Attitude Pre-paid card Payment Issues?


Well-Known Member
yeah i just put it in, i just used a debit card i hate dealing with people on the phone. i dont ship anything to the place i grow so im not to paranoid. think the worst they could do is give me a fine mayby a couple days in jail.
Well cannabis seeds contain no trace amounts of the schedule 1 controlled cannabinoids THC or HU-210 so technically there not even illegal (besides maybe intent to cultivate, if that is a charge?). If you got a good lawyer they could probably get you off completely or worst case scenario on a little probation time. Usually if its a first time deal customs just sends you a letter telling you they intercepted the package and basically to not try it again or they will intervene. Here in America we're in a trillion dollar deficit with massive amounts of drugs coming in from numerous cartels around the world. The DEA is already underfunded so I doubt they'll waste many man hours or effort to track down the stoner for his marijuana seeds :lol: . Though always better safe than sorry! You have an amazing voice btw man :)