Attitude Seeds to US


Well-Known Member
Is everything on the up and up with them right now.

No problems or delays right now? Considering a new order.

Thanks for your input.


bud bootlegger
i've just made two orders from them in the last week, since they've already given out my info, what worse can they do?? i still trust them and always always get my orders from them, so take it for what you will..


New Member
Ordered my seeds from attitude on the 16'th, got them on the 23rd. Nice and pretty in the packaging, completely undisturbed.


Active Member
placed an order on the 6th got them on the 16th. Thats with the Mothers Day holiday shipping... Ziggy please erase your comment about the stealth shipping!


New Member
It's been said before on here that if the government wants to know how the stealth shipping is done, all they have to do is order from the company. It's not like what we talk about on here is any big secret. I agree with this. I also agree with those who said that it's just a crapshoot as to whether you're gonna get confiscated or not. Customs has bigger fish to fry in the form of terrorist threats and other pressing national security issues. They don't have time to waste ferreting out some cannabis seeds. No, we're just getting our stuff grabbed in random X-rays and searches.

I used to think that it would be a hindrance to publish this stuff, but when I saw the post I mentioned, I realized it's just paranoia. Too much paranoia.


Active Member
It's been said before on here that if the government wants to know how the stealth shipping is done, all they have to do is order from the company. It's not like what we talk about on here is any big secret. I agree with this. I also agree with those who said that it's just a crapshoot as to whether you're gonna get confiscated or not. Customs has bigger fish to fry in the form of terrorist threats and other pressing national security issues. They don't have time to waste ferreting out some cannabis seeds. No, we're just getting our stuff grabbed in random X-rays and searches.


I used to think that it would be a hindrance to publish this stuff, but when I saw the post I mentioned, I realized it's just paranoia. Too much paranoia.
Your right. so why make there job easier. let them spend our tax dollars to see how its shipped.....


Well-Known Member
I ordered from the tude on the 16th on this month, still haven't received my order.... pretty sure customs got them. However I have heard of attitude orders coming in 3 weeks from order time, so I still have a little hope.


Well-Known Member
Ordered from the tude on the 23rd, was shipped really quick, and then the package sat in Jamaica NY, for 3 days till they dispatched it out to me...hopefully they didn't take anything out. I might receive it on the 30th.


Well-Known Member
Ordered one seed with the tude on the 16th of this month, THey sent seed(s) plus included one more bonus seed. Arrived 24th. Sprung for the "guranteed shipping" NO COMPLAINTS. Heard about security issues, but from personal experience haven't had anything happen. I would use their service again... Only have received 2 seeds from them ATM, but so far shipping was exceptional and seeds germinated 2 for 2.. Check out my grow sig. HIghly Recommended!


Well-Known Member
Just made my first order with them as well. It was shipped on the 26th, so now its the hurry up and wait game. Will let ya know how the shipping to the midwest goes over.


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal. The Attitude does offer a great service. They ship consistently and I've received all my orders in about a week, although the shipping is a bit pricey. With that said, they do have security issues, and they've admitted it. If anything was going to happen to the info stolen, it would have happened by now. As of now, the only thing that has happened is a scam email being sent. Not a big deal, but this has prompted me to go to another seed bank. My issue isn't with their services, but their security.


Well-Known Member
Here's the deal. The Attitude does offer a great service. They ship consistently and I've received all my orders in about a week, although the shipping is a bit pricey. With that said, they do have security issues, and they've admitted it. If anything was going to happen to the info stolen, it would have happened by now. As of now, the only thing that has happened is a scam email being sent. Not a big deal, but this has prompted me to go to another seed bank. My issue isn't with their services, but their security.

Thats why you use prepaid debit/credit cards... just incase things like this happen, and sorry but I'm not putting purchases like these onto my actual card that I use frequently. I just don't think that would be a wise idea.


Well-Known Member
If Uncle Sam wanter to put a dent in sees he would just nuke them...the same way poppy seed are sterilized.