Aurora Indica Harvest - 155 days from seed. ~40 oz

looks like 10 ozs tops. My guess would be around 5-7 but that just what my eye says. good job either way, my 3 plant pull prolly wont even be that much V_V
Really why does everyone have to pit in and say "no way, your exaggerating" blah blah blah, just leave things be, just because you think it, doesn't mean you have to post it :)

Nice grow either way my friend!!

About to order these, and aware from many comments that they tink...did you use any odour control, carbon filter etc?? I currently have Blue Mystic, and my filter kills the smells even at week 9. I live in a 98% retired neighbourhood, so they shouldn't know the smell anyway, but will definitely complain to the law if they do
Really why does everyone have to pit in and say "no way, your exaggerating" blah blah blah, just leave things be, just because you think it, doesn't mean you have to post it :)

Nice grow either way my friend!!

About to order these, and aware from many comments that they tink...did you use any odour control, carbon filter etc?? I currently have Blue Mystic, and my filter kills the smells even at week 9. I live in a 98% retired neighbourhood, so they shouldn't know the smell anyway, but will definitely complain to the law if they do

because if someone makes a claim and ppl think this claim is exaggerrated,then they have a right to say so.
looking at the pics,its hard to believe his claim.
I know, but really, live and let live, or at least say it a bit nicer.

I'm no devout tree hugger, I give ppl shit when they deserve it...but for a worthy cause.

Maybe a just picked up more negativity in the comments then was intended, I have just had 2 joints in the first hour of waking up

Please do not escalate this, I'm just not interested in a slanging match lol :)
this is constructive criticism so please don't take offence. i am trying to help everybody on this site become a better grower.

155 days is far too long to be growing a plant indoors, you should try growing more plants with a quicker turnaround. you will yield a lot more and also find it less likely to have problems such as mold and nutrient deficiencies.

if you get caught by the police with 2 plants it is the same as getting caught with 12 plants at least where i am that is the case.

what is the set up you have there? (lighting/extraction etc).

Here is my current harvest, cured, from two aurora indica plants. i didn't purchase a weight machine. That's it, no more money spent on my weed hobby. Now I spend few money on rolling paper and that's it :) The indica is STRONG. Brings you down, 100% relax and perfect sleep after. You can feel the high more when smoking Short riders ( which I previously harvested ). I will reply to all in a second. Thank you guys for the support and thanks to rollitup community! I did it :) My first grow !!!
nice grow. i have grown several Nirvana aurora indicas and love them. gotta tell ya, after two months cure, the smoke is grrrrreat!.. GL
I'm still curing the buds aswel. The smelll & smoke is great!

Congrats! I harvested AI a while back and have most of it left. Way too potent for the morning toke (for me.) Kind of puts me into a fog during the day, and makes me sleep like a little baby at night. I made some dry ice hashish from the entire bottom of each plant and only use this stuff when I don't want anything less than 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Thanks mate! It puts me into deep & resting sleep. These are great plant. I wonder how stupid you can be to consider them illegal.

Never grew that strain from Nirvana done some others though. To the best of my knowledge Aurora Indica is their version of Northern Lights like Papaya is their version of the Mango strain. If thats the case then typical Northern Lights is one of the most stealthiest strains out there in terms of smell.
It still smell dense while you grow them, especially when you water them. I own a small apartment, in the first floor, it was a really adveture. Adventure because I have also some guests :) I remember once, when I had 2-3 weeks old plants a guy from Denver, CO visited me. The smell was all over the house but I said nothing to him. He also didn't said nothing.

No real cam. Just a phone but I'm gonna scope out some scopes:-) ill see what I can come up with in the way of a digi cam from a neighbor tomorrow n use the zoom.. ill post what I come up with
Good luck mate!

so how much did it weigh dry on a digital scale
Man, I only have the jars. I will not invest in a weight machine. That's it :) Please check the pics.

To OP a general rule of thumb
Don't EVER say you pulled X weight WET. noone cares.
I know mate, it make sense. I was so excited by the heavy branches with all that bud. It was my first grow aswell. I'll keep in mind next time, I promise!

Congratulations on a grow well done. Hats off to you.
Thanks mate. It was a great adventure. Growing cannabis indoor is fun :) Nice experience!
looks like 10 ozs tops. My guess would be around 5-7 but that just what my eye says. good job either way, my 3 plant pull prolly wont even be that much V_V
Don't know the numbers man. I only have the pics with the jars. Anyway I'm happy with the results. The plants had a great life, I did my best for that.

Really why does everyone have to pit in and say "no way, your exaggerating" blah blah blah, just leave things be, just because you think it, doesn't mean you have to post it :) Nice grow either way my friend!! About to order these, and aware from many comments that they tink...did you use any odour control, carbon filter etc?? I currently have Blue Mystic, and my filter kills the smells even at week 9. I live in a 98% retired neighbourhood, so they shouldn't know the smell anyway, but will definitely complain to the law if they do
I used only the small gelly you find in store for the bathroom. Nothing fancy. The big fans for exhaust with a filter on are expensive and noisy. I live in a small apartment and needed to move the box after a month in the room where we sleep. So too many fans means no sleep. In my country people don't know that much about weed smell. If I live in US in a state where cannabis is forbidden I wouldn't do it in the same way. Def try using some odor control. Good luck!

because if someone makes a claim and ppl think this claim is exaggerrated,then they have a right to say so.
looking at the pics,its hard to believe his claim.
It's true mate. You have a point. Please check the latest pics I posted. Those are harvested off the two aurora indica plants. A less harvest was taken from the "ripped by cat" plant :)

I know, but really, live and let live, or at least say it a bit nicer.
I'm no devout tree hugger, I give ppl shit when they deserve it...but for a worthy cause.
Maybe a just picked up more negativity in the comments then was intended, I have just had 2 joints in the first hour of waking up
Please do not escalate this, I'm just not interested in a slanging match lol :)
You are right. Some people which are pros or more experienced tend to be more hard with the newbies. It's fine for me. I can learn from my mistakes :)

this is constructive criticism so please don't take offence. i am trying to help everybody on this site become a better grower.
155 days is far too long to be growing a plant indoors, you should try growing more plants with a quicker turnaround. you will yield a lot more and also find it less likely to have problems such as mold and nutrient deficiencies.
if you get caught by the police with 2 plants it is the same as getting caught with 12 plants at least where i am that is the case.
what is the set up you have there? (lighting/extraction etc).
I know that. 155 days is way too much, but that's it. It was a nice experience. I don't regret a thing. PLUS I can't afford to have multiple grows since I'll be busy in future and it's a pain in the ass I can host people ( Couchsurfing ) or invite friends ( most of them ) at my place.
If you get cought by police here in Romania it might be the same thing, indeed. But when they judge you, in trial, I think the number of the plants count. 2 is not equal with 12 here. 12 plants means you intend to sell, being a pro at growing, etc.
Thanks again to all for checking my plants. Thank you for all your help guys. I promise I will do my best to give humble advices to others if I can. Cheers from Romania!!!
I think you did great, id like to try that strain some day but its not easy to find. I always look for it at dispensaries but no one ever has it.
I'm not an expert :) I've been better at rolling joints. Keep in mind that I'm not a tobacco smoker. I'm using only plain weed.

I'll make a quick A-Z photo list. Hope you'll like it.

Cheers to all!
glad you are happy with the results, you aren't here to please us lol.

nice tampon joint!! i bet it got you pretty stoned
Aurora indica is good but if you are growing indoors you might as well go top grade. Try some kush next time round, fine smoke. research your strains, some kush are better than others, nirvana carries great basic strains, but you'll find finer smokes from other seed companies. if you can access to some clones that would be great.

It may be a little harder to grow than nirvanas, but the bud will be better.


but yeah they look great for a first grow +rep

let us know dry weight
looks fantastic!!! Hope my first grow ends with similar results.
Rep added for your green thumb and pleasant attitude!!!
I hope this is a proper joint. I'm doing my best to do it right. Youtube helps alot.
Also, to be honest, I noticed an increased sexual appetite after smoking a fat joint. Not right after smoking but when I woke up :) Maybe it's just this time.

A second thing I noticed. It's sooo hard to focus on movies. Basically I can't merge the scenes and have an overall image of it. Can't focus at all. It's also weird when you speak on the phone with someone. Dohh I barely express my ideas. The sleep is perfect, I'm doing it like a baby :) This happends when I smoke Aurora Indica.
