attitude seed order tracking missent???? help!


Well-Known Member
ive been tracking my attitude order and the tracking as or this morning says "missent". what does that mean??? please help!
ive been tracking my attitude order and the tracking as or this morning says "missent". what does that mean??? please help!

Never had that happen to me before ad I have used them since they were available. I would email and call customer service to define that term for you.
thanks man.. just a little worried at this point. im in a hick town and i dont know if they were opened. around here it would be a BIG no no to have them.
By the sound of "misssent" it went to the wrong address or postal service messed up and put it on the wrong truck. Just my guess.

but id say your going to get your gear, seems like they cought the mistake. My last order from them the tracking said they tried to deliver the package but couldnt. I was like wtf cus before post man would just leave it in my box. I was a lil sketched out to go pick it up but wasnt going to just leave my beans there lol.

Anyways I picked em up no problems my guess is that my post man was lazy that day (it was hot and im in a big city where post man walks to deliver mail) and didnt wanna carry my small package. Hope u get ur goods man waiting for beans and equipment in the mail makes me worry everytime
By the sound of "misssent" it went to the wrong address or postal service messed up and put it on the wrong truck. Just my guess.

but id say your going to get your gear, seems like they cought the mistake. My last order from them the tracking said they tried to deliver the package but couldnt. I was like wtf cus before post man would just lk eave it in my box. I was a lil sketched out to go pick it up but wasnt going to just leave my beans there lol.

Anyways I picked em up no problems my guess is that my post man was lazy that day (it was hot and im in a big city where post man walks to deliver mail) and didnt wanna carry my small package.

ha ha for real. im super freaked right now. i just had my daily organic breakfast and was ready to completly strip my room after bro. head started gettin the best of me. but i think ill take your advise and wait a day or two until i really get worried. thanks
Always deal with Attitude via email. That's how to get things done.


yea man. i did that i guess they are working on it. i have the guaranteed shipping so its not the product im really worried about. my concern is the wrong person opening it. my area is very small everyone knows your name. would be a real bad deal. just hoping someone has shared a similar experience. thanks
I haven't had the "miss sent" thing happen but I order from the Attitude and I live in a very similar rural situation. I doubt anyone has opened any packages that are addressed to you. I think you will be fine
Well considering that opening someone elses mail is a federal offense..... I say that if worst case someone did open or stuff and wants to start trouble for you strip your room and tell them to watch their mouth because you have the upper hand. If they are cool and opened it and want to return it and you know them take it, but if you feel uneasy about it at all dont take it and just say you know nothing about a package. DENY DENY DENY. Anyway man dont stress to much Im sure things will work out for the best!!!! Good luck
Attitude is the best. And I think your fine. Mine were in New York and ended up going to Puerto Rico before coming back to the states. The post office threw mine in the wrong ben. It got down there and they sent it back. Thats what happend with yours the messed up. It is on its way.
thanks for all help. for real you guys have been really helpful. im gonna update this thread as soon as i have more info.
im gonna keep updating this for the next poor bastard that goes through this. ok 2 days since this "missent" garbage. no fuckin beans,usps claims to be at fault, attitude says"deal with usps not our deal". so.. some lazy slob from usps fucked up, and my shit is floating around somewhere. im in bad space i gotta tell ya. usps sucks dirty balls man. they admit to the fuck up, and have a zero time frame on when my beans will reach me. too bad attitude didnt have a fedex option id gladly pay the extra to not do this shit again. tbc...
LMFAO.. !! I got your beans in the mail!! Don't worry I won't expose I like freebies:). Playing bro but honestly don't even worry about it no one opens people's mail lol it's not like it looks like anything valuable it's discreetly shipped. and if the Mis sent it it will either get redirected or shipped back to attitude and they will ship it back to you just a delay in time my friend
LMFAO.. !! I got your beans in the mail!! Don't worry I won't expose I like freebies:). Playing bro but honestly don't even worry about it no one opens people's mail lol it's not like it looks like anything valuable it's discreetly shipped. and if the Mis sent it it will either get redirected or shipped back to attitude and they will ship it back to you just a delay in time my friend

ha ha yea i know. its just so hard to see such a beautiful room that cost an ass load of money sitting dormant. :fire:
got my beans! so it took 3 extra days being "missent" to a po 2 1/2 hours away. btw the p.o.s usps tracking never updated past missent. hope this thread helps the next guy.
Nice glad u got your goods finaly. The tracking info is usually delayed in my experance. Even with ups and fedex