Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Well-Known Member
From a guys point of view: Condoms suck and they take away most of the sensation. You can feel the pressure but not the strokes or friction to much. Plus with no skin contact it feels somewhat impersonal if you look at it as an expression of love within a relationship :sad:. It seems to take some of the sensuality out of it as well but I've used a condom every time just in case.:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
damn..diz aint english class..and i aint mean to put dont twice..i dont pay attention wen i type..
But this is a message board where people read the same way they did in english class. The problem isn't that your statement was grammatically incorrect, the problem is that people will misinterpret you or just plain not understand you. If your not understood your message has no relevance or meaning. We are all stoners here though, we all make mistakes but life always goes on and we learn from them.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Code, I repped you for that one, because it's the truth.

And yeah, condoms feel wierd on the inside, all dry and powdery, if I were a man, I wouldn't want to put my dick in that.


Well-Known Member
you get what you pay for with condoms.
the ones i usually choose are super awesome. anything trojan, the newest styles are best.
even the ones that they gave out free at school were nice. me and the nurse were on a first name basis soon after i lost my virginity.


Well-Known Member
when a girl brushes her breasts against you does she know it? i used to work with this girl and she would always lean down on my desk to talk to me. she had large breasts. she would always shove them against my arm. my wife tried to tell me she didn't realize she was doing it, that girls aren't always thinking like that. that she was just talking to me and didn't even realize she had her boobs on me. is this true?


Well-Known Member
when a girl brushes her breasts against you does she know it? i used to work with this girl and she would always lean down on my desk to talk to me. she had large breasts. she would always shove them against my arm. my wife tried to tell me she didn't realize she was doing it, that girls aren't always thinking like that. that she was just talking to me and didn't even realize she had her boobs on me. is this true?
I guess it's possible. I've noticed that it's easier to ignore it when they're leaning or resting on something, as opposed to when someone brushes up against them. But still, exactly how pressed against your arm were they? Because I'm sorry, past a certain point, you notice.

Unless they're fake....

I mean, personally, I usually notice even the slightest touches. Especially when it involves a man, just notice that kinda stuff.


Well-Known Member
I don't know about all that. lol, there's a difference between not noticing, and noticing but ignoring it because there's nothing you can do about it, lol

Did you ever see Duece Bigalow? The way that one girl at the fish shop just doesn't notice that her tits are in the water....yeah, that's some straight bullshit.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to say she did it on purpose if she didnt immediately jump away. My boobs are like any other part of my body...I can tell if they are in contact with something. On a side note, one time this guy I liked was showing me something on his computer...he got on his knees beside me as I sat at his computer chair...there was no touching, but the heat that was coming off of his crotch made me think he had a vent on under the desk or something.


New Member
yep. No matter what size they are I think most women know if they are touching something and especially if they are touching somone :o
A women rubbing her breasts up against a guy is the same as a man rubbing his **** against you,
know matter how innocent it may appear. :?
I went the a hairdressing salong once only to have this guy who was cutting my hair let me know if he a hard on. Wouldn't stop rubbing the up against me.
It was very embarrrassing to say the least and I was not impressed.:?

I'm gonna have to say she did it on purpose if she didnt immediately jump away. My boobs are like any other part of my body...I can tell if they are in contact with something. On a side note, one time this guy I liked was showing me something on his computer...he got on his knees beside me as I sat at his computer chair...there was no touching, but the heat that was coming off of his crotch made me think he had a vent on under the desk or something.
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