Aunt Sandy's Cannabis Oil

I just received a great book called Aunt Sandy's Medical Marijuana Cookbook: Comfort Food for Mind & Body that is packed full of great recipes - :bigjoint:

I thought I'd share one for some strong cooking oil! Theres some other great food recipes in here, so if you're interested you should check it out.

It's available for purchase here:

This oil can be used in any recipe that includes cooking oil. This book includes many such recipes that look amazing. Imagine cannabis cioppino or cannabis pesto!

:peace: Recipe and Instructions :peace:

2 cups

saucepan or small stockpot
small catch pot
potato masher or stiff spoon
cheesecloth, kitchen gloves
funnel, airtight jar or bottle with lid

1/4 ounce to 1 ounce of ground marijuana buds
2 cups of cooking oil (olive, canola, peanut, vegetable, coconut, etc.)

1 ounce results in maximum strength marijuana oil.
Here a chart below for measuring potency when using trim vs. buds.

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Note: Maximum strength may not be possible if using trim/shake as too much material will not be completely saturated by the oil.

1. Weigh desired amount of plant material on scale.
2. If using buds, break the buds up into small chunks.
3. Combine oil and plant material in a saucepan or small stockpot.
4. Saute over medium heat for 20 minutes.
5. Strain the oil from the plant material into a separate container using a medium to fine strainer or appropriate colander.
6. To maximize yield, you may want to strain the remaining plant material again.
7. Be sure to allow the material to cool before handling. Use Gloves to avoid possible psychoactive effects.
8. Wrap it in cheesecloth and squeeze out the remaining oil.
9. Discard the remaining leaf material.
10. The finished oil is a beautiful color green.
11. Using a funnel, pour the oil into a clean, airtight container.
12. Be sure the storage container is completely dry to avoid the growth of molds.

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The shelf life of marijuana infused oils is 4-6 months in a dark and cool pantry away from heat and up to a year is refrigerated.

If your cannabis oil grows mold, there is either too much water content in the herb or moisture in the jar. Use Dry buds or wilt and dry the leaf before using.

Always ensure oil is stored in an airtight container.

Lastly, have fun! :weed: This book also has a 10X canna butter recipe that is worth investigating. :razz:

Until next time -

:blsmoke: EightyFive :blsmoke:


Active Member
This is terribly ironic due to the fact that my aunt sandy died (my dads twin sister) of liver cancer at like 29, but hey didnt someone say thc oil can heal cancer? ha weird coincidence