Attitude seeds

Do you honestly believe the Feds would be unable to figure out how various different seedbanks shipped their products if not for us mentioning how it is done?

If nothing else all they would have to do is place an order from each seedbank and then inspect the package once it arrives. They would see what return name was used and what packaging was used and then notify Customs what to look for.

There are bound to be numerous other ways to do it and ways that are very simple and would likely be considered to be more accurate than what people in online pot forums say.

Mentioning online how seeds are shipped will not result in shipments no longer getting through. If the Feds want to find out how seeds are shipped they will find it out without ‘asking’ for our help.

Sorry for trying to be extra careful. I just figure it's easy enough to say that they are packaged stealthily, but clearly not.
I placed my order 7 days on a saturday before i received it, it was really quick then again im on the jersey shore, i used my own credit card and paid for the t-shirt which happened to be pretty cool anyways- its worth it even if its not, it just protects your investment, however i believe that its better some people dont, the dvd case has also worked for me and its less than a dollar, they guarentee your shipment as well as part of the deal, as long as it doesnt get intercepted due to your state laws, which most of the time they wouldnt tell you anyways because its not worth bothering you unless its a huge seed order, i mean huge! i work for the state and generally people let things slide all of the time, its going to come in a manilla envelope anyways, or a blue little one, but when they check it they usually do in large BULK looking for unmarked liquids, gases and other items such as firearms and anything that registers with the dog which is usually a small procudere but they are good, but to grab a seed? not good enough,
it also depends where you are sending it to and how many large posts it has to go through, mine was theirs and customs, to county, thats considered short,
Good Luck, they are A+ and the statement to my suprise said gift shop purchase, (Slipping one by the man)
eekk..i used my regular credit card..hope this is ok..what yall think

You will be perfectly fine, nothing to worry about, millions of people before you have done the same thing. Nothing to lose sleep over.
so does pre paid visa work for the tude? or should I just get a money order from the bankit says on the site that they except pre paid visa but you never know lol thanks
eekk..i used my regular credit card..hope this is ok..what yall think

A regular credit card or debit card should work just fine. If there was a problem either the transaction would not have gone through or you would have received an email shortly after your purchase saying something is rotten in the State of Denmark.
i just used attitude.. i have to say i got the seeds with the t shirt.. it's pretty cool and will be rocking it at the gym..
I got 3 sour diesel seeds feminized but 1 failed to germinate. I also got 5 thai super skunks and 1 pure gold feminized.. the pure gold germinated. haven't done anything with the thai skunks though
I just ordered my first set of beans with a cc. Am I o.k. I keep hearing different storys I ordered them friday so I hope I receive them with no problem.
I orderd on the 17 of this month .I tried my debit visa and it wouldnt work ,went to wal-mart to get a pre-pay visa it wouldnt work over seas.I was told to go to walgrens drug store for the wright one when i got there they had 3 kinds I looked them over and one was a green dot visa deb. that said it worked over seas.I whent on line activated it and placed my order it went threw now it needs to show up .Its going to a post office box on the east coast.I like that there is free seeds to try but the skunk is like a 13 week flower with 5 seeds free dang they wont work out doors in the north geeee
oh ok thanks for the help dude
To all you guys that have ordered yes the grren dot card works and you should get your beans you can call them if you look on there website theres a number to call I had to do it a guy let me know that it was all good and on it's way the tracking is not that great but mine made it to my in 7 days but I shipped the steath way plus I was 25 cent short on my card and they still shipped mine so if you need to call them they will look up your order and let you know if it's all good