Attitude. I tried to tell you guys.

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Just a note; About every time I order from the tude my credit card gets hacked. The last time was a couple of months ago, I wasn't surprised but didn't lose any money. The first time it happened was over 4 years ago. At least they're consistent.
Just a note; About every time I order from the tude my credit card gets hacked. The last time was a couple of months ago, I wasn't surprised but didn't lose any money. The first time it happened was over 4 years ago. At least they're consistent.

I will have to keep an eye on mine. I got hacked last month but I don't have any reason to think that there is a connection to Attitude.
Just a note; About every time I order from the tude my credit card gets hacked. The last time was a couple of months ago, I wasn't surprised but didn't lose any money. The first time it happened was over 4 years ago. At least they're consistent.

You cannot put that on The Attitude.
It's distance financial management is farmed out to highly professional financial institutions.

They probably use the same firm, with the same security measures, as Ebay or paypal.....

It's not some bloke with a ballpoint and a note pad putting down his spliff just long enough to jot down your CC details, scratch his knackers then lose your details it on a bus.
The Attitude NEVER EVEN KNOW your details.

keep on ordering. keep on bending over . keep getting fucked in your poop hole. attitude sucks

Never got fucked by them yet? Are you just one of the clowns that like to follow threads and talk crap about any subject being brought up? You really make no sense and it's a discredit to the site that you are a member if you're above quote is the best way you can express yourself...
All the positive posts seem specific and believable
Many of the negative posts seem vague attempts at character assassination.

The Attitude is a Massive, worldwide concern.

It's not hard to see what is motivating some of these posts.

Again I say:


God help me, I can't believe I'm Agreeing with north of England on anything but I do on this particular subject.
attitude is not a bad seed bank there one of the better ones I've dealt with personally. Their customer service leaves a lot to be desired and if you have any problems you have to really watch the wording of your email when you approach them.
Now that I have said that attitude make sure you send my free seeds for payment for sticking up for you.. Lol kind of funny anytime someone says anything good about attitude or most any other seed bank many people accuse them of being on their payroll pretty odd....
i just got a message from attitude explaining that they will not replace my order, but will make it up to me on my next order, lol. i opted for the crushproof tin, and they sent my order in a friggin huge soup can, lol. order seized, but i got the can. i think it was 10-$15 for this one dollar tin, lol... i told them i no longer trusted them to send my order stealthily, and will do business elsewhere. i'm sure they don't give a shit about the people that lose their orders, and never will. as long as people keep using them, they won't care about their customers that lose orders. i told them i think they should replace "every," order that got taken by customs. just think if they did that. they'd put everybody out of business, lol.
But you can't be bothered to cut and paste the banks e-mails and post it - just to verify what you say?

I get the distinct impression that pro and anti-seed bank posts are motivated by more than a desire to inform possible users.
In fact I think that many posts are motivated by the posters personal involvement with the particular bank.

If these things happened to me and I had bank e-mails that proved it - I would post them and make sure there was no doubt,

As for fraud being a British problem, this is typical American 'Don't drink the water' attitude to ANYWHERE outside North America.
The UK is just as developed and advanced as the USA.
We're not some third World banana republic where people dare not use credit cards.

So there's little point in continuing to make the same claims without adding info that backs up your claims.

Over to you...

This is not an isolated incident! Fraud is rampant everywhere. No one is bashing your country, he is stating his experience. There are countless banks here that don't do business internationally and that's just the facts and why do you think that is? Its clearly been problems and with charge backs and crap the bank loses! I'm pro attitude seeds but reality is reality!! I'm a customer and plan to continue to be! No reason reason to be upset for someone sharing their story because they don't offer you proof that's to your standard of approval! Yea bash my low post count! I have a life and responsibilities and! Lol people should always inform people of the good and bad experiences with seed banks but in a constructive manner! The problem with everyone demanding proof is that too much damn information is spread!! Lose lips sink ships.. so does the right caliber gun!! Gl to all
All the positive posts seem specific and believable
Many of the negative posts seem vague attempts at character assassination.

The Attitude is a Massive, worldwide concern.

It's not hard to see what is motivating some of these posts.

Again I say:


i geuss you are trying to get this closed. refuse the truth and stay in la la land. doesnt mean they dont have fraud. some folks in here said they've had issues themselves. you are just ignorant and impossible. keep on trolling any anti attitude stuff. hope karma doesnt bite you back.

its not my problem is their rep goes down... its my damn $$ u must work there or something man. this is too much. im not specific now? and the positive posts are more detailed?? what that they ordered and got their stuff?? yeah i said that too... wow u have strange thinking or something.

vague posts... yeah... with email copies and all. so vague. maybe u need to be more direct?? perhaps u could have not even been addressing me?? that would be awfully convenient for you to agree with now btw. so way to be a hypocrite when trying to discredit any anti attitude posts again.

im seeing more and more posts coming along that show that there IS a problem now. its just not something most folks want to hear, so they try to deny it... u know how psychology works?? like when u lose someone?? u deny it first?? its a defense mechanism... but wow it went way too far. calling me a liar and insulting me.

go read the emails again... they are real, what else can i do for you?? STOP directly insulting me with your rude cuss words... thats clearly against the forum rules btw if we are going to moderate anything here. I "cooled" off where is the moderation now??

and closing the thread would only be promoting the problem and preventing me from trying to warn people...
This is not an isolated incident! Fraud is rampant everywhere. No one is bashing your country, he is stating his experience. There are countless banks here that don't do business internationally and that's just the facts and why do you think that is? Its clearly been problems and with charge backs and crap the bank loses! I'm pro attitude seeds but reality is reality!! I'm a customer and plan to continue to be! No reason reason to be upset for someone sharing their story because they don't offer you proof that's to your standard of approval! Yea bash my low post count! I have a life and responsibilities and! Lol people should always inform people of the good and bad experiences with seed banks but in a constructive manner! The problem with everyone demanding proof is that too much damn information is spread!! Lose lips sink ships.. so does the right caliber gun!! Gl to all

wow a bit of sense came along... so much ignorance online. i gave the proof too btw... i ended up posting ALL the emails NAMES and all.

i noticed my profile page is even being trolled now by some folks... u can see who has visited your page last... hint hint. i see your ways. pick someone you disagree with and troll them no matter what they say about anything.

shame on anyone who still doesnt "believe" me. your ignoring the truth just to argue. this isnt even about the attitude anymore. its just people acting like school children. having their little cliques and bashing anyone who talks the wrong way about anything they absolutely love.

i came in here and simply warned people about an email admission of fraud issues and that my bank may not have just been screening my purchases like i had originally thought at first...
even provided proof... best i can do. i mean i copied and pasted the whole damn emails. time stamps and all. maybe i should call the attitude on the phone and point out the email and record them. then play the recording for you guys... then would u believe me??? no.. of course not. there is nothing i can do that will prevent someone ignorant like "NorthofEngland" from finding a bullcrap reason to discrediting my statements or attempts to show anything etc....

this just shows a few peoples level of intelligence, ignorance and rudeness.

this was VERY poorly moderated too. VERY. either let people cuss or not. u let some folks go on and on... no warnings. i defend myself and im told twice back to back to shut up basically. BS completely. this site is awful for favoring all the hype.

geuss ill keep my reviews to myself from now on. since RIU isnt a good place to share your opinion. not much of a good place at all lately for me. and what bad have i tried to do to anyone?? and that i dont help my cause?? what because i dont sit here and just let people discredit and insult me?? thats just silly.

this thread is a gem for everyone ive been able to show in real life. so glad people dont have to even have an acct to read this stuff too... so anyone can see it.
i just got a message from attitude explaining that they will not replace my order, but will make it up to me on my next order, lol. i opted for the crushproof tin, and they sent my order in a friggin huge soup can, lol. order seized, but i got the can. i think it was 10-$15 for this one dollar tin, lol... i told them i no longer trusted them to send my order stealthily, and will do business elsewhere. i'm sure they don't give a shit about the people that lose their orders, and never will. as long as people keep using them, they won't care about their customers that lose orders. i told them i think they should replace "every," order that got taken by customs. just think if they did that. they'd put everybody out of business, lol.
I'm sure Attitude must make insurance claims to recoup some loss for replacing so many orders lost in transit, and credit card companies might get hit with some blowback from that as well. Could help explain the "Multiple Fraud" label that seems to have been applied to them. Plus, It almost seems like US Customs has been motivated somehow to find "Attitude" shipments. They certainly targeted Marc Emery's shipments too. There are other better options out there. Just dont tell the man !
i came in here and simply warned people about an email admission of fraud issues and that my bank may not have just been screening my purchases like i had originally thought at first...

So you just gonna completely ignore my post where I point out to you that they did not in fact admit to any issues of fraud on their part but that the entire UK has been having issues? You just gonna sit there and continue to act like you're warning people when really, you're just harping on about something that isn't true?

Do I REALLY have to go over this with you again? Like really? Or are you too busy reading PM's to take note? Or do you just not want to admit that you were wrong about them admitting they have issues with fraud? Because they didn't. It was clearly a typo and was meant to be read "I DON'T think it's us SPECIFICALLY with issue BUT with the UK in GENERAL."

You see how that works? Do you understand how without the word "don't" in that sentence that it is in fact NOT grammatically correct? And do you understand how your failure to pick up on this little typo led to you assuming that they admitted to having issues with fraud specifically instead of the UK in general?

