ATTITUDE has a bad...attitude

will have to try that ^^ i still can't believe that in this day and age that someone would see dope seeds as a threat. Sent the tude many emails offering to pay extra on top of the repack and hemp bag to get some far out shinobi-style stealth and no reply. The least they could do is send an email saying "we have your money now so fuck u". Will try what u said tho, with a different seedbank ��

yeah i understand that 100% i hope things work out. Also i notice a lot of people take advantage of their promos yes you are supposed to but maybe during huge good value promos they have an overload of orders making it easy for customs to "track" the order. May i add on my package it said "gift t-shirt" when i got it i didnt know what it was until i opened it lol
The Attitude is the worst seed bank! I have gotten several bad orders from them including crushed seeds! I called and told them they are NOT the only legit seed bank anymore! They got pissed! Go with Sea of Seeds, I know their menu sucks balls but they are great!
The Attitude is the worst seed bank! I have gotten several bad orders from them including crushed seeds! I called and told them they are NOT the only legit seed bank anymore! They got pissed! Go with Sea of Seeds, I know their menu sucks balls but they are great!
i was really looking foward to my white russian :cry:
I fuck with single seed centre

Also there "protected" shipping is only a few dollars more than standard shipping and i know attitude charges $20+ for "secured" shipping.

Yup, Single seed centre is #1 in my opinion. Their stealth shipping is cheaper and much better than attitude, and they ship 10x faster than attitude.

Attitude does have cheaper (non-guarantee) shipping, and better freebies...but their shipping sucks.

gotta weigh the pros vs. cons
Yup, Single seed centre is #1 in my opinion. Their stealth shipping is cheaper and much better than attitude, and they ship 10x faster than attitude.

Attitude does have cheaper (non-guarantee) shipping, and better freebies...but their shipping sucks.

gotta weigh the pros vs. cons
In hindsight I should have, will definitely give them a try. Still no reply from the tude, my second order is coming up on the 21 days now I think its safe to say that they have my money and just don't give a f*&% :cuss:
Sounds like you guys have a problem with your shipping providers. Maybe you should contact them and ask why your packages aren't making it to you. To the OP, confirm your info with attitude like they said. Don't be rude, point the finger or say anything outrageous. Tell them your name, order number, order date and attach previous emails with it so that they have the whole conversation. And make sure you name the same person that answered your last email so that its a continuous conversation. This is all they need. You should have a response within a few days unless you were an ass to them previously. In that case, good luck! Hope you guys get your shit.
Sounds like you guys have a problem with your shipping providers. Maybe you should contact them and ask why your packages aren't making it to you. To the OP, confirm your info with attitude like they said. Don't be rude, point the finger or say anything outrageous. Tell them your name, order number, order date and attach previous emails with it so that they have the whole conversation. And make sure you name the same person that answered your last email so that its a continuous conversation. This is all they need. You should have a response within a few days unless you were an ass to them previously. In that case, good luck! Hope you guys get your shit.

Thats exactly what I would do and how I would handle it.

I have an order at customs atm from herbies. Checked the tracking. On the 12th the order was made and it was "accepted by the international sorting facility" and "awaiting clearance for delivery" on the 19th which was Friday. Not sure if customs work over weekends or whatnot but im hoping to get it either Monday or Tuesday...Fingers crossed.

Anyone know how long it usually takes to clear customs? Im in OZ...
TO PEOPLE WHO'S SEEDS GET JACKED: It's always a big order. Now people, how do you think it looks at Customs when a frigging t-shirt or teacup comes in with a registered value of 300 frigging DOLLARS? If beans were legal in your country this would be NO PROBLEM because you'd declare what it is.
Stop acting stupid. Attitude is LEGALLY trading in seed, and as such are bound to regulations. They send you a package, and it is insured, they HAVE TO PUT THE VALUE, there's no way they can keep sneaking out packages as 'non-commercial'
So quite frankly guys, really, try a bit of logic.
Oh and just learn from your mistakes, and move on. Just place another order, a SMALL one, somewhere else and get over it... I gotta tell you, Attitude is BEST though. Try them again on a small one, it should be a bit different...
Yup, Single seed centre is #1 in my opinion. Their stealth shipping is cheaper and much better than attitude, and they ship 10x faster than attitude.

