attitude seed please!


Active Member
This is the first time i have ordered seeds online. I ordered 5 seeds from attitude seed bank on nov 6th. I picked the t shirt option without a signiture. However, today i got a peach card from the post office that said i had to sign for the item. But i used a fake name to ship them to me. Should i just never go pick up my seeds? If i did am i busted? please help me i dont wanna be out the money and i would like my seeds.
WELL, #1 you dont have a I.D with the "Fake" name, you will have to show them identification , IDK what i would do
You can fill out the card and have someone else pick them up for you that lives at the address or have them redeliver but i dont want to do that if theres a chance i could get busted.
Should have used your real info and went stealth with a guarantee. No sig needed.......... and even if this happened theyed resend it. Id personally go in if you had used your real name. The collusion of receiving can be negated by plausible denial. You can say you never ordered anything illegal if busted, you just assumed someone sent you something like normal. But then again you didnt use your real name so if busted that is collusion to the product since you were hiding something.
i get them from attitude with a false name and they go to my po box .
i also take the stealth method and it is supposed to be no sig but i have to sign for them.
so just go and sign the name you used and pick them up.
all they need is a sig saying they were picked up they dont ask for id when you sign so you will be fine.
well that is how it goes here in aus ...:-)
just go sign for them ,they wont ask for no DL. i send mine to my po box under another name and i go tshirt and i have to go to the front to get the package, go gettem,. they dont make you id at the post office anyway
I dunno, just scribble a name like a sloppy signature that really says nothing. Id be pretty pissed though if they tried to tell me to sign. It should clearly say no sig on the package or slip because thats how its sent from Attitude. Where would they get off deciding you have to still sign. Id say eff off I paid with a creditcard and all my info that was needed was sent to the seller and my info dont regard you and then Id take my package and prolly get arrested for doing

Mailman brings them to my door though, one time they tried to ask for a sig and I pointed to the no sig marking on the pack slip and said you dont need anything but to hand me my stuff and sent him packing....screw them.
well that didnt manke no sense ,lol.should have jus gotten them now your making a big deal over it,.
nah man no sig means no sig, its all about the principalities involved. It doesnt say no sig "except during pick up" does it?
Otherwise it should just say sig required from the get go...

but yeah pride does get in the way, Ill argue over anything someone tries to make me do if I know its not required, and it wasnt req'd
so he left without it... I guess I wont repeat that ordeal though I just had to make a point. I wish I could just let it go and do whatever but you know...

pepper...peach card means the postman MIGHT redeliver your pack the next, or you may have to go to the post office to pickup. They MIGHT ask to see a form of ID still, but definitely bring the peach card with you, sometimes they will just trust that. If they ask to see some ID, I don't know what to tell you. I had a feeling something like this might happen so thats why I used my real name, etc. Not to mention they still wanted to see my ID and made me sign for it. Bastards. Anyways... you're not going to get caught, because your pack made it this far... now you just need to figure how you're going to go pick it up...if possible!
Well... this exact same thing happened to me.. except I used my real name.. and they DID ask for ID.. however.. after checking and scanning the package it didn't come up for a signature and the clerk was confused why..

I would go try to pick it up without ID... say you forgot it, but that it was shipped with no sig required... I just don't think you will be able to pick up a piece of mail without at least one form of ID.

Other option: fill out the card to have a "friend" pick it up.. the friend being you..
search around and find a place to get a fake id. if you have to. i had 2 when i was growing up so i could buy beer. both said same thing on the card so it gave me 2 id's in case i was asked for another form of id after showing 1. if they ask for drivers license tell them you dont have 1.
That happened to me with my last couple shipments.. I just went in to the post office and picked it up no prob... nothin to worry bout in the 1st place there beans lol

edit - they never have ID'd me at the Post office either just act norml
call them tell them its your sick grannys package fill out the card say you gonna pick it up for her...i dont know but man go get your seeds or send me the card and i will pick it up for you...and even make a nice pretty grow journal for you to follow the whole process...
Go in, say its your brother in law's package, he asked you to pick em up since u were goin out.

"im here to pick up a package... it's for my brother
Huh? different names? Well hes my brother in law"

i dunno man. GL