Come on dude. Just admit you were wrong and move on, because other people are reading this and your credibility is being shot and people aren't going to listen to you and your mission to "warn people" is in vain. So...yeah...put that in your pipe and smoke it homie.

Or ignore me again, doesn't matter.
geuss ill keep my reviews to myself from now on. since RIU isnt a good place to share your opinion. not much of a good place at all lately for me. and what bad have i tried to do to anyone?? and that i dont help my cause?? what because i dont sit here and just let people discredit and insult me?? thats just silly.

this thread is a gem for everyone ive been able to show in real life. so glad people dont have to even have an acct to read this stuff too... so anyone can see it.

You discredit yourself by your inability to admit that you were in fact mistaken on account of a typo in said email in question.

As it has been clearly demonstrated, the reps at the Attitude NEVER admitted to any kind of fraud that dealt specifically with them but instead stated that they felt it was an issue with the fraud in the United Kingdom in a general sense.

Keep on thinking that you are some grand internet warrior, here to inform and to enlighten. You aren't. And again, THIS is the reason why you are being "discredited" and "insulted" (last I checked, you started the flame war) because you sit there and act like this thread is a "gem" to show people. Show people what? That you lack both the grammatical skills to tell when a typo has been made and the humility to admit when one has been erroneous in their supposition? Wow, go ahead. Keep having people read how you utterly lack the ability to act like a civilized person once proven wrong. And go ahead, continue to mock and to laugh at the people posting here, because I can promise you they are more justified and resounded in their laughter towards you, my dear friend.

Please, just quit while you are ahead. You're making a fool of yourself.
I'd like to chime in about the fraud risk stuff and why many seed banks are probably loosing their merchant accounts preventing credit card purchases.
There is no insurance, and it's highly unlikely that one competing seed bank could sabotage another. It takes much more than someone calling up and saying "oh such and such is selling cannabis seeds".

I've had a merchant account and several online companies in the past with high volume credit card transactions.

It works like this.
When the buyer disputes the charge, (it can be no product arrived, they are not satisfied etc) the seller will have whats called a "charge back" listed.
There is no insurance for this, the charge back means that the buyer gets his money back and the seller (seed company in this case) has the money deduced from his/her account along with a small fee.

The problem occurs when the seller gets to a certain pre-set limit of "charge backs". Generally there is a table, it can go by monthly activity, charge back percentage of transactions or just the total number of charge backs.

If the charge backs reach a certain threshold then the credit card processing firm may add additional ramifications. For example, the seller had a threshold of 5 charge backs per month but reached 7, now the credit card processors will allow only 5 charge backs per month and limit to 2% charge backs of total transactions.

Once those charge back thresholds are reached on a regular basis the company becomes a risk. Once your company (merchant account) becomes a risk it can and often will be placed on a fraud list by certain credit card issuers. (this is why OP can't order with his card)

The credit card issuers employee this risk assessment to minimize administrative costs of processing charge back based refunds, protect their members from high risk companies and reputation of being "safe". (You may have seen credit card companies claiming "Safe online shopping", "Guaranteed fraud protection" etc)

These strategies are put in place by banks/credit card issuers to ensure and protect their brand as well as reduce administrative costs. When seed banks or any other business have poor customer service or don't deliver it is inevitable that their charge back number will increase along with their risk assessment standing.

What many don't realize is that the buyer using a credit card is in control, doesn't matter if it's cannabis seeds or not. If the customer doesn't get the product, they can dispute the charge and now the seller must respond and most likely get a charge back.

IMO, many of these seed banks with condescending customer service reps, shitty email correspondence and bad delivery rates (bad stealth) are killing themselves.

Why I think that? For example from experience, sea of seeds has great stealth but piss poor correspondence. Every time you send an email nothing will be answered for 4-5 days. Doesn't seem like a bid deal but what if you ordered 2 weeks in the past and tracking is showing nothing?(keep in mind they explicitly tell you "you can track at anytime with your tracking number" on your receipt).

You email but get nothing back for an entire week and have already been waiting 2-3 weeks for at least an update. That would be enough for some people to just cancel the order and report to their credit card agency to cancel the transaction due to non-delivery and it would stick.

It would stick because the text sea of seeds states "thank you for your order, you can track at anytime with this number 123456" but the tracking number shows no activity, the purchase is 3 weeks old and they are not answering emails. Now sea of seeds gets a charge back which only lands them closer to be listed as a "high risk".
(I was only using SOS as example)

A monthly charge back table for the online companies could look something like this:
1-2 charge backs = refund plus $3.95 fee
2-5 charge backs = refund plus $7.95 fee
5-9 charge backs = refund plus $12.95 fee and warning of account cancellation - now placed in risk standing
9-15 charge backs = refund plus $17.95 fee warning of account cancellation and now limited to 20 charge backs per month maximum - now placed on high risk standing
20 charge backs or more account closed.

