Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
THe picture is a different one of me, and I fiddled with it so it looked like it was viewed from the tie dyed eyes of a hippie....after all, don't want to be that easy to recognize.I'm 30 right now, and I hear ya about feeling add extra years.When they're eighteen and gone, I'm commiting to my lifelong ambition to be a full time drug addict....look for me in a gutter near you! And i don't get carded....everyone can tell by the defeated look on my face that I'm past my prime.My kingdom for a time machine....years of bad sex erased.....think of all the times I could have just played video games and smoked a doobie instead!

Ms. Mc Fried? You changed your avatar? It used to be black and white? Is it the same picture, but you changed the photo effects? Whatever the case, cool imagery.
Eeek! Just read a few pages at random here. For a ladies' thread, it sure did attract the sharks and all their . . . you know. For god's sake, they never stop do they? Well, maybe in their 90s they do . . . cause I know one man in his 80's who is still trying.
Oh, and wow! I feel OLD here. I also thought that Wikid seemed older than her early twenties (even though the kitty seems to be in its 30's, heh heh). I am in my forties. I gotta say, though, that I don't feel like I'm old. It's just the physical stuff . . . your skin starts doing weird stuff, like reacting strangely to the sun . . . or you look dehydrated if you're not drinking enough water . . . or the skin on, get this, your knees starts sagging. It's a d-r-a-g, this aging thing. For all you women in your twenties? You own a GOLD MINE. Ditto for the thirties crowd. Even forty wasn't bad, but wow, you get into your mid-forties, and life starts feeling like it was always on fast forward, only it didn't notify you that it was going to do that.
But, on a positive note, last year, I got carded at the grocery store for wine. I thought that was pretty cool, esp since I was in my bathing suit, no makeup, a real mess after being out in the sun for hours. Then? As a gigantic ego booster, almost a year to the day? I got carded again!
If you're still in your twenties, you probably cannot even imagine what that can do for your fragile female ego. You really do have the gold mine at that age. I still have it, I just have to **remind myself** that I still have it, and not let myself feel bad because I don't look like, well, I don't look like women in their twenties! So just take it from your grandma here, if you're still in your twenties, treat life like it's an ice cream cone that's going to melt and enjoy it, as well as your beauty, as much as you can.
Man, I am dreading turning fifty. But then, the alternative sounds kind of nasty too--RIP dead at 45?
Live it up, girls. It will not last forever. Before you know it, you too will be older than all the pin-up girls. But then again, once you get into middle age, you have something the twenty-somethings don't have, but will one day have--experience.
Life flies by. Especially if you have children. It seems like it's all on fast forward.
And as for all the guys here (and EVERYWHERE) who want us to prove we're all women? Oh please. So lacking in originality. But ain't it fun to have them do it anyway? Men . . . ah, life would be so boring without them; not that we need them anymore, scientifically, biologically, we could all do it without them, but would we really want to? So? We put up with the goofier of them so that the real gems can shine.
And that? Brings up the whole unfair topic of: men age better than women. Oh yeah? Ever look at the singles ads on yahoo or elsewhere? Sure.
Enough. I gotta go take out my dentures and take my hormone replacement pills (not).
Women, we gotta stick together! But I love men too. I had too good a dad not to believe that all men are users.