Aurora Indica - I've never seen anything like this.


Well-Known Member
I gave my buddy a fem AI seed from Nirvana.

It's now about 2.5 weeks old.

He is using essentially the same setup I use (always successful).

The rest of the plants in the grow (ppp, haze) are doing great.

It's kind of hard to describe. The off-color stuff on the surface is 3 dimensional.

The leaves aren't brittle per se, but some of the fan leaves have splits in them.

It has an off putting smell that reminds me of a dirty fish aqaurium, but you have to get close to smell it.

Anybody have a clue?



Well-Known Member

I think this is pretty interesting.. surely moreso than the 3 pages of newer questions posed over a 24 hour period that could be easily diagnosed by reading the stickys.



Well-Known Member
About 10 days before I posted this, It was watered with a jug of water that had 1 tsp. of Foxfarm Grow Big in it.
A few drops of water touched the fan leaves.

Could that have done it?


Well-Known Member
No that would have no done it... I have see that before too. I had a friend that had the EXACT same issue with clones right after he transplanted.. I think what is going on is a few things...... And they truth of all things I could sit here and tell u what he did wrong, to name a few, to much heat on roots, and over feed when they are craving more water and HIGH grow room temps, so u should feed lighter. If I were u-chuck that thing out or put it on your neighbors porch or on someones car hood, because no one could possible thing that is a marijuwana plant-at least not how it is suppose to look....
I ditched my acquaintance friend because he does not have the mentality to grow.. Maybe u need to spend more time with your friend!! hehe


Well-Known Member
since no one has replied i guess i'm as qualified as any
the few drops shouldn't cause this, likely some mutant
only other thing is that blue/purple color is usually associated with phosphorus deficiency


since no one has replied i guess i'm as qualified as any
the few drops shouldn't cause this, likely some mutant
only other thing is that blue/purple color is usually associated with phosphorus deficiency
Hard to tell by your pic but I don't think it is anything you did. I have a plant outside, about 5 weeks old and 3', doing the same thing. I just noticed it today. It's as though it just appeared over night. Kinda looks like some dark substance on it in several places. Looking through some of other peeps probs it looks like Mg deficiency. I"m gonna try epsom salt foliar spray in the morning. Gonna take some pics too.


Active Member
maybe mother plant just got crossed with lettuce. that thing is crazy. i'd get rid of that, in case it's some kind of disease.


Active Member
im gona have a look into it m8 and get back to ya if I find anything out. Its a weird one.


Well-Known Member
Well... he tossed it already.

Still weird as hell..

I have two more that just sprouted, so we'll see if it's an isolated incident.


Sorry to tell you this but to me that looks a lot like tobacco mosaic disease... or one of the mosaic diseases... untreatable and deadly to your whole garden... get it out of there!!! Dont reuse the soil!! if you smoke ciggys wash your hands before touching plants!!