attitude Seed bank Warning. Dont waste your time!

I got a white one, Fruit of the Loom, with a shitty silk screened 'Flying Skull' , est. 1420.
I will wear the T on my scoots, but I'd like to get a different color. I'll bet they are throw away seconds, which I don't mind. You won't hear me complaining. The skull is just a little bit of off center, too. I ordered another one the other day, I hate mine so much...........
The first order I got came with a, "Fat Harry's" Surf Shop Tee. What made this funny was my safe addy happens to be named Harry and he is a pretty husky guy. So that made me enjoy the shirt, lol. I have two of the flying skull design as well.
I got my shirt today, ordered a xl and they gave me a med. the same white one with the skull. oh well, I wasnt really worried about the shirt anyway!
well, a few weeks ago i ordered 5 feminized alaskan ice seeds and 5 power skunk seeds. I have been germinating them like i always do and after a week and a half, none have popped. They're all duds. 50 down the drain and an angry email to attitude later and i have no solution. DO NOT BUY FROM ATTITUDE, IF 10 OUT OF 10 SEEDS ARE NO GOOD, I THINK YOU CAN FIND SOMEWHERE BETTER TO BUY THEM. I suggest . this company has never let me down and all of the seeds i have gotten were quality. dont waste your time with a joke of a fuckin company.

Who is the breeder for Alaskan Ice? I already know that the power skunk is G-13 Labs. I just had the same problem with some G-13 Labs seeds. Luckily they were free otherwise I would be pissed. The Warlock I germed with the G-13 bullshit all cracked and are growing now.
well, a few weeks ago i ordered 5 feminized alaskan ice seeds and 5 power skunk seeds. I have been germinating them like i always do and after a week and a half, none have popped. They're all duds. 50 down the drain and an angry email to attitude later and i have no solution. DO NOT BUY FROM ATTITUDE, IF 10 OUT OF 10 SEEDS ARE NO GOOD, I THINK YOU CAN FIND SOMEWHERE BETTER TO BUY THEM. I suggest . this company has never let me down and all of the seeds i have gotten were quality. dont waste your time with a joke of a fuckin company.


amsterdammarijuanaseeds are absolute theives.
I placed order for 126 Euros and after over 2 months still no seeds.
They did promise to replace them if I sent them more money for postage costs.
Stupid me sent them anoth 25 Euros and now they are completely ignoring me.
Don't order from this company, you'll lose your money.
amsterdammarijuanaseeds are absolute theives.
I placed order for 126 Euros and after over 2 months still no seeds.
They did promise to replace them if I sent them more money for postage costs.
Stupid me sent them anoth 25 Euros and now they are completely ignoring me.
Don't order from this company, you'll lose your money.

You AREN'T STUPID , maybe too trusting, but not stupid. I would have done the same thang.
i've had that happen to me too. I dont think its attitude tho. 2 grows ago i ordered the 5 pack alaskan ice and only 1 popped out the soil. i ordered again and 2 popped. and my last order i got in 2 4 popped but 2 died within a day.

However my 3 seeds from world of seeds (yumbolt 47) all popped. Personally i think its greenhouse
well, a few weeks ago i ordered 5 feminized alaskan ice seeds and 5 power skunk seeds. I have been germinating them like i always do and after a week and a half, none have popped. They're all duds. 50 down the drain and an angry email to attitude later and i have no solution. DO NOT BUY FROM ATTITUDE, IF 10 OUT OF 10 SEEDS ARE NO GOOD, I THINK YOU CAN FIND SOMEWHERE BETTER TO BUY THEM. I suggest

Who was the actual breeder?

Seedbanks only sell products that breeders make and if you purchase low quality beans, regardless of which seedbank you use, you cannot expect much.

You said "50 down the drain." I assume that means $50.00. Well $50.00 for ten beans where at least five of them are feminized tells me that most likely you purchased low dollar beans since most beans of any real quality will be $50.00 and well above for only five feminized beans.

