Aurora Cannabis Earnings Reveal More Money, More Problems for Recreational Pot Sales

The plot twist: On Monday after the bell, Aurora reported a net revenue of C$54.2 million, a 363% rise compared with the same period in 2018. The sales figure puts revenue at the high end of the range that Aurora forecast last month.

But the company also reported losses of C$239.6 million versus earnings of C$7.2 million a year ago. The net income figure is complicated by noncash losses related to the company’s investments in other pot-industry players. On an operating basis, Aurora lost C$80 million in the quarter.
One wrinkle, though: Aurora’s per gram selling price for its cannabis fell 21% from a year ago to $6.23, a decline the company blamed largely on a new excise tax, as well as “the wholesale pricing structure in the Canadian consumer market.”
Aurora Cannabis Inc.’s Chief Executive Officer Terry Booth told analysts and investors on an earnings call that he “loses sleep” over the industry’s ability to supply the global cannabis market.

“It will be at least five years until we have an oversupply situation,” said Booth

spoken like a complete fool .

the fact he thinks he can sell SHIT POISON to unknowing people is completely Nuts

guy has zero clue
They have an over supply now...and cant get rid of their shit.
He was warned from day one. Was told
"I can help you TRY and grow but you will never be able to do what I tell you" 8-)
Wait until earnings come out this week...LOL hahhaa
Do you think you'll see them have really red asses.....from the bleeding of cash?
“It will be at least five years until we have an oversupply situation,” said Booth
Spoken like someone who has no idea what they're doing who is covering their ass to string investors along .Hahaha fucking loser is just ball parking when he figures they'll be turning profit. So in 3-5 years when they're all in a similar position, or maybe a bit of an improvement, what's the excuse THEN? Jesus Christ how can so many people with so much money be so fucking clueless and stupid.
Yup the schwagg will need to get even schwaggy-ier than it already is in order to lower prices.
We are gonna fuckem at every turn....and they SO deserve it for what they did to us for years.
It's honestly like these idiots (with the help of the government) have gone out of their way to fuck this up in the most spectacular way possible. I think the whole thing has been a scam just to generate some quick cash gains for investors, they don't seem to have any real interest in growing or selling weed.

College kids are doing this shit in their closets, guys....its not that hard