attutude seeds


New Member
So attitude has what seems like an awesome promotion this month from Humboldt seed. A little nervous being all the custom stops that are happening. This would be my first time ordering to the Midwest. Anybody having any luck with attitude to the Midwest? Also this is my firstthread so iI hope imI'm doing it right lol


Well-Known Member
There have been issues with stuff going through Chicago, but it seems to be mainly T shirts. I would go with the wallet stealth method because it is in a nice small discrete package, which is much harder to snag. Customs just take the seeds anyway, so I would insure them and go for it. I can't resist that Humboldt deal either. I'm ordering some today. Don't forget putting "rollitup" in the discount box for your 10% savings. Peace


New Member
Was not aware of the 10% savings good looking out guess I'll try it and see what happens. Keeping fingers crossed!!