That's how it worked with my account and I'm sure the industry hasn't substantially changed.
If my assumption is correct, the reason many banks/credit card issuers will not approve purchases from some seed banks (taking in account international transaction was approved) is because the seed banks in question are in the risk category of the text in blue.
The banks that don't don't take credit cards at all have reached the threshold noted in red.

It all boils down to great customer service and getting the item to the buyer.

Some attitudes here seem to be that the customer is "lucky" to get seeds and if it takes 4 months that's just how it is. This is far from the truth, you could mail order seeds way back in the 80's and 90's. My claim is supported by those seed banks starting to sink by loosing their credit card processing abilities and general reputation. Again, I don't want to hear about some 4th party word of mouth claim that such and such seed bank was sabotaged, that's bullshit and I know from first hand experience.

just my 0.02 cents
So you just gonna completely ignore my post where I point out to you that they did not in fact admit to any issues of fraud on their part but that the entire UK has been having issues? You just gonna sit there and continue to act like you're warning people when really, you're just harping on about something that isn't true?

Do I REALLY have to go over this with you again? Like really? Or are you too busy reading PM's to take note? Or do you just not want to admit that you were wrong about them admitting they have issues with fraud? Because they didn't. It was clearly a typo and was meant to be read "I DON'T think it's us SPECIFICALLY with issue BUT with the UK in GENERAL."

You see how that works? Do you understand how without the word "don't" in that sentence that it is in fact NOT grammatically correct? And do you understand how your failure to pick up on this little typo led to you assuming that they admitted to having issues with fraud specifically instead of the UK in general?

Come on dude. Just admit you were wrong and move on, because other people are reading this and your credibility is being shot and people aren't going to listen to you and your mission to "warn people" is in vain. So...yeah...put that in your pipe and smoke it homie.

Or ignore me again, doesn't matter.

wow, okay. take a chill pill. then RE READ the emails. unless i cant speak english... they said "i believe its us having issue... but whole UK..." something like that. im tired of going back and re-quoting. its there tho. :D
thank you for coming in and explaining that Kontraband. that makes a lot of sense. they just should have handled the emails better. i mean look at the impression it gave me??!! and i think u are 100% right too... as i know a tiny bit about the "RC game" too. was talking to a vendor about CC processors and stuff.

i see now how the attitude probably DID have these issues, DOES have some fraud, but my bank made it worse, and especially the emails.

Attitude may still be a decently reliable place, but they sure failed on the customer service end w/ me. but like i said... maybe in the future ill test the water again. they really do have better freebies and pricing than most major seedbanks.

thx again for that post Kontraband. VERY helpful for me, and im geussing others as well :D happy holidays to all!
I just want to take a moment and say I love - LOVE - Attitude Seeds. Never a problem with an order and the web site is super. Can't ask for better IMO. Thanks Attitude. I'd have your baby if you were a person. But of course - you're not - so I can't. (thanks for that one GEICO).
wow, okay. take a chill pill. then RE READ the emails. unless i cant speak english... they said "i believe its us having issue... but whole UK..." something like that. im tired of going back and re-quoting. its there tho. :D

Are you seriously so stoned that you can't tell that the sentence you provided doesn't make sense in the English language as the terms "specifically" and "general" contradict each other UNLESS of course there is a typo in the sentence meant to say "I DON'T think it was us..."

Seriously, what aren't you getting? I mean, I understand cognitive dissonance and all and not wanting to be proven wrong, but this isn't even that big of an issue. They never admitted to any fraud on their part dude. You keep inferring that because of what is (or should be) an obvious typo in the form of a missing word. That happens sometimes when you're responding to dozens if not hundreds of emails. It happens to me all the time when I'm trying to type to keep up with my pace of thought and some words either get misplaced or just omitted all together.

I don't know how else to explain this to you, dude. I don't know how many times I have to go back and re-quote and point out to you that according to the basic understanding of grammar there is no way that they admitted to any kind of fraud. That is all I am saying. You are mistaken. Honestly, for the love of god, what is so difficult to understand about that? Am I speaking to a wall here? I mean, c'mon. Now I'm getting frustrated at your inability to admit that you were mistaken.
The Attitude Rules!!!
Peeps should use a prepaid VISA or pay for the guarantee.
I order 4X a year. Never any problems. buy the MUG.
I picture Attitude like an IKEA store except with Pot seeds displayed - in other words - heaven.

Oh - and the cafeteria sells hash brownies and beer. :)
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