Attitude does have cheaper (non-guarantee) shipping, and better freebies...but their shipping sucks.

gotta weigh the pros vs. cons

nah they REALLY upped the quality of their stealth packages, and the packs are insanely well protected now too. I just posted a review on the oprder I got Frida...
TO PEOPLE WHO'S SEEDS GET JACKED: It's always a big order. Now people, how do you think it looks at Customs when a frigging t-shirt or teacup comes in with a registered value of 300 frigging DOLLARS? If beans were legal in your country this would be NO PROBLEM because you'd declare what it is.
Stop acting stupid. Attitude is LEGALLY trading in seed, and as such are bound to regulations. They send you a package, and it is insured, they HAVE TO PUT THE VALUE, there's no way they can keep sneaking out packages as 'non-commercial'
So quite frankly guys, really, try a bit of logic.

I hear you and I hope youre wrong on this one.
Sounds like you guys have a problem with your shipping providers. Maybe you should contact them and ask why your packages aren't making it to you. To the OP, confirm your info with attitude like they said. Don't be rude, point the finger or say anything outrageous. Tell them your name, order number, order date and attach previous emails with it so that they have the whole conversation. And make sure you name the same person that answered your last email so that its a continuous conversation. This is all they need. You should have a response within a few days unless you were an ass to them previously. In that case, good luck! Hope you guys get your shit.
I assure u my first 5 emails were as polite as could be, the replies I received however made no sense, and were never more than a sentence or two, e.g Hi there, we will only reship an order after 21 working days, Hi there, please confirm name and delivery address, I got about 10 of these before I lost it, in reply they asked what I was complaining about, I said I have not received my 2 orders, both are well after the 21 working days, their reply was, "we will only reship after 21 working days" ffs.
TO PEOPLE WHO'S SEEDS GET JACKED: It's always a big order. Now people, how do you think it looks at Customs when a frigging t-shirt or teacup comes in with a registered value of 300 frigging DOLLARS? If beans were legal in your country this would be NO PROBLEM because you'd declare what it is.
Stop acting stupid. Attitude is LEGALLY trading in seed, and as such are bound to regulations. They send you a package, and it is insured, they HAVE TO PUT THE VALUE, there's no way they can keep sneaking out packages as 'non-commercial'
So quite frankly guys, really, try a bit of logic.
I would say the same to attitude, as the correspondence I have received from them defies it (logic)
Finally after my first order in the first week of feb, I finally have conformation of a resend. it only took 2 months...
If they answered your email(s) and asked for any info from you then there wouldve been a woman's name at the bottom. You need to address all correspondence with her. While I don't think they have the best English skills they are very helpful. But you must see the business side of it. They know overseas packages can get lost for weeks in postal systems. So the 21 days ends up being a month or two before you have an answer. By then, your package is usually found. But back your issue, this is how bad the English skills are but shows how ready they are to help. I ordered at the beginning of January and part of that order was from blimburn so that I got enters into the drawing for a mini ipad and some seeds. My order arrived about 10-12 days later. At the beginning of Feb I got an email saying congrats you've been drawn as our 3rd place recipient of an ipad and 3 seeds each of six different strains. I responded and said thank you and asked if the package was guaranteed. They said no bu please confirm shipping addy. I did. Next email they sent said we notice youved purchased our guarantee and your order will be reprocessed, here's your tracking number. I sent email saying I got my order but received an email saying I won the ipad and seeds and to confirm my address. They responded and said thank you and you've been taken care of. This email had 2 tracking numbers. The one they just gave me plus another for a second shipment which I assumed was the free seeds that came with the ipad. So few days go by then email hits me saying thank you again congrats blah blah blah but my orders were being held until I notified them what I wanted in place of my original seeds that were now out of stock. Once again I emailed stating that I've gotten all orders with no problems and thanked them again for everything. They sent me another and once again said my orders(free seeds from blimburn and ipad mini AND original January order) would be sent after I substituted some seeds. Within 21 days I had the ipad mini, free seeds from blimburn and my January order refilled from attitude. It's clearly a comprehension thing on their end. They gave me a free order after repeated emails notifying them that I had already gotten the orders.
I assure u my first 5 emails were as polite as could be, the replies I received however made no sense, and were never more than a sentence or two, e.g Hi there, we will only reship an order after 21 working days, Hi there, please confirm name and delivery address, I got about 10 of these before I lost it, in reply they asked what I was complaining about, I said I have not received my 2 orders, both are well after the 21 working days, their reply was, "we will only reship after 21 working days" ffs.