ATTN: U.S. Seed Buyers


Well-Known Member
One other thing of note... if you read carefully, the seeds arrived in a completely DIFFERENT state. They arrived in Chicago, and customs called Indiana LEO.
Chicago is less than an hour from Indiana, airmail is delivered through O-Hare


Well-Known Member
1. why in the hell did they arrive at the airport?
2. he must have been ordering mass amounts of seed to notice a package that looks 'suspicious' i call bullshit
3. why in the fuck did he use his real name and address?

my point is proven all the time. growing weed doesnt get people busted, stupid people growing weed get themselves busted.

no wonder they think us potheads are so dumb.... we do stupid shit and dont cover tracks

I agree about the name thing but where the hell else could I send them?

I guess I could say those aren't mine and then they check my credit card and find that I bought them.

Although I did order a peyote cactus with my name and nothing happend to me...yet anyway.


Well-Known Member
we are doing something highly illegal, highly! why would one be so lax/passive on the steps our hobby requires? you just cant take short cuts when your security is at risk.
I think about that just being on this site makes me nervous.

I think I'm getting lax myself I think nothing of smoking in my car now I used to be terrified to do that.


Well-Known Member
I ordered seeds back in 01 just after 911 and i got them with no problems during the anthrax scare when everyone was getting anthrax mailed to them. I did it at the worste possible time and never had a problem . Ive ordered many times since.


Well-Known Member
someone needs to make a "SeeD Exchange"
keep it all in the U.S
for Medical Marijuana
keep it in the Medical Marijuana States
or something, theres got to be a safer way than over seas


Well-Known Member
someone needs to make a "SeeD Exchange"
keep it all in the U.S
for Medical Marijuana
keep it in the Medical Marijuana States
or something, theres got to be a safer way than over seas
That isn't likely to happen until Cannabis gets rescheduled. A seed place would be raided just like the Medical Cannabis places now. I suspect that when it does get rescheduled there will be some kick ass genetics more readily available.


Well-Known Member
Since this happend in the Chicago area, I saw on the news with that Gov. Glago indictment and all, the U.S. Attorneys had a US Postal Shield in back of them during the FBI interview on the tube. Maybe they are just heavy in Chicago due to all the corruption and bull crap? Just a thought but I'm probably wrong. I looked for the pix on that but couldn't find it, sorry. There were actually two shields in back of them one could have been the US Attorney's shield.:?


Well-Known Member
I wonder though if it's legal to send police to a house on that basis. I could order seeds by money order to anybody's house. I dunno, just asking.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the post - good to know because I do see a lot of 'you will only get a letter' written here. Question is: how do you safely order seeds online or is there no such thing.

Send them to a friends or relatives home unknown - this would make me the biggest piece of shit in the world. I heard one guy say he sent them to his grandmother's house - what an a-hole. And this doesn't make you any safer. If the police come knocking you better believe your friend or relative will send them your way especially if they didn't know ahead of time.

Send them to a friend's house knowingly - same goes as above. Sorry, your friend in not going to jail for you and the state now has a witness. You would probably be charged with more counts because of conspiracy.

Set up a fake PO Box - sure, now you're committing a federal crime. You don't think the most rookie FBI or Customs agent couldn't follow a line back to you? Christ, they found the serial numbers of the transmissions on the Uhaul rentals that did the OK and the WTC bombings.

Send them to a second home that you own that is being rented out - maybe, but it still wouldn't take a lot of effort to track back to you. And you would need to own two homes which I don't.

I live about 3 hours from Windsor, Canada where you can legally buy seeds. I have considered running over there and coming back with my colon packed full of seeds. Very small chance of getting a random cavity search coming back across the border, but God that is the last thing I want.

I am also keeping the big picture in mind. I run out to 'my dude' every few weeks and call him before I come over (not that anything is said on the phone). Statistically, I know I have a much better chance of getting busted there, but after twenty odd some years buying I have never had a legal problem with it (knock on wood).

Right now I am growing from seeds that I saved out of good bags. I am holding off on buying until I see what comes down with proposal 1 that just passed. At least then I want have to worry about repercussions from local authorities.

Sorry, if i hijacked your thread :(


Well-Known Member
its not hard to get a PO BOX..they dont check can rent a short term PO box if you wanted and have the seeds shipped to it..i wasnt extremely worried..although it would have been cheaper had i rented a PO BOX..i knew they couldnt do anything to me...they knew it too..the did however steal a bunch of shit out of my home.the pigs that is...its like ali baba and the fourty theifs showing up at your door..fucking sucks...


