Attitude. I tried to tell you guys.

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I don't want to waste my time reading through your bs again but I thought you didn't want to post attitudes emails because someone could get fired. What do you have to lose over someone getting fired at attitude. Your a lame. You just keep on say " oh gosh" and " oh my" like you have a pussy. Shit up and quit whining you pussy

wow... this post is so intelligent that i quoted. i snipped the name from the email. told ya once i posted what it said u guys still would have an issue one way or another. off to la la land i go with all my lies and bs and my big fat pussy.

did you think _*SNIP*_ was a person? i mean cmon people.

the email is there. take it for what u will.

you people insulting me? your ignorant. and the proof is in your posts. bye bye
Kinda off topic but I'm planning to make my first ever order to attitude (a small one) and I was wondering about using a gift card. Is it a pain in the ass to use these? I have a debit card but to be more secure I was going to to buy a visa gift card to use for my order instead. I'm in Michigan, so is it a hassle to set those up for international purchases?

yeah it is. imo anyways... ive used my debit in the past. it worked fine, no theft ever for me. i was only posting an email i got after the bank told me that attitude was having fraud issues and wont let me use my card there. others have claims of losing money/packages. not me.
perhaps he (NorthofEngland) is trying to get this thread closed to prevent any anti-attitude threads... at least Amos offered to quit the insults and cussing or what not. idk about this guy.

nice job trying too. might happen if that stuff continues. im done cussing at anyone, or returning vulgar insults.

u may get some sarcasm from me here and there from now on, but if my thread is closed based on soley that from here on out, that would be pretty hypocritical, and "pick and choose" moderation.

I have no need to use herbies btw... nor am i going to promote ANY other seedbank. so yeah. i think someone is trying hard to twist my words. perhaps a few. no motive besides warning folks... wtf. im sry i tried to help anyone here and that upsets u so much u need to insult me and call me a liar when i posted the proof... what do u want me to do?? take a picture of it or something? lmao. why "blast" my typical goto seedbank otherwise? geez man.

and btw im spending hours defending myself from insults and disrespect. not just to come and talk bad about attitude. when else have i done this, except lately, because of this one incident... the only one i EVER claimed to have gone thru?

for all i know herbies(or insert what ever seedbank u think im out to promote, lmfao) is having the same issues. or perhaps EVERY seedbank even. i only posted about the one i personally had admit to me they've had issues.

i have nothing against anyone who likes attitude and continues using them. have fun. just dont say i never said anything
perhaps he is trying to get this thread closed to prevent any anti-attitude threads...

nice job trying too. might happen if that stuff continues. im done cussing at anyone, or returning vulgar insults.

u may get some sarcasm, but if my thread is closed based on soley that from here on out, that would be pretty hypocritical, and "pick and choose" moderation.
Tbh I've been watching this thread since it opened and I was tempted to close it a few times mainly because if you are trying to present the truth to people they have to dig and dig at you for the proof. I don't believe your claims just like I'm sure many others don't because those are some big accusations and if a rep for a company puts the biz out there to you then why not show us the proof if you have it?
Unless you don't which in that case it should be closed and deleted for making it up

It's not pick n choose moderation but it's no need to be telling stories if you are not going to show the full email then why even bring it up as no one believe you.
omg dude I JUST DID.. what the heck is wrong with u guys look at this... its going to be long here:
starting from a couple emails in... to avoid posting the same crap over and over:
Info @ The Attitude To Me

Dec 2
Hi There,

I am sorry to see you are experiencing difficulties when placing an order.

Is your card international and internationally activated? Please call your card issuer and ask them to remove all blocks on international transactions.

We do accept debit/credit/prepaid cards as long as these are international and internationally activated before use. We do accept cash too.

We have had successful transactions with these cards - and also cards that have been purchased from Staples, PayDay Advance Stores and

Many Thanks,
Simona @ The Attitude

From: snip... not giving out my email address for everyone to blow up.
Sent: 30 November 2013 03:01
To: Info @ The Attitude
Subject: SB Online Contact Form: Bank Refuses you guys

Name: snip... not giving out my real name for everyone to blow up.
Email: snip... not giving out my email address for everyone to blow up.

we tried like hell over and over to get an order in recently during the last big promo. our bank finally after a bunch of other excuses said: "We dont do business with that company do to too many fraud problems" how the heck am i supposed to order from u guys now? i sure know u lost an order that day... im not doing cash or UK M.O. so what the heck is there to do?? very frustrating. and btw alot of packages are being intercepted right now it seems. lots of complaints on online forums. :( plz let me know what we can do here. thank you. :)

To Info @ The Attitude

Dec 4
No we called to check about that. Our bank had been sold. now the cards had to be changed and we have a new card. it wont work at all with your website. just denies it. lady at the bank said they wont do transactions with your website due to fraud. at least that was her "final answer" she said you guys have had far too many fraud incidents and they refuse the transaction or sale. its basically them choosing what we can buy. stupid.... i have a thing setup. do u take that?? it hasnt made it in the mail yet tho... and of course if it dosent come soon ill miss yet another great promotion. this is frustrating and brings me to almost want to give up and find another place to get seeds. i dont want to risk any fraud if that was true. and i dont want my package seized obviously.

i just wish there was an easier way. looks like ill miss the promo tho unless u take and the card comes ASAP and gets activated, loaded, and internationally activated. see what i mean??

anyways thanks for the other options. but this is not a case of international card use, and it needing to be activated. the bank refuses the sale/transaction claiming "high fraud risk"

im guessing this may start happening a lot more. not cool. lot worse things people need to concentrate on in this world than someone buying some damn seeds, with their own money. people are committing war crimes, and starving. go shove your government up those avenues... i dont know why this is so important to them that they needed to do this. so i hope that u arent really having fraud issues. it would be unfair not to warn your customers.

thank you for the response. hope we can get a transaction going during the promo. if not i may just give up permanently on the tude... :( not exactly all your fault either, if at all. so stupid... thx again for your time. hope you understand what im talking about. sry for the msg length.

That was me to them^^ it continues...
Info @ The Attitude To Me

Dec 5
Hi there

Really sorry to hear that, I am afraid we can only accept card payment(including prepaid card)or cash through the post
Many Thanks
The Attitude
Me To Info @ The Attitude

Dec 8
do you take serve, its a pre pay from american express. expcept i signed up for the personalized card in the mail that can be used on the net and is not just the one you buy in store. it has my name on the card and the american express symbol. is that not a card u take? thank u

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me to them again^^
Info @ The Attitude To Me

Dec 9
Hi There,

We do accept debit/credit/prepaid cards as long as these are international and internationally activated before use. Please call your card issuer and ask them to remove all blocks on international transactions and place an order online ensuring all information entered is 100 % correct.

Many Thanks,
Simona @ The Attitude

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next one i got...
Me To Info @ The Attitude

Dec 9
thank u very much. think ill wait now for another promo. im very,very upset i missed this one AND the one before it... its not really your fault i geuss. but like i said the bank accused u of having fraud issues. is this an issue? why would they mention that otherwise. couldnt they get in trouble for lying about that?? idk just asking.
i believe that is a fair question :)

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this is where i started to ask more about the fraud. they gave me basically copies of the previous emails before i finally got this next one...
Info @ The Attitude To Me

Dec 10 at 10:51 AM
Hi There
I think it is specifically us with issue but UK fraud in general. Next time you make an order please be ready with an International prepaid card or ensure your bank removes the block before you try to make the order.

Many Thanks,
Jodie @ The Attitude

*Please note, due to the law in the UK, we sell these for souvenir purpose only and for no other use*

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there u go. and btw those are straight up copy and pastes... need my yahoo acct and my IP too?? lmao.

so i sure hope "Jodie" doesnt get in trouble for this, if she shouldnt.... that was one of my main beefs with posting this all in the first place. thats all i meant about not getting someone in trouble. notice all the different names i talked to??

AND notice ONLY that last one had the legal msg. so i think i deserve an apology for being called a liar. call me whatever else, but this is no lie.

whatever it ends up meaning. ive just noticed alot of issues lately, so i posted this thread. hope attitude stays afloat w/o issue and everyone keeps getting their seeds. have fun. man i have been treated really bad in here. regardless of u two's opinions on how i handled it. i really deserve to be jumped for throwing out a stern heads up??? whatever. probably not gonna get much out of this site anymore anyhow.

lock up the thread... that shows you guys just dont want any thing anti attitude. just like my anti swerve stuff got deleted. people come in, start crap. mods allow them to cuss away, i cuss back to defend myself... my threads get closed.

