Attitude Seedbank


I'm about to order from attitude, but for security issues I want to know what it will show up as when I order it. Anyone else used a card when they ordered from them?
Just ordered first of this week shows up as attitude gifts on your statement.I used my card ,if you are in the states u might have call your bank and tell them to allow the payment to go threw,because they are overseas .I went threw the order page at attitudes website and got to the end,and my card was declined because i had not called the bank prior and set my card for international transactions.So call the bank first tell them u are ordering some gifts from over seas and let the debit go threw , then make your order on attitude website. Easy Peasy Lemon Squezy I have ordered with my card several times with no problems. Happy growing


Well-Known Member
If you are worried get a credit card you pay cash into, like a debit card, make sure it can be used for international purchases.


Active Member
It will be ok man they have a very good reputation.
Lots and lots of orders under my belt no issues so far.
Don't get a pre paid card! There were recent laws passed by the president that states that like 99% of pre laid cards cannot be used for international purchases with caing the company and providing a SS# and personal info. So at that point just use your debit or CC. I ordered from attitude and used my card and it worked out smooth as could be. I was so nervous because it was my first seed order and every prepaid card I found at all the different stores I drove to in small letter states not for international use. But it worked out great, came super fast and I got an awesome t shirt lol. Attitude seeds gets a thumbs up from me.


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering about whose in medical states and who isn't... I'm more worried about where to ship rather than the paying part...