attitude seeds bank any good

Absolutely legit...but why buy overseas when there are a ton here, way quicker, no chance of customs and I can think of any breeder I would want over there that aren’t here...unless they have something special
and who are they and where can i get their also interested in attitude seeds because of their myriad of seed collections
Only probs I had with Attitude was customs smashing my seeds upon arrival to US...the ones that made it through were straight tho
The only problem with ordering from Attitude is if you are unlucky enough to have them go through ISC Chicago-some packages have been stuck there for 3 or more months now-worst run customs unit in the country by far.
For Canada, (specifically the Mississauga Canada Post customs facility in Ontario) has a gigantic delay.. current order has been stuck at the border for literally a month and 2 days... my order arrived there the day before they had an outbreak and the customs officers were pulled from the facility. I think their workers just got back on the job a week ago... with a giant pile of imports to check. I hope they arrive before spring!
I've spent beaucoup $ at attiude over the years, but every year my orders get smaller w/them. AT the beginning overseas was best game in town but last 5yrs. US seedbanks have entered the game carrying Fire US bred genetics. I still like a couple of strains from euro breeders that I've run for years that's where the tude comes into play, w/amt. of seeds I,ve gotten from them there has been some crap but thats part of the game. If a US seedbank comes along stocking lines from Barneys D.Passion and 5-6 others it will be byebye Attitude
The only problem with ordering from Attitude is if you are unlucky enough to have them go through ISC Chicago-some packages have been stuck there for 3 or more months now-worst run customs unit in the country by far.
I've been waiting since 1/21 for my package to clear Chicago, I think it's gone for good at this point, we'll see.
I've been waiting since 1/21 for my package to clear Chicago, I think it's gone for good at this point, we'll see.
I still have one there from around the same time. The good news is, a RL friend just got his, and it was stuck there since early Jan...So maybe we have a chance. Everytime I see Chicaco ISC on my tracking, I get instant depression
The only problem with ordering from Attitude is if you are unlucky enough to have them go through ISC Chicago-some packages have been stuck there for 3 or more months now-worst run customs unit in the country by far.
They just take them usually. Had to have 4 resends the last time I ordered from attitude
If you’re in the US check out Great Lakes Genetics and JBCSeeds

both are great banks and shipping is fast/no customs

attitude has been fine in the past but since finding reputable banks stateside I am more keen to give them my business
That's ok unless you want some strains that US banks don't stock, Ive seen absolutely nobody carrying any substantial products from the top old school euro breeders. I'm sentimental because a while back you had to go overseas for genetics and while the US def. has more fire strains now there are some oldies but goodies I like to run therefore I still have to shop there a little
I've heard that stuck at customs in Chicago story many times before ,maybe they should focus on the coke,meth,and fentinil from the Siniloa cartel a little more.ccguns
I've never had an order seized in 10 years of ordering from Attitude/other Euro banks, I still think this package will either get here, or is legit lost. Chicago ISC is just a nightmare, poorly run and worse off than ever due to Trump and Covid. Chicago ISC is the best proof for the argument that the USA is devolving into a third world country.
I've spent beaucoup $ at attiude over the years, but every year my orders get smaller w/them. AT the beginning overseas was best game in town but last 5yrs. US seedbanks have entered the game carrying Fire US bred genetics. I still like a couple of strains from euro breeders that I've run for years that's where the tude comes into play, w/amt. of seeds I,ve gotten from them there has been some crap but thats part of the game. If a US seedbank comes along stocking lines from Barneys D.Passion and 5-6 others it will be byebye Attitude
The large selection of older stuff still gets me. I must be lucky but out of 3 attitude orders I have done over the years they all arrived quickly with no problems.
I ordered from a place in the states about a week before my attitude order was placed and I still haven’t received it yet,not worried just funny how stuff can come from Europe to Canada quicker then the states
That's ok unless you want some strains that US banks don't stock, Ive seen absolutely nobody carrying any substantial products from the top old school euro breeders. I'm sentimental because a while back you had to go overseas for genetics and while the US def. has more fire strains now there are some oldies but goodies I like to run therefore I still have to shop there a little
Exactly, American seed sellers take advantage of the situation we're in, where the threat of interception exists for overseas orders and use it to jack up their prices. There are some good American breeders, but they absolutely are ripping people off and I don't like it. It's a gold rush situation and they're cashing in. I don't blame them, it's the American way, doesn't mean I have to like it or participate in it.
Don,t forget our pristine infrastructure, I thought Trump was a BUILDER, If I see somebody shoot down a F-35 w/a stinger or 50cal thats when we will officially be a 3rd world country.ccguns
Exactly, American seed sellers take advantage of the situation we're in, where the threat of interception exists for overseas orders and use it to jack up their prices. There are some good American breeders, but they absolutely are ripping people off and I don't like it. It's a gold rush situation and they're cashing in. I don't blame them, it's the American way, doesn't mean I have to like it or participate in it.
Dna was charging 15 a seed 15yrs ago
Exactly, American seed sellers take advantage of the situation we're in, where the threat of interception exists for overseas orders and use it to jack up their prices. There are some good American breeders, but they absolutely are ripping people off and I don't like it. It's a gold rush situation and they're cashing in. I don't blame them, it's the American way, doesn't mean I have to like it or participate in
Mostly it's that w/legalization in some states our breeding has passed Europe up ,look at st rains in Europe now it's like they're stuck in the mud