Attitude Beans seized at Chicago?? Help expose this asshole

Tude gave me the same hso shirt 2 times in a row:roll:. Anyone got info on pineapple hashplant by RD?? I've been looking and can't find squat.

ask mrs rare d chronic. she's a member on here, and very good people, and more than willing to field any and all questions... she's got a thread in the strain review section i think or the seedbank section, one of the two.. :D
I noted a lot of peeps getting their beans snagged. So lets try to expose this scumbag. Post pics of the "shit" letter your getting. It has to be a religious zealot or a stoner stealing from us brothers and sisters. This post should also alert the tude to change thier shipping strategy. I hope for my fellow brothers and sisters this asshole gets hit by a bus. Cause if we catch em its tar and feather time.

that's totally what an alpha male would do.
Yer my biggest Fan:-P its ok if the alpha males piss you off. Its ok if your not getting laid I understand. You need help. You need to get a life and stalk someone else.
its not the tudes fault. its someone that has worked it out and knows what they look like. maybe a white package so big from uk, yep from that address again... maybe he scans for a tin.. mix it up a bit, for things going through Chicago. I doubt postal office would bother. There would be so many more ordering than those posts here though.
Mine are still in Chicago since 10/17 sucks. I didn't have enough cash in my account to cover the seed and guaranty shipping. I have never had a problem and it was only one pack so I ordered anyway. Fuck that was a mistake attitude will not even reship if you never get your package. Oh well my fault. :wall:
its not the tudes fault. its someone that has worked it out and knows what they look like. maybe a white package so big from uk, yep from that address again... maybe he scans for a tin.. mix it up a bit, for things going through Chicago. I doubt postal office would bother. There would be so many more ordering than those posts here though.

So says the stranger, with two post.
Mine are still in Chicago since 10/17 sucks. I didn't have enough cash in my account to cover the seed and guaranty shipping. I have never had a problem and it was only one pack so I ordered anyway. Fuck that was a mistake attitude will not even reship if you never get your package. Oh well my fault. :wall:

Patience young grass hoppa
Think about this one...Gov. Pat Quinn today signed a bill legalizing the use of marijuana for medical purposes in Illinois that supporters say is the strictest in the nation. Jim Champion, a military veteran from Somonauk who suffers from multiple sclerosis, joined the governor at a bill signing ceremony at the University of Chicago. He told of the relief he gets from marijuana, which his wife indicated allows him to more than cut in half the number of pills he takes. Champion said he is glad he’ll soon no longer be violating the law to get pain relief.

The law takes effect Jan. 1, but state regulators are likely to need months to come up with the rules. That means it could be until next summer before those suffering from 42 illnesses including cancer, AIDS and multiple sclerosis can legally seek relief through marijuana.

Under the new law, a person could be prescribed no more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana over two weeks. That’s enough to fill two small sandwich bags. In addition, the prescribing doctor must have a prior and ongoing medical relationship with the patient. And a doctor must find that the patient has one of a few dozen serious or chronic conditions for the marijuana to be prescribed.

Patients would have to buy the marijuana from one of 60 dispensing centers throughout the state and would not be allowed to legally grow their own. Workers at dispensing centers would undergo criminal background checks, the stores would be under round-the-clock camera surveillance and users would carry cards that indicate how much they had bought to prevent stockpiling.

Marijuana would be grown inside 22 cultivation centers registered with the state.

The state agriculture, professional regulation and public health agencies need to figure out a way to determine who gets permits to open marijuana growing centers and dispensaries and to determine rules for physicians giving out cards allowing patients to obtain the marijuana.

For years, the measure had failed to gain traction at the Capitol, particularly in the House. But this spring sponsoring Rep. Lou Lang, D-Skokie, was able to cobble together the votes needed to send the bill to the Senate, where a similar but less restrictive bill had passed in previous years.

Quinn had said he’d keep an open mind on the issue and indicated that military veterans who suffered pain might get relief.
I noted a lot of peeps getting their beans snagged. So lets try to expose this scumbag. Post pics of the "shit" letter your getting. It has to be a religious zealot or a stoner stealing from us brothers and sisters. This post should also alert the tude to change thier shipping strategy. I hope for my fellow brothers and sisters this asshole gets hit by a bus. Cause if we catch em its tar and feather time.

They would probably make him employee of the year.
They would probably make him employee of the year.

Yer a dumb ass. Mr. I Just joined this month to bash the tude. I only wish I was a employee. As you should be able to clearly see they are way across the pond from me. I haven't received anything from the tude except the beans I paid for. Just got tired of seeing my brothers and sisters getting ripped.

Also got tired of seeing mysterious noobs like yerself popping up to shit talk them. So do yerself a favor grab a pack of tampons some cranberry juice.