I got a belt with HONDA embossed on it.
*tackles Twisty and smothers him with sleepy love*
I think you need to just break up with her. You sound like you're wanting to use your going away as an excuse, but that wouldn't be a good idea, because you'd be giving her that hope, that if she came with you, that you still love her in some way....
You need to break up with her, explain your reasons and end it. Maybe after she gets that you're broken up you can tell her about your job offer, but you should make it very clear that the job has nothing to do with the break up.
Do you live in California? I know someone with a vanity plate that says MSBHAVIN or something like that, and your username just made me think of it...
or you could stage your own death! We could have a funeral for you and everything....even bury you!
Don't trip, we'd give you oxygen tanks, and we'd be back to dig you up when it got dark.
Of course we might get caught, and arrested for...grave robbing?....anyways, we'd get arrested, and booked, and then you'd sufficate and die....
Maybe we should skip the burying you part.