ive obviously agreed to COOL OFF everytime i was asked. notice the times. yet these others just go on cussing me up a storm. moderate those posts... dont just close my thread with all these emails copied now. i mean look at what they said... i have nothing to gain from all of this, attention!? yeah great attention... i get plenty of that which i dont want. seedbanks? i could care less who uses what. only was trying to warn folks. like ive explained. yet i get harassed again and again one way or another. its fake. im full of it. i should have done it like this or that if it was ever even real anyways... thats bull. didnt know there was a rule against saying anything bad attitude... sry i missed that one.

like i pointed out, at least amos didnt go on afterwards like this "NorthofEngland" person. i tried not to as well. so hope u understand what im saying without getting more upset or offended. rediculous what he said... almost funny.
I've used gift cards to purchase. Get the american express pre-paid debit card. No international fees:blsmoke: I've ordered from both single seed centre and the Tude. Both have been righteous to me. Ive been going to the tude a lot lately. They have good promos.View attachment 2928143 Got these no problem from the Tude.:bigjoint:

i discussed the serve card with them in the email. glad it worked out for u. they claim to have fraud protection n stuff on these serve cards too. its the amex pre pay... but i signed up for the personalized one. wonder if i still need to call and activate it for international use.

nice stuff dude! i feel u on the promos. hard to beat :) thats what my main motivators are usually. i suppose it may just be a better idea to stick with these type of cards instead of anything attached to a line of credit, or an account at a bank/credit union.

so maybe my attitude days wont be over after all, but i do think im going to wait to try again until a slower time of year :D or just when things die down a bit. they do rock. ive had great orders. cool t shirts. just that dang email sure threw me for a loop. right when im seeing alot of other people's complaints too. so thats how i ended up making this thread. hopefully the last email they sent me, and the bank saying anything about fraud are just both huge mistakes, or mess-ups/mix-ups. i really hope so.

the tude has always rocked for me and many others, just losing $$ wouldnt rock. that was where i was trying to come from on this. im so sry for stirring up a bunch of argument. happy tokin'
that shows you guys just dont want any thing anti attitude.

Not true. The email that you were freaking out over clearly contained a typo in the form of a missing word (if you managed to miss my post in the other thread as there seems to be no response, so I'll reiterate for your convenience and ease of use).

Dec 10 at 10:51 AM
Hi There
I think it is specifically us with issue but UK fraud in general.

That sentence should read "I don't think it specifically us with issue but UK fraud in general." as without the operative word "don't" the last five words don't make sense as "but" implies something is to be contradicted or corrected and general is the exact opposite of specific. Clearly they never admitted to having issues with fraud, but instead the UK in general. That's why I doubted what you had to say and welly, well, well...looks like I was correct and you sir were mistaken. But, no harm no foul. And honestly, did you not notice that something wasn't right with the grammar of that sentence? Language isn't everyone's high point, I know this...but still, it's like math...certain things just don't add up. take care of yourself and ease up off the gas a lil in the future, eh?
I just got my shipment, im 3 for 3 so far. I would hope that you would get reimbursed as that really sucks to lose 900 dollars but you really gotta break up the packs man. I did orders of under 200 dollars per order that way if anyone did get their grubby hands on them that I wouldn't be violent.
i just got my third order today have placed an order the last three months and got everything with no problems.this last order couldn't pay with my bank card so i paid with a credit card so far so good for me
Ok bro let me tell you what happened with me. ...original order was shipped 11/03/13 was seized in Chicago on11/6/13 got my package on 11/11/13 nothing but the big fat green tape and my mug...fuck up. So i sent attitude a email with pictures and they issues a reship right then on 11/12/13 royal mail has my package 11/15/13 it arrived in Chicago again. I sent another email on 12/7/13 making them aware of the problem and in my email ask for a refund. .......and my money was back on my card Today I have had nothing more than perfect and professional services for Attitude Seed Bank and that's why I spend my money with them 450.00 us dollars.
I just got in a order of critical kush seeds no problems... I've ordered from the tude for years with no real problems.. I always get my orders sent out of the breeders packs with a miscellaneous item...
ways to not order T-shirts and cups in breeders packs.. PS there customer service sucks so prey you never need to use it..
Just tried to make my first order with attitude using my debit card and my bank will not approve the payment. They told me that the receiving bank has been flagged for fraud multiple times. I Guess prepaid credit card it is. Anybody ever try greendot?
^ In four years and over a dozen orders, each one arrived w/ no problems whatsoever - all paid by CC.

Including the Christmas promo which arrived this AM.
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