Active Member
I suspected myself at first, but I tried starting seeds from about 4 other strains (some from Attitude) and got rockstar results. Since I dropped some coin on thes Serious beans, I was expecting rockstar results with them as well. Honestly, if I thought that I was doing something wrong, I wouldn't even be posting. Serious admits that, despite their best efforts, the occasional bad batch occurs. I'm just trying to get my money's worth here!It sounds like you're the one that messed up and are trying to blame someone else. What exactly did you do to the seeds that sprouted?
I am not trying to rip on Attitude or Serious--they are both being helpful right now. Like I said, I expect to follow up with a wonderful post about how these guys help their customers.
I use a (very) mild solution of Olivia's cloning solution plus a little shot (1 ml) of Advanced Nutes Jump Start (I love Advanced Nutes) in my seedling/clone AG. Single light, 24 hours, 5.8 pH, 250 ppm, 80 degrees, humidity domes, etc.
The seeds which actually started to grow a taproot maybe showed an 1/8th inch or so, then just died.