Well-Known Member
Seeds Lead To 19 Pot Plants

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Seeds Lead To 19 Pot Plants[/FONT]
[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]Online Purchase Tracked By Police[/FONT]

[FONT=ARIAL, SANS SERIF]For The News-Dispatch[/FONT]

[FONT=GEORGIA, SERIF]LA PORTE - An online purchase of marijuana seeds from overseas caught the attention of federal authorities, leading to the discovery of an alleged growing operation in La Porte.

According to investigators, 19 plants were grown mostly to support the habit of David Bollinger, 57, and Sandra Manring, 49.

"They've been longtime users of marijuana," Indiana State Police Trooper Jason Sample alleged.

Sample, the lead investigator, said the seeds were ordered from Europe and delivered to Chicago's O'Hare Airport.

U.S. Customs and Immigration authorities detected something peculiar about the package and called Indiana authorities.

With the address from the package in hand, Sample responded to the home Monday night in the 1600 block of Stone Lake Drive.

He smelled an odor of fresh marijuana and was allowed to go in the basement where the plants, high-powered lights, fertilizer and other materials used in a hydroponic growing operation were discovered.

Due to their cooperation, the couple will be allowed to turn themselves in if a judge - after reviewing the evidence - orders them arrested, police said.

The couple allegedly told investigators they had been growing marijuana for at least four years, mostly for personal use.

Judging from their ledger books, though, Sample said some of the marijuana was sold.

At full maturity, all of the plants would have a street value of more than $10,000, police said.

So how safe is seed buying online????? :evil:

Damn thats some crazy stuff, good info!


Well-Known Member
The moral to this story is NEVER open your door to cops.

This is how this thing went down; deputy fife gets a call from a customs agent telling him about the seeds and gives him the address. Deputy fife decides to go the address hoping he'll find something. He knocks on the door and tells the person he knows about the seeds, says he smells weed and if they don't let him search they will get a warrant and tear the place apart so the person thinks either way he's busted so he consents....exactly what deputy fife wanted. If there was enough evidence for a warrant he would have gotten one to begin with rather than risking no one answering and having the evidence destroyed.


Well-Known Member
What if it's a detective?!, they can come up and act like there wanting to buy your car house anything.


Well-Known Member
People just need to quit being stupid. I mean it's just a plant and it's a beautiful natural thing but it's still illegal in this day and age. I don't think they care and why would they if it's just 3-4 plants for personal use but when you have jackasses growing mad amounts of the marijuana with intent to sell and ditribute it makes all of us look bad. I have never sold any type of drug for money or profit because i know it's wrong. I grow my own and that's it. Nobody knows nobody cares. Now for MM patients it's a whole other story. There still are certain rules and guidelines but it's more legit. Common sense is all you need. That and Love:-)


Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you are not understanding what im saying.
do you know how much mail comes from overseas? there is no way in hell they just picked out a packaged and determined there was something peculiar about it. cmon know that smells of shit, bullshit more specifically!
i second that. i worked for the post office at one time. mail is not sorted at the airport. plus, the beans were more than likely in an envelope. unless of course he ordered 10,000 and they put them in a packkage.


Well-Known Member
I read about this case sometime ago. I believe the male occupant was a doctor.
Case in point dont order seeds to a location where something is growing or where there is evidence that would get you busted.
This couple got over confident and got busted.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't a seed bank just "spam" customs?

ie. just send a bunch of random (shit) seeds to addresses of known cops/politicians/random names out of the phone book...?

Wouldn't this potentially shut down this "raided for seeds" pandemic, thereby opening the market to the folks willing to spend the cash (and we are talking pretty big money for some genetics)?

I know in some situations international govt's will back up the US, but there is a lot of "fuck the US govt" attitude out there. You see it come out clearly in copywrite disputes on software pirate sites. So it's obvious that there are countries that pissing of the US has no bearing.

I also understand that there would be an obvious cost, but it could potentially see a return in increased sales. By allowing this to occur, it is likely that anybody on this site from IN, is no longer a potential customer to the seed banks. By stomping it, that market may return.

Too bad I don't own a seed bank...


Well-Known Member
i ordered seeds to my own adress using another name in the middle of the anthrax mailings in america and no one bothered me. knock on wood