If you want and need to be upset at someone and say do not purchase from someone use the breeders name, the company that bred the beans and supplied them to Attitude but do not blame Attitude.

For that fact you may also want to consider blaming yourself because you cannot purchase at KIA prices and expect Mercedes Benz quality and based on your comment of "50 down the drain" it seems rather likely like that is what you probably did.

I just looked at the Attitude Seedbank website and the only Alaskan Ice that shows up when you do a search is made by Green House Seeds. Green House is a reputable breeder so I am amazed that none of the beans germed. The G13 Labs beans not germing does not surprise me at all. They give them away as freebies and the ones I received the one time I tried Attitude were the tiniest beans I have ever seen in my life. They were about the size of the head of a pin rounded out, if that. Just their appearance alone did not impress me or instill any confidence in me and was more than enough to tell me to never spend any money on them and to not waste valuable time attempting to grow then unless for some reason other beans are just not available at the time.

But the Green House beans should have popped. You said you germed as usual, well what is as usual? Paper towel method or what? Possibly you managed to do something slightly wrong.

Also some beans have a much harder denser outer shell and they can be waxy or oily feeling and they are almost water repellent. When you end up with beans like that you need to take a nail file or some emery cloth or fine sandpaper and lightly scuff the surface of the beans so water can penetrate. You may also have to wait a good while longer for them to crack. I normally have beans pop and sprout a taproot in 12 to 14 hours but I have had some that took 5 days or longer to pop. I have known people who gave up on beans that would likely have popped had they give them more time. Who long did you wait before giving up? Did you attempt to scuff the surface of the beans to help water to penetrate?

Something else that is not at all a bad idea is to put your beans in the refrigerator for a few days or a week before popping them. That will help to simulate the season change that beans in nature, in cooler/colder areas anyway, experience and some people believe that it helps beans to germ.

It is not only pot plants but many types of things that grow from seeds. We own a nursery and while we do not grow our bushes and trees from seed one person we do purchase seedling trees from always puts all his seeds in a refrigerator for several weeks before germing them.

I spoke to him one time and if I remember correctly he had just germed 10,000 seeds, it may have been 12,000 but I just cannot remember at the moment, and every single one opened and grew. Now I would not expect that to be the case every time someone attempted to grow something but he said since he began simulating the seasonal change by refrigerating his seeds his successful germination rate went way up. It is something to consider.
just wanted to give attitude props got mine every time sometimes a little slower than others but rachel is very nice and stayed in contact with me. All mine germ so far only problem i ever had was a whole 10 pack of papaya ended up growing all male really only eight i have two left hopeing fior some ladies but all in all i will give them a 9.5 out of ten so quit bashing attitude they are good people
I had germination problems w/ GHS The Church (4 out 5 were duds) that I got through Attitude. After a couple calls and emails they are replacing them w/ my order this weekend.
Dont blame Attitude, they dont breed the seeds they only distribute them. Now if you have an axe to grind w/ GHS, I understand that and I'll let you know you are far from alone on that.
...THIS IS NOT ABOUT QUALITY OF BEANS BUT.... i ordered from attitude a few days ago.. selected my beans and checked out....looked at my receipt and everything was great....upon looking at the conformation email they sent me i noticed they had all the beans i listed i purchased, but its showing the same product code for seeds from a different bank ...also noticed they were sold out when i viewed the strain again..i guess well see in a week or so what i get
I bought bulk seeds for corss breeding purposes and quality was outstanding. Spot on genetics, and everything was what they advertised to be. However, beans are beans, and sometimes they just dont do what you want. Also, it could be something on your end. Just cause it works 100 times doesnt mean it will with different genetics or for the 101st time for that matter. Shit happens sometimes that will make you pissed and certianly scrath your head. Im sorry to hear your lose. Hope you figure out something. Till then, sit back, kick your feet up and just chill with what you got to smoke :)*