. Maybe keep a temp humidity sensor in attic

The smell wouldn't last two months? Maybe like a week open the house up run some fans when done.

Not trying to be argumentative, just unsure.
I don't think a small grow vented into a properly designed attic will be a problem as far as heat & humidity go.
Besides, he doesn't have any choice. I vent mine from the basement into the space between the ceiling tiles/ first floor above.
I have 20+ feet of insulated ducting, the air is cool & dry when it exits.
Most attics that are older are poorly designed (in my area any ways.) Then you force them to do something they were never designed for and its much worse.

The problem isn't so much venting in summer, its venting in winter. The warm moist grow room air, meets cold air and objects that are below the dew point. It takes very little time in winter for mold to become a serious problem.

and in my opinion ONA sucks

- Jiji