Aug 2nd


Well-Known Member
And still no buds....fucking ohio! Or maybe its my crazy neighbor who walks his dog all hours of the night with his lights on and a god damn flash light....-=/


Well-Known Member
I have a 6 foot NL plant and 5 1/2 feet tall White Rhino plants....these things are getting TOOO BIG! I fear its from his flood lights being on when he walks his dogs


New Member
Im in iowa i have a almost 7' white widow. No hairs yet lol. Should be starting soon though. Dont worry possibly around the 12th youll see hairs everywhere


Well-Known Member
The lights aint bothering 'em. Like everyone's sayin they'll start showing pretty soon.


aha man i really wouldnt worry, im based in the UK and i have some 6" with no sighn of flowers yet haha, jsut pistils. :roll: