Attracting to much unwanted attention?

My friend grows in his apartment and has a 1000W light and a 8 inch air cooled sun reflector. This air cooled reflector is ducted to a fan and a carbon fiber fillter. Its just a basic soil setup with ten plants. I don't agree with growing in apartments i think its ultimately very risky business but he was wondering if this setup is pulling to much power to set up red flags with the landlords or power company? The smell inst really an issue since he has a nice carbon fiber filter. I guess my main question is weather or not the extra one hundred to two hundred $ he spends on his electric bill will raise suspicion since everyone else pays like 40$ a month in the complex for their electric bill?


Active Member
My friend grows in his apartment and has a 1000W light and a 8 inch air cooled sun reflector. This air cooled reflector is ducted to a fan and a carbon fiber fillter. Its just a basic soil setup with ten plants. I don't agree with growing in apartments i think its ultimately very risky business but he was wondering if this setup is pulling to much power to set up red flags with the landlords or power company? The smell inst really an issue since he has a nice carbon fiber filter. I guess my main question is weather or not the extra one hundred to two hundred $ he spends on his electric bill will raise suspicion since everyone else pays like 40$ a month in the complex for their electric bill?

1000w isn't really that much. An average computer can be 500w. Where are you living that 1000w costs $100 - $200. If I paid that much my monthly bill would be thousands. How big is the apartment?


Well-Known Member
If smell and noise isn't a problem, you can easily tell your landlord you got a portable air conditioner or a very large fish tank. Running a 1000 watt light is equal to running less than 20 regular incandescent lights, so maybe your scared of the dark? I also replaced my 8 inch vortex and filter with a "ecobox". An ecobox cost only 4 cents a day to run and is quite, best of all it eliminates any smell, mold, or mildew and it sanitizes the entire area. Good luck and hope this helped.
Its 900 Square feet. Well to power the light alone its 70$ a month during veg not to mention other things such as fans computers and so fourth. 200$ was probably a little high its more aroung 100-130$. So you think that will be okay then and not draw red flags to the power company or land lords?


bud bootlegger
i was wondering.. the electric bill comes straight to your buddy is does it come from the apartments office first? if it comes straight from the electric company, i wouldn't worry about it one bit as the landlord will never know how much electric your buddy is using, so as long as everything else is in check, he should be golden.. and even if it is coming through the office, 1k is not that much energy to be using.. so long as he pays his bills on time, he should be in the clear.
The bill comes directly to him from the electric company. It does not stop at the office. Although im sure if the office wanted to look at how much electricity each renter is using they could.


Active Member
i was wondering.. the electric bill comes straight to your buddy is does it come from the apartments office first? if it comes straight from the electric company, i wouldn't worry about it one bit as the landlord will never know how much electric your buddy is using, so as long as everything else is in check, he should be golden.. and even if it is coming through the office, 1k is not that much energy to be using.. so long as he pays his bills on time, he should be in the clear.
Agreed. As long as the landlord doesn't see the bill. I'd be more worried about visits from landlords/maintenance/pest control. The power company could care less. They'd probably love it if everyone had a 1000w light.


Well-Known Member
just have an excuse if they ask why you use so much power.. computer servers(400w-800w), heaters(1500w), AC (1200w-2000w??)


Well-Known Member
The bill comes directly to him from the electric company. It does not stop at the office. Although im sure if the office wanted to look at how much electricity each renter is using they could.

Not in the least. Its a contract between the utility company and the account holder. If it did go to the office first, thats a federal offence.

He has no right to ask about how much electricity you are using as much as he has the right to ask you how much tv you watch, how long you are on the phone, how much you shower, what time you sleep.

Look at the lease. Anything that is not specified as the landlords business is none of the landlords business.

Come on kids!


Well-Known Member
i seem to remember being told that a 1000watt set up like ur talking about( i have almost the same kind) runs at about the same as a decent sized plasma screen tv


Active Member
I agree with chuck......

if you wanna have 15 computers, 4 t.v.s every light in the house on, its your free right to do so. I worked for SC edison for 6 years and believe me, The electric company isnt looking at your individual account trying to decipher what power youve used for what. Pay your shit on time and your nothing but a spot on the grid. i have a friend kicking 3 1000 w lights and he has 2 inline fans oscilating fans, humidifier etc. etc. he lives in a duplex and hes been harvesting there making good money doin it for years. Even before the legal medicinal its even more comforting:weed:

have fun good luck!

Not in the least. Its a contract between the utility company and the account holder. If it did go to the office first, thats a federal offence.

He has no right to ask about how much electricity you are using as much as he has the right to ask you how much tv you watch, how long you are on the phone, how much you shower, what time you sleep.

Look at the lease. Anything that is not specified as the landlords business is none of the landlords business.

Come on kids!