Attitude Arrived Today


got my quad special in today, came with a killer white T that has a black and silver skull on it, and it says FAT HARRY, anyone know what fat harry is all about?


ty madkush,

i ordered a shitload of seeds and they sent a shitload more freebies (all fem) along with the quad bonus

what a great surprise, TY Attitude


Well-Known Member
I got crappy t-shit with "comlicity" written on it. on top of that there is an angry bulls head.
the quality of t shirt is rubbish + very small hole for a head, it will streach if I'll put it on a fief times.

thats why next time I'll order my seeds in a mug. when I made an order there was this "free eye lences giveavay" I got one pair + 1 free fem critical haze seed which was kinda cool. (I'd rather get more free seeds than lences but anyway I'm thankfull for what i got) :)


UPDATE: after a 36hr soak 12 out of 12 nirvana NL femd seeds have cracked and root tips clearly visible, have been dropped into soil and put under cfl
also, 4 out of 4 quad bonus seeds i soaked have also cracked, a 100% success rate so far.

ty nirvana, and ty attitude, now the rest is up to me, so wish me good luck people, ill need it, and ill take it