Attitude Sept Promo - Cali Connection

Sept cali conn promo... Anyone have a problem germinating purple diesel and grape kush... Those were the only two out of 15 plus seeds that didnt germinate.
My Heri 33 freebie didnt want to pop... Took a razor blade and lighly scored all the way around the bean along the crease. Threw it back into a cup of water, and it popped less then 24 hours later
Dang still no beans and I ordered the seconded night, I really hope they show up for me starting to get nervous, anybody on the PNW get there's and know what costumes they might have gone through?
I got ripped by Custom's, and I am pissed the f*#k off too. I e-mailed Attitude saying that they could keep all of the seeds that I bought and the UFO freebie's. I told them the CC promo seeds were the only one's that I wanted and were the only reason I even made the order in the 1st place. They said that if they still had more CC promo freebie's left then I would get them with the reship. This is only the 2nd time out of maybe 15 Attitude orders of mine that has gotten snagged by Custom's. I think it is because my order's have been going through Custom's in Chicago instead of NY ever since they had that hurricane hit up there last year I believe. Anyways this shit just sucks. I seriously doubt that anyone who's order got snagged like mine will not be getting those CC promo beans with their reship. I hope that I am wrong though!
Damn thats F*cked up
Sept cali conn promo... Anyone have a problem germinating purple diesel and grape kush... Those were the only two out of 15 plus seeds that didnt germinate.

Only one of my purple diesel's didn't germ....Accidentally broke the tap root on the Louis OG so she didnt make it....the others are fine though
Well it's amazing what happens when you are nice! I just got an email saying the tude will send out my ufo's that were missed. It's only 4 beans but they were very nice about it and sent them straight away. That's pretty awesome service to me :)
Well it's amazing what happens when you are nice! I just got an email saying the tude will send out my ufo's that were missed. It's only 4 beans but they were very nice about it and sent them straight away. That's pretty awesome service to me :)
i had some beans broken during shipping and they sent replacements
That's great too. Im just saying I'm amazed that people go off their head at attitude, where if you are nice and talk to them properly, they will make it right :)
When are they going to put out the specs on the new strains? Cali connection seeds? Im trying that Atomic Bomb too. Im a fan of Chemdawg and kush, so its gotta be good.